Games you wish you hadn't bought

All the Myst games. I just dont have the patience. Luckily they only cost me 15 quid.
Area 51: Blacksite. The level of stupidity in that game really annoyed me, and it was littered with bugs, like if your teammates died/slipped into unconscienceness, they would still spout out as much dialogue as possible at you.
Bandits: Phoenix rising.(never finished/unlikely too)
it's vehicle combat game and I bought it just because of that...I wanted something fast and action packed...unfortunately the story and dialog is horrid and also there was some weird control setup bug that would make it take ages for the game to bind left/right-arrow keys to steering...dunno what the **** that was about...never finished the game, and I probably never will.(got other better games to complete first)

Fallout collection:(never finished/perhaps someday)
buggy pile of shit. cumbersome broken combat(mellee makes no sense), shitty AI buddies lots of poor design decisions. of the 3 games I actually like tactics the most, due to the improved combat(being able to manually control party members, mellee is still broken though) and visuals. luckily it was a bargain bin deal.

Arcanum(never finished/unlikely too) pretty much same reason as above except ranged combat didn't make any sense. also bug running this on new pc made real time combat retardedly fast. also stupidly big and boring manual...I wouldn't have minded a big manual if it was actually interesting...or better yet actually explained the game mechanics properly. once again I'm lucky that I didn't spend any significant amount of money on was 3 for 1 kinda deal and I got Homeworld and Alpha centauri as the other two games so it wasn't so bad.

UT 2003:

mainly due to poor timing...I hadn't really been following the franchise and a couple of months after I bought it the 2004 version came out with vehicles etc etc.(wasn't there something about it being backwards compatible or something that got scrapped?) anyways game got boring fast.

Baldur's gate 2: throne of bhaal(never finished/maybe some day) story got somewhat boring and it was just boss fight on boss fight...without a lot of purpose imo. also high lvl abilities was kinda meh...I dunno it just lost it charm...I liked the orginal and shadows of Amn a lot.

Return to castle wolfenstein I liked the game at the time, but looking back it really wasn't that good....never liked the multiplayer.

Soldier of fortune 2(didn't buy it it came with my soundcard...glad I didn't buy it) one trick pony and really unpolished piece of turd....I actually think I managed to sit thru it to the end...but I don't remember lol that alone should be a testament to how bad it was.

manhunt bought it thru steam when it had that rockstar deal going. very disappointing. shitty/non-existing story. repetitive and boring gameplay and for a game with such a focus on stealth it has surprisingly poor stealth mechanics.

SIN: Episodes kinda like some of the stuff in the game, but ultimately it's poor art direction / character design(apparently boobs makes up for everything or so the developer thinks)buggy auto-difficulty adjustment ...poor lvl design...lack of different enemies and weapons....and of course the fact that it's now more or less an abandoned project(the dangers of episodic I guess).

Operration flashpoint(never finished/doubt I ever will) played up to the tank commander part and the control scheme just got too weird and general the control scheme was a bit weird.
The only game i regret buying is


Mindless fun for a few hours, but gets boring with lack of weapon functionality, and different types of enemies.
Spore- Yes I payed money for it. It's certainly got it's good points but the big let down for me was that how you designed everything was merely superficial, and beneath that it was a rather shallow game.

Oblivion- I have yet to go back thru and play it with mods and maybe that will change my opinion but in vanilla form it is a very tedious game. Not to mention that the characters are borderline creepy looking.
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption: A perfect example of why I don't like shooters on consoles. Difficult controls and terrible HUD to boot.

Spore: Never listening to hype again (Valve excluded of course).
UT 2004
NFS Carbon

you must be joking. I love that game, onslaught, assault = best multiplayer experience ever

As for me, I'd say Quake 4 as well, shit game. I liked Doom 3 though, that was the first time I'd seen real time lighting in games, and I was blown away.
Let me say this

OBLIVION IS A GOOD GAME - HOWEVER only good with mods
Agreed Vanilla is a piece of shit but with mods it's good
Condemned 2, Medal of Honor Airborne, Guitar Hero: World Tour, ut2004, Oblivion (ended up getting more hours out of the Morrorwind CE I picked up a month after it)
Meh, I can't regret buying anything seriously.
Hellgate maybe, but I couldn't foresee that the company would implode.
Yeah you know that Richard Garriots(har har har) Tabula Rasa game? It got shut down to
There hasn't been a game I really regret buying, because I usually only buy games after I've done a fair whack of research beforehand. When a batch of 20 games hit the market every month, it's very rare I'll buy one of them. I guess I'm usually gunning for the big titles, which this year is stuff like Far Cry, GoW2, Fallout, etc...

Whilst Fallout was the biggest disappointment for me this year, I don't regret buying it as it was fun for a while. I regret falling for the hype, but hey ho.
you must be joking. I love that game, onslaught, assault = best multiplayer experience ever

When I bought the game, I was still on dial-up, so that was the only experience I had with the game on multiplayer.
Oh, I apparently bought the Unreal games while drunk as shit....I think I played 30 minutes of the latest one, and that's it.
Hellgate: London, Warhammer Online, Supreme Commander, Final Fantasy X2, and Final Fantasy XII
Whoa, whoa.... whoa!

You regretted buying Supreme Commander?

It's an RTS players wet dream.
Oh, I apparently bought the Unreal games while drunk as shit....I think I played 30 minutes of the latest one, and that's it.

You mean UT3? The grey and brown game? Haha. Just the other day a mate of mine was happy there was more than one person playing in all of Australia.

GTA 4 for PC. This game should be console exclusive.

No. The game plays much better on PC than console, bugs and slow performance aside.
Bad Company. Bought it for single-player too. What the hell was I thinking?
sin episodes: emergence, even if I enjoyed it

and Ghost Recon collector's edition (expansion pack included): never got the chance to play it...
Far Cry 2, god its awful.
Ratchet and Clank Size Matters for PS2.

My favourite game series of all time got surgery to have its fun, humour and continutity completely removed.

By far one of the most repetitive games I've ever played.
Oh, I apparently bought the Unreal games while drunk as shit....I think I played 30 minutes of the latest one, and that's it.

UT3 was so bad, how could I forget to say that. Hell, I think I hate the Unreal Engine 3 as well, it's murder on the eyes (havent played GoW games) , Brother's in Arms: Hell Highway looks so bad.

Actually, I might just say far cry 2 as well, I went as far as destroying the fort, and I well..gave up, because the next mission, I kept dying.
Boiling Point, the buggiest piece of East European crap I ever had the displeasure of playing.
GTA 4 PC, Bully PC, Far cry 2, Spore,Assassins Creed, F.E.A.R Perseus Mandate

actually my dad bought it to me because I wanted it, somewhere in the mid 90's I guess... I played it once and haven't even touched it since.
CnC Generals: Never bought another CnC game after it.

Firewarrior: Just bad.

Spore: Same criticism as others here really, superficial customization with extremely shallow game play underneath. Not worth the time or money.

Delta Force Xtreme: When you have DF:BHD and Joint Ops, this game becomes so insanely pointless and irrelevant as to make me ashamed of buying it. But even not owning its sister games, its still pretty weak.
FarCry 2, really wasnt keen on that. Other then that I think I have been happy.
Whoa, whoa.... whoa!

You regretted buying Supreme Commander?

It's an RTS players wet dream.

Not really. Total Annihilation and Dawn of War are far better RTS games.

Supreme Commander requires a beast of a computer to play for any good length of time, it's rather slow paced, and just really isn't... any fun.
I play both DoW + all expansions and SupCom + expansion daily.

I hold SupCom to be better.

On a side note, Company of Heroes is better than DoW.

Can't wait for DoW 2...

Also, if SupCom runs poorly, I suggest you get a new computer. If it is "slow paced" then you are playing the game incorrectly.