Gaming moments you wish you'd caught on video


Dec 27, 2006
Reaction score
The net is bloated with videos of game footage that don't really justify their own existence, but I can think of one or two which I would post on Youtube without hestitation, IF ONLY I had managed to record them.

The all-time best happened when I was doing a Hunter vigillante mission in Vice City. I was chasing a single car which was speeding away down the road in front of the car dealership when suddenly it ramped off the back of a car-carrying truck. During the second or so that it was airborn, I managed to destroy it with a rocket. Then, deciding that that evanescent moment could never be topped, I ended my Vice City career and never resumed it.

What are some of the gaming moments you wish you could show to the world in all of their glory?
In Monster Truck Madness 2, when i collided with a train in 100 mph.

I flew for 15 minutes.
I had some cool cs moments back in the day. Like I would be standing then I would hear footsteps. Then I would whip the mouse around while jump+crouching only to find the guy at the business end of my gun. Or shooting some guy in source while he was just about to land on a box. The ragdoll made it look like he was doing a faceplant. So many times I wish I had recorded it. *Some BF2 moments were prety sick too. Like riding shotgun (literally) while we were being chased. Or being the gunner while a hunter chopper came after you.
Various deagle headshots while I was airborne... each time from very long distances. And shooting people in the head while they are airborne is fun as hell as well.
Some of my most fond moments of CS were when I would be awping. I'd get flashed then somehow manage to zoom in, throw my mouse sideways, do a 180 and headshot a guy with the awp. I was just amazed at that...Only did that one more time. :p

And since I invested 800 hours into BF2, I've got lots of those. Driving the jeep, hitting a bump just right to where I was riding a wheely for the entire side of the island on wake island. Then bailing just as an RPG was about to it, and thus, firing my ERYX at him killing.

Or me dodging various tank shells while still somehow ending up killing the tank with my 2 eryx shots to the treads.
GTA San Andreas. I had the greatest chase of all time in San Fierro. I had 4 stars and my car was on fire. There was a roadblock straight ahead. I dive out and the car collides with the roadblock right on que. I jump the wall next to me and get in a really awesome shootout with the police. I cannot describe the awesomeness of this shootout. I begin to take damage and more cops keep coming so I jump the wall again. I'm back on the street and there are cops ****ing everywhere. I sprint across the road into an alleyway that goes uphill at a very steap angle. There's a squad car blocking the alley but I just jump over it and continue running. Cops start coming out of the damn walls and I end up stuck in another fire-fight. I look up and there's a squad car almost flying down the alley at me. I duck and it ploughs down all the cops around me, just going over my head. I'm almost dead as I reach the top of the alleyway. A SWAT van comes out of nowhere and parks in front of me. I kill the driver and take the damn van. I drive off into the sunset with a helicopter and every cop in the city after me. I just about make it back to my safe-house.

Also, I've had some very funny ragdoll moments. Once, while playing Smod I used the sniper to shoot a metrocop in the stomache. It hunched over and it's arms flew in such a way that he actually grabbed his wound. His knees buckled and he slowly fell over. It was almost like an animation. Also, in Route Canal, where cops are jumping down off a ledge, I killed one as it fell. I simply can't describe how rediculous he looked when he hit the ground.
Definately back in the day when I used to play CSS on the 24/7 Office server. I'm quite the sniper, and one time I was perched atop the bar on the far end next to the office window, and the terrorists were rushing the garage, smoke everywhere.

Not a single one of them got through.
BF2142 - on the very top of an oil platform with my squad when this fighter jet/plane keeps swooping in, trying to ram me with his vehicle. I keep going prone everytime he comes by, barely missing me. I grab a recon pack off of my fallen comrades and throw a few demopaks onto his bird. Seconds later, BOOM.

Everytime I play BF2142 is an awesome moment now that I think of it. Way too many awesome moments.
I didn't even have a sniper rifle for my favourite sniping moment. I was playing the bridge level in America's Army, and I'd progressed to the middle area with the arch. I took a peek over the the edge of the retainer wall and saw a distant silouette in the area beside the guardhouse where the enemy snipers usually set up. I only had my M16 with iron sights and the guy was literally no more that a pixel's breadth. We traded shots, and I must have clipped him in the head because he went down.

Needless to say, it usually didn't work out that way.
In the PC versions of GTA: 3, VC, & SA, there's an instant replay option, using the F1, F2, and F3 keys. Then if you go to the my-documents folder, you can copy/rename the reply file for later use (putting it back as "replay.rep" or whatever it was called). Then use FRAPS to record later.

Here's a video of stunts I did (my brother did the editing). The first half is pretty good, but the second half has some of the best stunts.
Second to last mission of Operation Flashpoint where you have to stop a nuclear missle from launching, the place is crawling with troops and tanks. You have around a dozen men including some spec ops troops, you have armour on stand by to come crashing in via one of two pathways (to which you have to scout to find the safest) and two hinds that are 30 seconds away (but the place contains at least two AA turrets). This is the awsomeness that happens:
-Equip spec ops with PKs and sniper rifles, lead them up to a nearby hill, intantly take out a patrolling spetz natz squad before they can react, set them up in a firing position over looking the entire lauch site to spot all potential threats, they fire on my order.
-Lead the rest of my crew through a nearby forest for cover, position them in a line, ready to provide a base of fire.
-I spend ten minutes sneaking around the perimeter, spotting the AA turrets, anmd deciding the best path for the tanks.
-Now the tricky part, placing satchel charges on the AA turrets, the first one is placed on remote, but I am spotted while approaching the second. All hell breaks loose.
-I dive in the nearest bush and order all units to open fire and send the tanks in but I know I need the hinds or this will be over soon.
-All around men I getting gunned down, so I use the cover and rush to the second AA turret, but before I can get close enough to place a charge on it, its explodes right in front of me as allied tanks plow onto the field to meet the enemy tanks.
-I see one by one as my men perish and my allied tanks drive over mines or be destroy by the other tanks, and when all seems lost, the hinds arrive and absultely destroy anything that moved.
-Two of my men remained, none of the tanks survived. It last 45 minutes and it was just a specticle to play.

Also had some very intense and long fights on Company of Heroes I would have liked to have recorded.
As far as moments I wish I had recorded?

6-4 years ago I played counterstrike all the time and I was REALLY good; I played like a stealthy predator; never seen, sticking to the shadows, constantly repositioning tactically, hunting, stalking, and eliminating people one at a time stealthily. (People would always accuse me of camping, which I let them believe) There were many times where I'd be the only one left versus about 7 people (good players) and I'd manage to take down the entire other team.

but that's not what I wish I had on video
Imagine a similar situation to the one I just mentioned (1 vs 7), except forget stealth! Every once in a while I'd go on "rampage mode;" seriously running full speed, mowing people down, one after another after another. Run around a corner, wipe two people out before they can even turn to face me. I'd even do it with a crappy SMG, or sometimes a Desert Eagle.

Well, I've only played a few times since 4 years ago; it's painful because my kill/death ration is usually 1:1 and it used to be 5:1 on my worst days.
Sometimes in CS/S i get really CRAZY KILLS etc that i wish i recored. One time me and another clan member played public and we were the only ones left and killed 8 people in the other team, it was AMAZING.
Jumping on top of an Abrams tank and knifing the 50 cal. gunner on BF2:MC 360. In hindsight, it's not that impressive, but it sure is fun, satisfying, tense and downright embarrassing for the victim. I mean, getting knifed itself is humiliating, but sitting in the 50 cal., rotating around, whilst a crazy MEC spec op's attempts to jump up the back of the tank, falls off, curses down his mic then goes round the front of the tank and climbs up, pretty much tapdancing on the gunners face... man, I would of left the game right there and then if I was him.
Mostly CSS moments, but I usually get accused for/while doing them, so I get screenies of that.
I'm ace at evading flashes. Not really sounding that interesting, but if I do a singular B rush on Dust2 while on terrorists, you usually get bombarded with CT flashes from B. Well I rush as fast as possible, and about a second after entering the tunnels from T spawn side, I throw a flash so it bounces into B off the wall. Then I keep running and turn around so I get flashed by my own flash, but just not enough to stop me seeing.
Once, there were 2 CT's and both threw flashes, but I calculated in the split second where they'd be when they went off, and if my flash would go off first, which it did, so just before my flash went off, I turned, then immediately 180'd to face B so neither of their flashes got me either, then I raped their entire team.

I was on Opposing Force deathmatch. I flew into the air after jumping on one of them things which make you jump. I saw my dad spawn at a point, and got my alien weapon out (the green thing, shoots green stuff, I dunno name) and shot it at him. He died instantly. That was one of the best shots I'd done, and wish I recorded it. Im sure some of you wont understand me.
playing Halo 2 with a friend of mine ..had to squeeze the warthog through a small opening in the tunnel section ..I was on foot telling my friend to go forward (I was standing behind him) ..he leaps forward to take the ramp smashes into the wall, somehow rolls it up the wall and it flips ...right on top of me ..needless to say I'm dead
In CS Source, I was playing on militia as the terrorists. I went to the sewers and saw that there were 4 guys at the end who were rushing. I fell back a bit and waited for a few seconds. Before I knew it, they flashed me. Being the sensible type, I blindly started spamming with my AK; and as my vision returned to me, I saw that all four guys were dead, three of which were headshots. That was the greatest holy shit luck i've ever had in a multiplayer game.
Quite a few times in CSS, one happened just a week ago I was in a DM server and went for an autosnipe run and managed to kill 5 ppl in a row, the first guy behind a door, the 2nd guy at the same door point blank headshot, 3rd guy when I was flashed, 4th guy right at the door entrance point blank I panicked and killed him by shooting his feet with full zoom lol, 5th guy long range headshot, with only his head being visible. I've also had quite a few air kills in UT2004.
Weirdest and funniest moment was a bug in HL2, a rebel guy was standing in a room I walked upto him to press the use key to see if he did anything, instead he backed off over a matress.. "uuuh!" *thud* corpse springs up and falls against the wall. Took me a few seconds to realise the ridiculousness of what just happened.
A few rtcw clan matches against considerally more skillful opponents that we won due to better teamplay.

Other than that - a load of CS moments and quite a few single player runs in Halo, Golden Eye and Perfect Dark.
The only moments I can remember are a few CS:S ones.

Mowing down 6 CT with one Galil clip in Sniper ally on cs_italy. I died afterwards and it was mostly spray but funny as hell. I similar thing happened on cs_office but with an MP5 and 5 kills.

A no-scope headshot with the Scout while jumping. I've got a couple of double headshots but they're quite common anyway.

They're more but I just can't remember them as they happened so long ago. Never so lucky these days; I usually end up screwing it up when the opportunity arises.
I was playing Psi - Ops on the level with the bitch who has Pyrokinesis. In one section an MP tosses a grenade and destroys a section of the bridge. The way you get across is by standing on top of a chunk of the bridge and "TK surfing" across it. Halfway across my finger slips and I accidentally threw the bridge chunk. I used TK again but I pulled it toward my self in the process and since I was holding the right stick down it spun around and hit me, sending my corpse flying into a group of MP 2's.
Only time that's springing to mind is one match I had in Call of Duty. On Carantan (which just so happens to be my favourite map, go figure), it was only me on one team - either that or I was the only one with any kills - against I think 4 on the other. Played maybe 6 rounds without dieing once, using just a tommy gun.

Fun fun :)
The best thing happened in Half-Life 2 Deathmatch, on the World Trade Center map. I was a rebel, and started climbing the Combine tower. I was low on health and had maybe a half of a magazine remaining in my sub machine gun, and a Combine trooper was tailing me, shooting and getting a few hits.

I went down to 20 health, but the trooper disengaged and started descending. What did I do? I jumped off the side of the building and started falling down. Shortly, I met up with the trooper and emptied the remainder of my magazine into him, gaining a kill. My joy didn't last - I hit the ground a split second later.

One of the best actions in my entire gaming life.
the time I TMP rushed on a full server and got 9 kills in Dust2 quite by accident

bumrushing the front in Militia in 1.5, blinded by flashes, on a 30 player server, and getting through unscathed

loads of moments back in my desert combat days... oilrig ftw
choking Storm Troppers....yeah that was awsome.
Also when I slided down that Elevator in HL1.
The best thing happened in Half-Life 2 Deathmatch, on the World Trade Center map. I was a rebel, and started climbing the Combine tower. I was low on health and had maybe a half of a magazine remaining in my sub machine gun, and a Combine trooper was tailing me, shooting and getting a few hits.

I went down to 20 health, but the trooper disengaged and started descending. What did I do? I jumped off the side of the building and started falling down. Shortly, I met up with the trooper and emptied the remainder of my magazine into him, gaining a kill. My joy didn't last - I hit the ground a split second later.

One of the best actions in my entire gaming life.

Just imagining that is quite hilarious in it's own rights. Damn too bad you DIDN'T record that. :laugh:
I have a replay save from Driver, where I hit a police roadblock in Miami on the causeway, flew straight up, then straight down, landed on 3 police cars, and landed right side up and drove off...
Just today there was an incident on BF2:MC I wish I had recorded. We stormed a flag, me up front throwing flashbangs and completly surprising the hell out of the enemy but as soon as we took it they were hot on our heels, so when I died, on my death-cam I saw about 4 of them jumping onto the flag. Luckily I get a 2 second respawn, I spawn as spec-op's ON the flag, pretty much standing on the prone flag-takers/Americans so I just dived to the ground behind them, equip my knife and the next 2 seconds is just [KNIFE] [KNIFE] [KNIFE] [KNIFE]

It was frantic as hell. I was pretty much snowed under by bodies.
Mine was an amazing underdog victory by me when I was playing ROME: Total War. I had 4 units of calvary, two units of archers, and one General, my faction heir. It all amounted to about 500 men.

I was attacked by an enemy army of around 1800 men. I withdrew, knowing I would be screwed. Well, they kept coming, and I was cornered and had to fight. I fight all my own battles and never auto-resolve them so I figured I would do as much damage as I could. So the fight begins, I see that it is indeed a full fledged army... Horsemen, Spearmen, archers, a unit of catapaults, balistas and of course a general.

"Im screwed" I thought as I became comfortable with the thought that I am about to lose my faction heir. I deploy my men spread out as much as I can. Two calvary units to the far corners, and my general sitting behind the two units of archer in the middle. The enemy starts advancing, in typical fashion. Archers run up front to shoot me as much as they can, then spearmen bring up the front line, calvary, seige weapons, and their general. Well, I decide that I cant bullshit around with these guys so I send in one calvary unit from each side in to wipe out the archers. This leaves one more on each flank for use later. The archers freak and route, doing insignificant damage to my calvary. Meanwhile, I send those other calvary units further back, behind the enemy flanks. This confuses them and the stop advancing everything but their spearmen. They also start shooting their catapaults and ballistas at my two calvary units that took out the archers. I bring up my archers and shoot fire arrows at the spearmen, and move my two middle calvary units in the middle back to the archers. After a few minutes of raining fire on them I send my general up, right in front of the spearmen. They focus on him, so I send the two middle calvary units around them, and attack them from behind. While that happens I send the two far-out flanking calvary units to attack their general.

Things are actually going good. The spearmen got busted up bad by my calvary, and then my general attacked also and then one their units start to route. Unfortunately their calvary charges me. I think they sent all 5 units after me. They freakin slaughter my two calvary units, but I pull my general back to the archers. Then a huge break for me. Their general had killed a lot of my two calvary units... but eventually we kill him, and his unit routes. So now there is 5 units of calvary at good strength, a couple spearmen units at probably half strength versus my general, two archer units with low ammo, and two half strength calvary units behind the enemy. So my archers shoot their arrows at the spearmen again, and I notice that they are paniced by the fire attack. I charge my two last calvary units into them and they break and route. Woooo Hooo! Then they send in the calvary at them. I charge my general in to help figuring here is where I die. I keep firing arrows into the fray figuring, what the hell, we're dead anyways. But then for some reason one of their units break when my general hits them in their charge. Then another, then another and then everyone breaks. HOLY SHIT. I WIN.

So I left the battle with 1 basically destroyed calvary unit, my general with only a few of his men left, and two archer units. They leave with about 600 guys (since they all routed instead of getting killed). Not bad considering I thought it a futile fight.
playing Halo co-op with my best friend,you know that part where you have to fly the ghost(phantom?) up to the platform to move on. well I somehow lost my flying thing so we came up with a scheme. He would fly up there and then push if off the ledge and then I would fly up there. well unfortunately he pushed a little to hard and went over as well. There is nothing more awesome than watching the flying thing fall and leaving the view of my friends split screen and then 20-30 seconds later seeing it reappear and hit the ground (my friends corpse landing a few meters away. so then I flew up there and repeated the process (only I didn't fall).

also on Halo Co-op at the end of the map where you land on the island looking for the core or something anyways it was the end where the pelican comes down to evac you, the bugger had been tk'ing me throughout the whole map so I decided to get my revenge. I look over at him just as I fire a rocket as he is mid jump into the pelican, then I jumped in and finished to map.
Crazy killing sprees in red orchestra. I'll never forget emptying a room with my smg, getting it shot out of my hand, charging the person that shot it out and dropping a nade under him, escaping, killing him, running into the next room, dropping a nade in it and closing the door, killing the 3 people now trapped inside, then grabbing an enemy's weapon and killing the people in the next room, then getting TK'ed. Was great fun.
BF2142 - on the very top of an oil platform with my squad when this fighter jet/plane keeps swooping in, trying to ram me with his vehicle. I keep going prone everytime he comes by, barely missing me. I grab a recon pack off of my fallen comrades and throw a few demopaks onto his bird. Seconds later, BOOM.

Everytime I play BF2142 is an awesome moment now that I think of it. Way too many awesome moments.

When DeusEx and his squad were on the other team and he had put one of those squad beacons ontop of my titan, cept I had bought the game a day before so I didn't know those things existed. Needless to say I must've killed him and his squad over 20 times or something. Shot straight up to the top and got my first star :D
Mine was an amazing underdog victory by me when I was playing ROME: Total War. I had 4 units of calvary, two units of archers, and one General, my faction heir. It all amounted to about 500 men.

I was attacked by an enemy army of around 1800 men. I withdrew, knowing I would be screwed. Well, they kept coming, and I was cornered and had to fight. I fight all my own battles and never auto-resolve them so I figured I would do as much damage as I could. So the fight begins, I see that it is indeed a full fledged army... Horsemen, Spearmen, archers, a unit of catapaults, balistas and of course a general.

"Im screwed" I thought as I became comfortable with the thought that I am about to lose my faction heir. I deploy my men spread out as much as I can. Two calvary units to the far corners, and my general sitting behind the two units of archer in the middle. The enemy starts advancing, in typical fashion. Archers run up front to shoot me as much as they can, then spearmen bring up the front line, calvary, seige weapons, and their general. Well, I decide that I cant bullshit around with these guys so I send in one calvary unit from each side in to wipe out the archers. This leaves one more on each flank for use later. The archers freak and route, doing insignificant damage to my calvary. Meanwhile, I send those other calvary units further back, behind the enemy flanks. This confuses them and the stop advancing everything but their spearmen. They also start shooting their catapaults and ballistas at my two calvary units that took out the archers. I bring up my archers and shoot fire arrows at the spearmen, and move my two middle calvary units in the middle back to the archers. After a few minutes of raining fire on them I send my general up, right in front of the spearmen. They focus on him, so I send the two middle calvary units around them, and attack them from behind. While that happens I send the two far-out flanking calvary units to attack their general.

Things are actually going good. The spearmen got busted up bad by my calvary, and then my general attacked also and then one their units start to route. Unfortunately their calvary charges me. I think they sent all 5 units after me. They freakin slaughter my two calvary units, but I pull my general back to the archers. Then a huge break for me. Their general had killed a lot of my two calvary units... but eventually we kill him, and his unit routes. So now there is 5 units of calvary at good strength, a couple spearmen units at probably half strength versus my general, two archer units with low ammo, and two half strength calvary units behind the enemy. So my archers shoot their arrows at the spearmen again, and I notice that they are paniced by the fire attack. I charge my two last calvary units into them and they break and route. Woooo Hooo! Then they send in the calvary at them. I charge my general in to help figuring here is where I die. I keep firing arrows into the fray figuring, what the hell, we're dead anyways. But then for some reason one of their units break when my general hits them in their charge. Then another, then another and then everyone breaks. HOLY SHIT. I WIN.

So I left the battle with 1 basically destroyed calvary unit, my general with only a few of his men left, and two archer units. They leave with about 600 guys (since they all routed instead of getting killed). Not bad considering I thought it a futile fight.

I love victories like that, I once beat an army of 1200 selucids with two units of triari, thee units of creteian archers and a 10 star general called Casius Brutus the Mighty who pretty much spearheaded my conquering with the Bruti familiy from the start, ravaging the greek cities and the macedonians. The spearmen just pinned all the infantry long enough for the cretian archers to absuletely pound the infantry and they packed into a cluster of men and they routed giving me a Heroic Victory.

Cretian archers, best archers on the game and the best units on the game imo, absultely leathel.
When DeusEx and his squad were on the other team and he had put one of those squad beacons ontop of my titan, cept I had bought the game a day before so I didn't know those things existed. Needless to say I must've killed him and his squad over 20 times or something. Shot straight up to the top and got my first star :D

**** YOU

I was playing Counter-Strike Source on Cs_Office and I ran around a corner, around the corner was a terroist with an AK47 (Me being CT). I start firing at him, jump up and strafe to the right. This terroist just goes crazy and moves his gun in a circle firing at me, of course he is way off from hitting me, infact, he didn't hit me once, he was just making circles around me with his crosshair. I land on the ground and shoot him in the head.
Once, in BF1942, I was flying around El Al in the B-17, my buddy nearby in a Spitfire. He came under attack by an enemy 109, so I flew near him...I saw them tangling, I climbed as hard as I could, switched to the upper turret, started shooting until he blew up, I got the kill, and switched back into the cockpit just in time to avoid crashing into the ground near the North flag...was awesome :)
In Enter the Matrix, at the part where u have to fight the sercurity gaurds in the office, 3 gaurds shot at me all at once and i turned on slo-mo and jumped through the triangular shape the bullets made, killing all three in the process. i wish i could do it again:)