Games you wish you hadn't bought

Difficult. I'm generally pretty picky about what I buy and pay a lot of attention to previews etc, to get a feel for what's likely to be worthwhile. However:-

C&C3. Not that the C&C games are bad, just that I'd kind of moved off from RTS a long time ago (1st and 3rd Person are my scene) and it was only because my old Uni House mates bugged me relentlessly to buy it so they could arrange some multi-player (all of about 2 evenings in the end) that it ever ended up gathering dust on my games shelf. I do mean to finish the SP game eventually, but so far the motivation has escaped me, despite the lovely ladies from BSG and House featuring in it.

Ragdoll Kung Fu:- I'm really not sure why I bought this tbh as I've hardly played it at all (did anyone).

Stubbs the Zombie:- Bought, but just not played. Though you do get to be a Zombie who farts, so there is some attraction to it. :P
fallout 3 sucked like shit......nothink like i expected so i got my 150 bucks back end of that game!!!
Fallout 3 was great, go die.
Also, your sig is too long.

I just ordered Europa Universalis.. I hope it's as good as I think it is, or I'll wish I hadn't bought it.
Fallout 3 was overrated.

Army of Two - Bought it so a friend would stop bugging me about not having any coop games. He actually ripped on MY ass for having bought it.

Kane and Lynch: Dead Men - Interesting story, but the game just fell flat.
Ragdoll Kung Fu:- I'm really not sure why I bought this tbh as I've hardly played it at all (did anyone).

Singleplayer was mediocre, but I had so much fun playing this with mates on one computer, and having intense midair slowmotion sword fights.
Gears of War 2.

I should've rented and beat it. I've got better multiplayer games to play that offer something different than round by round shoot-em-ups, and the campaign is nothing special.

Bioshock is a hugely overrated game. It's pretty mediocre at the end of the day.

Its System Shock 2 in new clothes.

Although SS2 was about 100 times scarier.
Definitely but for ?3.50 on steam right now I wouldn't argue :P
With the massive torrent of inferior games, you cant really be picky when somthing like Bioshock comes along, sure its probbally not as great as System Shock 2 or other games of the past, but then few games are these days, you have to jump on the ones that at least make an effort or developers will simply stop trying all together.
well, I think the only games I bought and never actually finished were, FF:VII, dead space, call of duty, oblivion, halo 2, BF:SF...there's probably others but those are the ones I can see on my shelf.
I'm yet to finish FFXII. But that's mainly because its so damn long and has so much grinding and i don't have enough time to play it. Great game, but ****, is it long.