Games you wish you hadn't bought

Now don't get me wrong
I like the game k?
I just don't play it enough.
The most i played it was to get to the last level

I felt like it was an unfinished demo at some points.
Not really. Total Annihilation and Dawn of War are far better RTS games.

Supreme Commander requires a beast of a computer to play for any good length of time, it's rather slow paced, and just really isn't... any fun.

I agree with all your points but one...

Slow paced? The action starts within the first 5 minutes, unless both players are turtling, but then you both are doing it wrong. Usually you should either build a little resource management then the land/air factory, or straight for the land factory first off. That gets your units to his base at the 3-7 minute mark, depending on how far away he is.
Call of Duty 4, it was weird, I beat the single player then was playing online for a while then I just didn't feel like playing anymore. I mean it was good but I just lost the want to play it.
Hmm havent really regretted any games that I have bought, except for Test Drive Unlimited. Just didnt appeal to me at all...
Medieval 2: Total War. Unmodded it's crap and it disappoints me that I ever bought it because Safedisk makes my computer not recognize the disk unless I reinstall windows(and I doubt that'd help either).

Also, C&C 3. The aliens were made of annoying and dull.

Soldiers: Heroes of WW2. Not because it's a bad game, on the contrary. It just doesn't work on my current comp for some mysterious reason but it's sequel does without problems.
I agree with all your points but one...

Slow paced? The action starts within the first 5 minutes, unless both players are turtling, but then you both are doing it wrong. Usually you should either build a little resource management then the land/air factory, or straight for the land factory first off. That gets your units to his base at the 3-7 minute mark, depending on how far away he is.

Action in TA starts in about 30 seconds if you're doin it rite
Action in TA starts in about 30 seconds if you're doin it rite

I don't see it being much different, if any at all. Play on map ...two players. Build a land factory first thing, within 1 minute, you're at their base. Two armies meeting 1/2 way? Then there's your 30 seconds.

Just because Sup Com has the ability for more massive battles doesn't make the game much slower unless you're on the bigger maps. Then that's just insane.

I don't think the 'slowness' is what you're main gripe is. Either it is, then you're wrong and just lying to yourself about it being slow..or you just don't know what you don't like about the game.
My experience with Sup Comm games usually consists of building huge walls of static ground defense, static shields to protect them connected to giant energy generators, then spamming T3 ground and Experimental bots and T3 gunships en masse to seek out the enemy. The units move slowly- they're unresponsive, for the most part stupid, and there seems to be some kind of viscous layer between user interface and the game. It's just ****ing slow- the maps are almost always way too big or way too small, there are so many restrictions put in by devs trying to get you to play a certain way.

My experience with TA has almost *always* been versatile and never quite the same (unless I'm Peewee rushing Hazar). Disable air units and it's suddenly the best RTS experience ever. I remember playing against Hazar on this on Lush Puppy and fighting against his Krogaths with a dozen or so Mavericks at a time while scouring the map for his commander. It was a fight to the death and every minute the game lasted gave him more chance to win.

Playing TA 2v2 is even better with friends who know how to play. There's no real limit to what you can do- you can airlift enemy commanders with air transports, effectively humiliating him to no end.

Sup Comm also bogs down late game due to memory leaks or excess of units. Pretty unplayable if there's more than 3 people with large armies.
My experience with Sup Comm games usually consists of building huge walls of static ground defense, static shields to protect them connected to giant energy generators, then spamming T3 ground and Experimental bots and T3 gunships en masse to seek out the enemy. The units move slowly- they're unresponsive, for the most part stupid, and there seems to be some kind of viscous layer between user interface and the game. It's just ****ing slow- the maps are almost always way too big or way too small, there are so many restrictions put in by devs trying to get you to play a certain way.

My experience with TA has almost *always* been versatile and never quite the same (unless I'm Peewee rushing Hazar). Disable air units and it's suddenly the best RTS experience ever. I remember playing against Hazar on this on Lush Puppy and fighting against his Krogaths with a dozen or so Mavericks at a time while scouring the map for his commander. It was a fight to the death and every minute the game lasted gave him more chance to win.

Playing TA 2v2 is even better with friends who know how to play. There's no real limit to what you can do- you can airlift enemy commanders with air transports, effectively humiliating him to no end.

Sup Comm also bogs down late game due to memory leaks or excess of units. Pretty unplayable if there's more than 3 people with large armies.

SupCom came with mutators/minimods and I downloaded a mod to speed it up, played fine.

But aye, Vanilla its just slow and boring.
Unreal 3

That was so bad, I remember the graphics were supposed to be next gen and all...
The gameplay was so boring, bad AI, sameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee guns, I mean, UT has never had new weapons its allways the same weapons since the first UT.

The worst is that they actually tried to blend in a story.... really cheesy.
Orphen: Scion of Sorcery for PS2. I paid $50 for that game and good god was it terrible.
I'm impressed that nobody's mentioned Crysis. I'm guessing it's actually a worthwhile game then, or have none of you bought it?
Damn, thanks for the heads up guys I was getting ready to buy Farcry 2 for a xmas gift to myself. Is it that terrible?
I agree with all your points but one...

Slow paced? The action starts within the first 5 minutes, unless both players are turtling, but then you both are doing it wrong. Usually you should either build a little resource management then the land/air factory, or straight for the land factory first off. That gets your units to his base at the 3-7 minute mark, depending on how far away he is.

FA allows you to build a land factory as your first building (You have the resources to do so and then crank out power/mass). Start with anything else and you're doing it wrong. You should always have negative mass. Positive mass only means your missing out on potential units to hit the enemy with.

If all else fails Comm rush.

My experience with Sup Comm games usually consists of building huge walls of static ground defense, static shields to protect them connected to giant energy generators, then spamming T3 ground and Experimental bots and T3 gunships en masse to seek out the enemy. The units move slowly- they're unresponsive, for the most part stupid, and there seems to be some kind of viscous layer between user interface and the game. It's just ****ing slow- the maps are almost always way too big or way too small, there are so many restrictions put in by devs trying to get you to play a certain way.

It's plenty fast for me. Try and play the way you do against me and you'll be dead within 5 minutes. If you want to fight against AI that's fine but unless it's cheating AI you'll always win.
Damn, thanks for the heads up guys I was getting ready to buy Farcry 2 for a xmas gift to myself. Is it that terrible?

There's a big thread about it somewhere in general games chat, read it. Personally, I liked it, despite it being somewhat repetetive, but seeing as many people dislike it here, it's risky bussiness.
Rayman: Raving Rabbids
Hellgate: London
Yeah I'll add WAR to my list as well. Good game, but no one I knew irl was playing so it got kinda boring.
Personally for me it was S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

A.I. was so stupid it was genius, an enemy could hear you from 6 miles away rustling some bushes, sneaking was virtually impossible in that game. That wouldn't be too bad but near the beginning when you don't have the best equipment sneaking would have been a cool alternative to getting your ass kicked in every encounter, but alas, the devs didn't invest much time in the A.I. it seemed.
Quake 4
Doom 3
Starcraft (never got into it. I should give it another go one of these days)

Edit: @ above poster: I've snuck around enemies in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. a load of times.
far cry 2
assassin's creed
dawn of war complete (i just never got into it i should maybe give it another go)
gears of war and halo 2/3 (overrated pieces of ****)
Agreed about Assassin's Creed and Stalker. The first just sucked balls and the second was a buggy beta with THE most awful combat i've experienced in a fps for years. It's a shame, the rest of it was pretty neat.
Assassin's Creed is a game to be played once a year. It still wow's me; just have to forget why it was bad beforehand.
Dark Age of Camelot, spent a time of time getting absolutely nowhere in this game but I still enjoyed it more than...

World of Warcraft and
Burning Crusade, 60 levels of hating a game just wasn't enough for me for some reason.

Age of Conan

Warhammer online, I liked this a lot more but didn't really fell like playing past the free month.

You would think I would figure out I hate mmorpg's after quitting so many.
Black & White 2, Dungeon Seige 2, Gothic 3, Unreal 2. All overhyped shitbag sequels.
And Chrome is the only game I've ever returned after playing the first 10 minutes.
What a bloody waste of time.

Agreed but at least it seemed enjoyable for the 4 months I played (paying for the privilege) and a game is technically about having fun rather then achieving something but aye, ultimately futile endeavour and it seemed totally designed to give Blizzard free money, what a crock.
My experience with Sup Comm games usually consists of building huge walls of static ground defense, static shields to protect them connected to giant energy generators, then spamming T3 ground and Experimental bots and T3 gunships en masse to seek out the enemy. The units move slowly- they're unresponsive, for the most part stupid, and there seems to be some kind of viscous layer between user interface and the game. It's just ****ing slow- the maps are almost always way too big or way too small, there are so many restrictions put in by devs trying to get you to play a certain way.

My experience with TA has almost *always* been versatile and never quite the same (unless I'm Peewee rushing Hazar). Disable air units and it's suddenly the best RTS experience ever. I remember playing against Hazar on this on Lush Puppy and fighting against his Krogaths with a dozen or so Mavericks at a time while scouring the map for his commander. It was a fight to the death and every minute the game lasted gave him more chance to win.

Playing TA 2v2 is even better with friends who know how to play. There's no real limit to what you can do- you can airlift enemy commanders with air transports, effectively humiliating him to no end.

Sup Comm also bogs down late game due to memory leaks or excess of units. Pretty unplayable if there's more than 3 people with large armies.

This is what I suspected. You are playing the game entirely incorrectly. I said earlier that SupCom is an RTS players wet dream. I said that because it can be amazingly competitive, yet still entirely fun - even for the loser.

Play like that with any person even in the top 5000 and you will be crushed, instantly.

Don't think I am attacking you, I am not. It's just that I once held SupCom as a average or below average RTS. It is because I only played a few times against the AI and did as you described.

1. Build a base
2. Set up some defenses
3. Hold out until you hit T3
4. Spam T3 and experimental.

You're really shorting yourself the other 2/3 of the game when you do that. I only ask that you re-install the game + expansion and play a few matches online. If you still feel as you do now, no biggie.

And yes, Assassins Creed was the worst purchase I ever made. I have never played a game that was SO AWESOME for 2 hours and SO BAD for the remaining 6. I am so glad I chose Mass Effect over AC when they both came out within a month of eachother.
Warhammer Online. For the most part I enjoyed it while it lasted, and admittedly half the fun was getting to play with my old WoW guild (who are awesome), but I regret investing in the collector's edition to get into a beta that was unplayable on my system at the time, only to pour more money into upgrading so I could play it for a scant couple of months, never even reaching level cap before it wore on me. Mostly though I regret the time I spent pre-release buying into the hype and fandom, posting on the boards, pouring over videos/screens/info, speculating, all that fun stuff, when ultimately the payoff wasn't even nearly worth it. Just another MMO.

That said, the CE extras are still pretty kickass.
Personally for me it was S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

A.I. was so stupid it was genius, an enemy could hear you from 6 miles away rustling some bushes, sneaking was virtually impossible in that game. That wouldn't be too bad but near the beginning when you don't have the best equipment sneaking would have been a cool alternative to getting your ass kicked in every encounter, but alas, the devs didn't invest much time in the A.I. it seemed.

Wtf? Must've been a bug, I've never encountered any serious A.I problems in STALKER and I think STALKER's a.i is among the better ones there..

But it's a matter of individual taste, I gues.. :rolling: .