Most Powerful Gaming Moments

I can't begin to tell you what beating Earth Defense Force 2017 on Insane did to my life. It was like being born again at 80 years old, except the womb is a flesh prison made of spider silk and steel, and the only weapon you have tear yourself out into the world with is the mangled remains of your lacerated penis. But when you do, you replace your genitals with the Genocide Gun and launch off fireworks into space with your crotch. The world tastes like black cherry atomic warheads if they were electrified and injected into your eyeballs. I had fought through SO much, so many dead. The nightmares one puts oneself through in the defense of the earth... you don't know, man. You can't know. YOU WEREN'T THERE! You start to think its not worth it, but you press on despite the pain. Despite the horizons filled with spiders. The Royal Court dumped their massive sticky silk load ON MY BRETHREN. And died. I killed them all. Every rampaging monster. I plugged the holes, I lashed out and sealed the cracks in the earth, and when their fire rained from the sky I danced in it and poured bullets into the air. I went into the belly of my own world and dug them out from their rape tunnels. THEY BENT THE LAWS OF REALITY DOWN THERE IN A GROSS AFFRONT TO NATURE, AND I DID THE SAME TO BREAK THEIR DISGUSTING INSECT NECKS. I still dream of brown goo. We turned the horizon into fire and their bodies trailed flame and body parts in zigzag patterns across the heavens. I can close my eyes and feel the heat of a warm red ant body pressing down on me with its abdomen. I still smile and feel the old slick pump of my Governor 50 thump shotgun glory into its flesh and launch it so far that the draw distance can't even understand what the hell its supposed to be processing anymore. I open my eyes and it was just a phantom, but the feeling is still there. The dodging, the screaming, the victory. Oh yes, I took my world back from the Ravagers, those peaceful sages, and they will NEVER be the same again. And neither will I.
Here's a few more...

The ending of Klonoa, blew me way as a kid.

My first play through of Morrowind/Oblivion, the whole game is amazing.

Beating the twins in Jedi Knight II, I had been stuck on them for ages and finally managed to beat them without cheats.

Getting past the T-Rex in the Jurassic park Amiga game, this was mainly special because I had a dream in which I saw how to do it.

Losing my first Sim in the original Sims to a house fire, hit me hard.
I can't begin to tell you what beating Earth Defense Force 2017 on Insane did to my life. It was like being born again at 80 years old, except the womb is a flesh prison made of spider silk and steel, and the only weapon you have tear yourself out into the world with is the mangled remains of your lacerated penis. But when you do, you replace your genitals with the Genocide Gun and launch off fireworks into space with your crotch. The world tastes like black cherry atomic warheads if they were electrified and injected into your eyeballs. I had fought through SO much, so many dead. The nightmares one puts oneself through in the defense of the earth... you don't know, man. You can't know. YOU WEREN'T THERE! You start to think its not worth it, but you press on despite the pain. Despite the horizons filled with spiders. The Royal Court dumped their massive sticky silk load ON MY BRETHREN. And died. I killed them all. Every rampaging monster. I plugged the holes, I lashed out and sealed the cracks in the earth, and when their fire rained from the sky I danced in it and poured bullets into the air. I went into the belly of my own world and dug them out from their rape tunnels. THEY BENT THE LAWS OF REALITY DOWN THERE IN A GROSS AFFRONT TO NATURE, AND I DID THE SAME TO BREAK THEIR DISGUSTING INSECT NECKS. I still dream of brown goo. We turned the horizon into fire and their bodies trailed flame and body parts in zigzag patterns across the heavens. I can close my eyes and feel the heat of a warm red ant body pressing down on me with its abdomen. I still smile and feel the old slick pump of my Governor 50 thump shotgun glory into its flesh and launch it so far that the draw distance can't even understand what the hell its supposed to be processing anymore. I open my eyes and it was just a phantom, but the feeling is still there. The dodging, the screaming, the victory. Oh yes, I took my world back from the Ravagers, those peaceful sages, and they will NEVER be the same again. And neither will I.
Oh my f*cking god. I think I'm in love with you. I thought I was the only one who played that game. Marry me. Now. I still have the game and case proudly displayed on my desk.
TBH, the most memorable moments in gaming for me happened late at night, playing Call Of Duty:W@W with some friends. We were all incredibly tired, and laughed our asses off at everything. The electric barriers fell on one of the teammates and it became an epicly over-dramatic/hilariously drunken attempt to rescue him about 40 times.
Beating the twins in Jedi Knight II, I had been stuck on them for ages and finally managed to beat them without cheats.
Twins? Huh? There's these two brothers from JK1:


But I have no recollection of twins in JK2.
The BF2 match against Evo's old clan.

/nostalgia tear
The BF2 match against Evo's old clan.

/nostalgia tear

Yeah, that would be one of my most powerful moments evar as well. Even though the had players from Down Under via Europe to the US we still won.
More like stop assuming I don't know what I'm saying.

Or you could understand that I was making a point, not correcting you.

Like in Deus Ex, Kotor 2 doesn't clear-cut its dilemmas with 'do X, and you save 50 babies, do Y and you kill 25 kittens.' For instance, there's a part in Nar Shadaa where if you give a poor human money, Kreia shows you how a few moments after, out of sight, he gets mugged by bandits and beaten (or killed? I don't remember), putting him in an even worse situation than before your intervention. Most of the problems are double edged, leading often to 'shit, what should I do?' moments. IIRC the light and dark paths weren't nearly so clear cut, most quests resulted in zero change to your alignment, and the ramifications for being light/dark weren't nearly as dire as in Kotor 1. HENCE AMBIVALENT.

I agree, there were some clever game mechanics. Unfortunately, a side effect is that half of the dialog options are incredibly ambiguous. Some are simply reworded, some, as you said, you simply can't predict how people are going to respond. This was both interesting and annoying at the same time. Having two options which mean the same but can have two completely different consequences is AMBIGUOUS.

Deus Ex did it well. KOTOR II just left me annoyed at the game.

But I have no recollection of twins in JK2.

Maybe he meant Jedi Knight III
I'll probably cop it for this but,
the death of Roach & Ghost in Modern Warfare 2. It was the music mostly. Hans Zimmer is an incredible composer.
EDIT: I guess not, heaps of people said Modern Warfare.

The death of John in Red Dead Redemption. This actually moved me, I grew to love him as a character.
Twins? Huh? There's these two brothers from JK1:


But I have no recollection of twins in JK2.

THAT'S the one. I thought I remembered the game calling them twins for some reason...

tbh, the textures on the walls actually look pretty good in that game.
Would have to be the ending of Mafia for me. I remember being captivated by the story throughout the game, more than I have in any other video game. The ending was the perfect way to cap it all off.

Although I'd have to say the credits song was a bit jarring to say the least, it wasn't the most inspirational music.. The music in general was amazing in the game though.

Hopefully Mafia 2 will have the same magic, I have such high hopes for that game given how long it's been now :P.

Also the Portal ending was awesome, partly because I remember how creeped out I was when I was walking around outside the normal map and it was completely empty and eerie.
I'll probably cop it for this but,
the death of Roach & Ghost in Modern Warfare 2. It was the music mostly. Hans Zimmer is an incredible composer.
EDIT: I guess not, heaps of people said Modern Warfare.

The death of John in Red Dead Redemption. This actually moved me, I grew to love him as a character.
Helps if you say what games your spoilers are for, otherwise no one knows whether or not they should click until they already did. :)
I've had a few powerful moments in my years of PC gaming, and I've come to learn that each developer has their own way of generating a reaction from the player. Here are a few powerful moments I've had:

Defending the rocket from Striders and Hunters in Episode Two. The music was a big part of this moment, as well as the cinematic physics of the buildings when they were destroyed. The ending of the game was also very powerful.

Exiting Vault 101 and seeing the world for the first time in Fallout 3.

Engaging Malak in a duel aboard his ship (I forget what it was called) in KotOR.

Winning battles against armies bigger than mine or with better equipment in the Total War series. I don't have any specific memories, but this is more so for Rome: Total War. It brought me great pleasure when it would read across the screen "Heroic Victory" and show two swords clashing against each other on the campaign map where the battle was fought. Sadly, they don't include that in Empire: Total War.

Witnessing the deaths of some of my squad members in Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30. Gearbox did a wonderful job with this game. You start getting used to your squad members and begin to enjoy their company, and then they get killed off in dramatic ways. I won't say who, but one man, after witnessing the death of one of his teammates, yells out, "TAKE ME!" while standing up and waving his hands about, and is utterly obliterated by a tank. I still kind of remember that moment, and I remember trying to understand why he did that, as he lay motionlessly on the ground with a gaping wound on his side. That had a huge impact on me.
Witnessing the deaths of some of my squad members in Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30. Gearbox did a wonderful job with this game. You start getting used to your squad members and begin to enjoy their company, and then they get killed off in dramatic ways. I won't say who, but one man, after witnessing the death of one of his teammates, yells out, "TAKE ME!" while standing up and waving his hands about, and is utterly obliterated by a tank. I still kind of remember that moment, and I remember trying to understand why he did that, as he lay motionlessly on the ground with a gaping wound on his side. That had a huge impact on me.

One thing about Brothers in Arms - the story elements really don't hit home when you don't play them in order. You can't connect with the characters as much because the story is so tnight that if you jump in like I did, you have this whole "wait... am I supposed to know that guy too?" feeling the entire game. I can't even remember which one I played now... and despite enjoying it (Though getting frustrated by the save system), I still feel like I was missing something important.

BFBC2 was a great time. I only wish it wasn't so buggy and our HL2.Net server took off. I might load that up sometime this weekend.
I was given MW2 as a gift. Didn't buy MW1.

But there are WAY too many MW references in this thread. Seriously guys, Call of Duty has your most powerful gaming moment ever? God damn I hate modern gamers.

Why do you hate us? What's wrong with Modern Warfare, it's a good game.

It's not a 10/10, it's nowhere near as good as Half Life, but no-one's saying it is.

Why is it that it seems to be cool to hate MW. It's just wearing really thin on me now, I mean, yeah "**** Bobby Kotick" and the rest of it, that's all good, but you HATE people that liked Modern Warfare? Really?

It's probably overrated, but that's no reason to hate people that like it.
Why do you hate us? What's wrong with Modern Warfare, it's a good game.

It's not a 10/10, it's nowhere near as good as Half Life, but no-one's saying it is.

Why is it that it seems to be cool to hate MW. It's just wearing really thin on me now, I mean, yeah "**** Bobby Kotick" and the rest of it, that's all good, but you HATE people that liked Modern Warfare? Really?

It's probably overrated, but that's no reason to hate people that like it.

It's a bandwagon. People jumped on it. It's now cool to hate MW and MW2. It's like those people that give a 0 rating to a game on metacritic because it didn't have shiny enough textures or wasn't as good as a previous iteration. "OMFG I HATE ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T LIVE UP TO EXPECTATIONS GRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWHARGARBLE"

That's just how some people are.

Edit: Also, Call of Duty was an AMAZING experience. It's an incredibly highly rated game and set of a chain of copy cats for years to come. To this day none of the Call of Duty games has met the frantic pacing and just sheer overwhelming atmosphere of the original. United Offensive came close. I just got worse from there.
One thing about Brothers in Arms - the story elements really don't hit home when you don't play them in order. You can't connect with the characters as much because the story is so tnight that if you jump in like I did, you have this whole "wait... am I supposed to know that guy too?" feeling the entire game. I can't even remember which one I played now... and despite enjoying it (Though getting frustrated by the save system), I still feel like I was missing something important.

BFBC2 was a great time. I only wish it wasn't so buggy and our HL2.Net server took off. I might load that up sometime this weekend.

I know what you mean, but it's always useful to start a series from the very beginning so you can understand the story and characters better. A few teammates die during the events of Road to Hill 30, which would, not surprisingly, create a feeling of awkwardness in players that first learned about the series by skipping the beginning of it and playing the second or third game. When there's mention of a character who died in a previous game, they'll be wondering who that person was and the effect that they had on the plot. This logic goes for all of the video game franchises out there.

The Fallout series is a great example. I first learned about this series when people were talking about Fallout 3, and naturally, I knew there must have been some games before it. I looked them up, and found that they were pretty old, released in the '90s or something. The good thing was, people were saying you didn't have to play the previous games in the Fallout series to understand and enjoy Fallout 3. Brothers in Arms, however, doesn't work the same way. It's a direct continuation of each game, meaning you'll be scratching your head if you tried to jump into the series. Usually this isn't a good thing for developers, but sometimes, if the first game isn't very old, people will buy it. I believe this happened with the Half-Life series. A lot of people learned about it from Half-Life 2, and then after they had played that one, they went back to Half-Life, which was good for Valve.
It's a bandwagon. People jumped on it. It's now cool to hate MW and MW2. It's like those people that give a 0 rating to a game on metacritic because it didn't have shiny enough textures or wasn't as good as a previous iteration. "OMFG I HATE ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T LIVE UP TO EXPECTATIONS GRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWHARGARBLE"

That's just how some people are.

Edit: Also, Call of Duty was an AMAZING experience. It's an incredibly highly rated game and set of a chain of copy cats for years to come. To this day none of the Call of Duty games has met the frantic pacing and just sheer overwhelming atmosphere of the original. United Offensive came close. I just got worse from there.

I really don't see the problem with these games.

I spend most of my time playing TF2, but when i'm not, i'm probably on MW2.

I'm going to subject myself to a flaming here, but the only games in the series I have liked have been MW and MW2. I know that probably seems stupid, but in a game I like a good mix of multiplayer and singleplayer.

I came along too late to play COD1-2-3, and I hated WAW.

The Short campaign of MW1 didn't bother me, I just dispatched with it and went on to play the multiplayer, it was a great package for me.

MW2 was more of that, a bit better campaign, and then a good (IMO) multiplayer. Yes there are campers / cheaters / 7 year olds etc etc, but I find it really fun unless the whole game I am getting bummed by air support.

Can someone explain the hate for either of these games? Because they are, in my opinion, pretty bloody good. Much better than other recent games I can think of. RDR was just a yawn fest, L4D was interesting for about 5 minutes, and those are the only games I've been interested in.

Is it just because they are overrated? Because that in itself surely doesn't command hatred for them.

Is this just a desire to be different to everyone else, like some kind of game connoisseur.
It's a bandwagon. People jumped on it. It's now cool to hate MW and MW2. It's like those people that give a 0 rating to a game on metacritic because it didn't have shiny enough textures or wasn't as good as a previous iteration. "OMFG I HATE ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T LIVE UP TO EXPECTATIONS GRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWHARGARBLE"

I've found that people can't cope beyond a "10/10" or a "0/10". That's why I appreciate YouTube's new rating system.
but you HATE people that liked Modern Warfare? Really?

Perhaps "hate" is a slightly too strong of a word for it. I think, to say I am supremely angry at them would be more accurate. Look, the Call of Duty franchise does absolutely nothing to improve video games. It has the same standard of quality as games had 10 years ago. It has made no non-superficial improvements to its formula in seven ****ing years. The very fact that it is one of the highest selling games ever means that it is holding the industry back in the last decade. Developer (or publishers more typically) see its success as a shining beacon of green, and they will not break from that formula until some other game randomly becomes a smash hit. All you ****ers who like Modern Warfare but bemoan the state of FPS games these days due to them all being the same should smash your hands with a hammer.

Its your god damn fault publishers aren't improving their games. All they have to do is throw in some Michael Bay explosions and give stereotypical personalities to their shitty characters in their obnoxiously absurd plot and these ****ing modern gamers buy the shit out of it saying its the best thing they've ever seen in a game. It pisses me off that good developers can't make new and actually good games because their publishers want another "smashing success" Modern Warfare clone. When someone does do a unique and cool game people hate it because of some stupid ass reason, and it sells like shit. Mirrors Edge, for instance, or Mount & Blade, or Metro 2033 (ok, people actually like this game, but it hasn't sold that well) etc. Modern gamers are telling publishers and developers that they'd prefer Modern Warfare's generic piece of shit, decade-old gameplay to these games that actually innovate.

Plus you're giving money to Activision. So scratch that "supremely angry" bullshit, I do hate you all!
Also their characters have stupid ****ing names.
That was an appropriate nickname. Soap had about as much personality as, well, a bar of soap.

Also, I just remembered another awesome moment, due to mentioning Mount & Blade.

There was one battle where I was surrounded by enemy armies after having just dropped off 40 troops or so at one of my holdings, leaving my party with about 30 Vaegir Knights in my party, and a 4 or 5 companions. I was trying to evade their armies on the world map, but I was trapped in a corner, and they must have been marshaling because new armies kept coming from all directions. I eventually got caught by one of the enemy generals, and the whole enemy army moved in to fight me. It was 35 versus 500 or so. Being the courageous general I am, I fought back instead of surrendering. The battlefield was one of those really steep hilly areas that make it hard to climb, and using the terrain I was able to smash the first three waves, though losing almost all my knights in the process. In the fourth wave, after getting their number down to almost 150, my party was so beaten and my health so low that I had to retreat halfway through the fight. I managed to escape, and I was able to outrun the other parties on the world map and escape with my life and freedom. It was amazing. The longest fight I had in the game by far (probably took almost 2 hours) and despite having like 8 dudes at the end of it, I felt victorious after having not only survived, but completely ruined any chance they had of successfully conquering whatever city they were on-route to when I got in their way. Easily the best moment I've had in a game this year.
Perhaps "hate" is a slightly too strong of a word for it. I think, to say I am supremely angry at them would be more accurate. Look, the Call of Duty franchise does absolutely nothing to improve video games. It has the same standard of quality as games had 10 years ago. It has made no non-superficial improvements to its formula in seven ****ing years. The very fact that it is one of the highest selling games ever means that it is holding the industry back in the last decade. Developer (or publishers more typically) see its success as a shining beacon of green, and they will not break from that formula until some other game randomly becomes a smash hit. All you ****ers who like Modern Warfare but bemoan the state of FPS games these days due to them all being the same should smash your hands with a hammer.

Its your god damn fault publishers aren't improving their games. All they have to do is throw in some Michael Bay explosions and give stereotypical personalities to their shitty characters in their obnoxiously absurd plot and these ****ing modern gamers buy the shit out of it saying its the best thing they've ever seen in a game. It pisses me off that good developers can't make new and actually good games because their publishers want another "smashing success" Modern Warfare clone. When someone does do a unique and cool game people hate it because of some stupid ass reason, and it sells like shit. Mirrors Edge, for instance, or Mount & Blade, or Metro 2033 (ok, people actually like this game, but it hasn't sold that well) etc. Modern gamers are telling publishers and developers that they'd prefer Modern Warfare's generic piece of shit, decade-old gameplay to these games that actually innovate.

Plus you're giving money to Activision. So scratch that "supremely angry" bullshit, I do hate you all!

So we should drop games from a series that we like to play something new and experimental that we might not like?

I bought and liked Mirrors Edge. It was really fun, but it's definately not for everyone. The story in it is ****ing terrible, some weird looking woman who's a glorified postman in some future China? Give me a ****ing break. Gameplay was cool tho.

The only reason I haven't bought Metro 2033 is because I understand it is pretty scary at parts. Not all gamers like that (I know don't - exactly why I won't play Stalker).

To be honest you could use your argument about almost any game, Half Life advanced gameplay greatly, but was Half Life 2 really much different? Granted it had more awesome story and the corners cut off, but because there weren't any portal guns or people running around endlessly it becomes "generic piece of shit, decade-old gameplay"??!

I don't remember driving snow mobiles whilst trying to drive-by other assholes on snow mobiles a decade ago. I don't remember being in the nose of a ****ing missile a decade ago. Hell, I can't even remember planting claymores a decade ago.

I'm not saying that MW2 re-invents the game. It's no different to MW1 with a few extra guns / perks. That doesn't mean it's not a good game, and that I won't buy it.

How about Tiger Woods PGA Tour? The exact same game 10 years in a row!

I still can't see how you would hate this one game for not advancing video games, your argument seems to boil down to - You don't like it + It is successful = You hate everyone.

All you ****ers who like Modern Warfare but bemoan the state of FPS games these days due to them all being the same should smash your hands with a hammer.

I never bemoan the state of FPS's, or anything else to come to think of it.

There's nothing wrong with games now. There never has been anything wrong with games, and if I don't like games in the future, I just won't buy them and accept that I am in the minority.
Well first off, you completely missed my point, which was that the success of the game is hindering innovation. My argument (which you incorrectly summarize) isn't that the game doesn't advance innovation, but that it hinders it. And secondly, so say Half Life 2 didn't have anything innovative in it, blows my mind frankly. Combine that with the fact that you can't remember setting claymores or driving vehicles (guess what! Snow mobile chases are vehicle chases! Theres nothing different about it except the graphics of it!) in games from a decade ago only exemplify my point. I remember setting claymores in Spec Ops: Rangers Lead the Way, a game from 1998, and also in a little game called Half-life, and also in GoldenEye, and also in dozens of other games.

I don't see how Tiger Woods PGA helps your argument in any way either. Its the same with Madden. We havent had an innovative Football game in years because of it. The biggest innovation in football games in the last decade is coming from a game called Backbreaker. Its going to sell like shit because its not Madden. Thats modern gamer logic. Same reason why innovative FPS games don't sell, because they're not Call of Duty. If they are Call of Duty (Killzone, Medal of Honor) then they will sell.

So my argument is that games like these (COD, Madden, Tiger Woods) hinder innovation because modern gamers are ****ing idiots who wouldn't know a good game when they see it. Thus, publishers will keep rehashing old gameplay and delve the industry into a stagnation of mediocrity.

And please tell me you're not pissing on Mirror's Edge for having the "Runners" concept while defending Modern Warfare's story. I will ****ing stab you.
So we should drop games from a series that we like to play something new and experimental that we might not like?
No, you should stop spending $120 on the same game every year.

To be honest you could use your argument about almost any game, Half Life advanced gameplay greatly, but was Half Life 2 really much different? Granted it had more awesome story and the corners cut off, but because there weren't any portal guns or people running around endlessly it becomes "generic piece of shit, decade-old gameplay"??!
After you realise how cheap the gravity gun is when you pick up something big and metallic, HL2's gameplay was inferior to HL1's.

I don't remember driving snow mobiles whilst trying to drive-by other assholes on snow mobiles a decade ago. I don't remember being in the nose of a ****ing missile a decade ago. Hell, I can't even remember planting claymores a decade ago.
>implying rail shooters never existed
>implying you never set up bombs in HL1
>implying any of that gimmicky shit wasn't possible before

I'm not saying that MW2 re-invents the game. It's no different to MW1 with a few extra guns / perks. That doesn't mean it's not a good game, and that I won't buy it.
Hm, this sounds awfully familiar to something that used to exist. Oh right! Expansion packs! Fortunately for me, I've never paid more than $30 for one.

How about Tiger Woods PGA Tour? The exact same game 10 years in a row!
Not exactly selling like hotcakes. Not exactly influencing the development of every game in its genre.

There's nothing wrong with games now. There never has been anything wrong with games, and if I don't like games in the future, I just won't buy them and accept that I am in the minority.
You can save us trouble by just mailing Kotick a yearly $100 cheque yourself. That way at least the developers won't have to waste any more of their lives making insipid content.
Well first off, you completely missed my point, which was that the success of the game is hindering innovation. My argument (which you incorrectly summarize) isn't that the game doesn't advance innovation, but that it hinders it. And secondly, so say Half Life 2 didn't have anything innovative in it, blows my mind frankly. Combine that with the fact that you can't remember setting claymores or driving vehicles (guess what! Snow mobile chases are vehicle chases! Theres nothing different about it except the graphics of it!) in games from a decade ago only exemplify my point. I remember setting claymores in Spec Ops: Rangers Lead the Way, a game from 1998, and also in a little game called Half-life, and also in GoldenEye, and also in dozens of other games.

I don't see how Tiger Woods PGA helps your argument in any way either. Its the same with Madden. We havent had an innovative Football game in years because of it. The biggest innovation in football games in the last decade is coming from a game called Backbreaker. Its going to sell like shit because its not Madden. Thats modern gamer logic. Same reason why innovative FPS games don't sell, because they're not Call of Duty.

And please tell me you're not pissing on Mirror's Edge for having the "Runners" concept while defending Modern Warfare's story. I will ****ing stab you.

Who are you to say that gaming isn't innovating? Who are you to say what direction it should go in? Who are you make out that people are stupid and evil just because they have different tastes to you?

I don't mind admitting I didn't game much in the late 90s, I only played Goldeneye a few years after it came out, and I don't remember setting claymores, I assume you are right though.

I didn't play Spec Ops: Rangers, never heard of it. I'm not some superior gaming connoisseur with masterful knowledge of every game ever released.

I'm not defending Modern Warfare. I'm defending everyone who bought it who is apparently hated by you and is somehow wrong in the mind.

My Tiger Woods example is because you seem to hate MW, but if someone came on and said "hai guise i'm playing tiger woods lols" you wouldn't start droning on about how much you hate them and their families, and how they are single handedly destroying the gaming world! Oh noes!

Not pissing on Mirrors edge, it was great game play, if I could go back in time, I would definitely still buy it, it's just a good job I didn't buy it for the story.

Just out of interest, Krynn, if we are all doing it wrong, which games should we currently be buying?
Just out of interest, Krynn, if we are all doing it wrong, which games should we currently be buying?

For starters, lets just say, Metro 2033, King Arthur: The Roleplaying Wargame, Valkryia Chronicles, Mount & Blade: Warband, Alpha Protocol (not really for the combat gameplay, which is admittedly bad, but for the completely unique interactive plot system, which is an entire gameplay system in and of itself), and oh, lets say, Zeno Clash. That should get you out of your generic games rut.
For starters, lets just say, Metro 2033, King Arthur: The Roleplaying Wargame, Valkryia Chronicles, Mount & Blade: Warband, Alpha Protocol (not really for the combat gameplay, which is admittedly bad, but for the completely unique interactive plot system, which is an entire gameplay system in and of itself), Zeno Clash.

Is Metro 2033 scary though? I keep looking at game play videos because i'm interested, but I don't like scary games.

I always regret not playing stalker, and I watch videos of people playing all the time (i'm a total pussy).

Played Valkryia and seem to remember not liking it, don't know why, maybe i'll try it again.

What's with all the RPGs?
Theres only one actual rpg, which is Mount and Blade. King Arthur is an RTS with roleplaying elements, and Alpha Protocol is a third person shooter with roleplaying elements. Metro 2033 isn't really scary. Its got an eerie atmosphere, but its not like a FEAR or Silent Hill kind of scary I dont think.

Valkyria Chronicles is... I don't really know. Its gameplay is something I've never really played before. Its got some very light rpg elements, but the combat is like a mix between real-time and turn based strategy. Its awesome, and one of my favorite games ever because of how unique and well done the gameplay is. In my mind, its a shimmering example of what I'd like to see the games industry do more of.
I heard that Mount and blade sucks.
That it has a terrible story, crappy rpg elements and boring quests. I never played it but that's what I heard. Some cool battles though.
What I am about to recall isn't exactly a "Gaming moment", as it's more of a "Best Gaming Hype Moment", but I just couldn't help but put it here since I had just remembered this recently.

Back at early 2000, my brother and I were quite hyped for Diablo 2 and I was gathering as much info and news on the game as I could. I found a CGI trailer that was an early version of the official Diablo 2 intro, where Marius is found in an assylum and recalls to who he believed was Tyreal how he first came upon the "Wanderer". The trailer took a little over 3 hours to download since I was stuck with the all sucky 56K Modem at the time. But once it downloaded and we watched it for the first time, it blew us away. We watched that trailer so many times I lost count. I really hope Blizzard released another amazing CGI trailer like that for Diablo 3 before the game's release.
**** that, you know how hard for me to wait for Opposing Force come out - or worse, the waiting for They Hunger 2, and 3? :P
Why do you hate us? What's wrong with Modern Warfare, it's a good game.

It's not a 10/10, it's nowhere near as good as Half Life, but no-one's saying it is.

Why is it that it seems to be cool to hate MW. It's just wearing really thin on me now, I mean, yeah "**** Bobby Kotick" and the rest of it, that's all good, but you HATE people that liked Modern Warfare? Really?

It's probably overrated, but that's no reason to hate people that like it.

Well in a sense you could view them and others like them as the reason the video game industry is completely oversaturated with generic trash that are nothing more than pointless and polished ventures in 'ACTION!' that aren't even really fun and have about no core quality whatsoever.
Well in a sense you could view them and others like them as the reason the video game industry is completely oversaturated with generic trash that are nothing more than pointless and polished ventures in 'ACTION!' that aren't even really fun and have about no core quality whatsoever.

How so?

They publish it, people buy it.

Like I said, I can't defend MW2, but in November the only other shooter I can recall coming out was L4D2. I bought them both, and would have taken L4D over MW.

How is Activision making MW detrimental to the game industry? Activision publishing MW doesn't stop anyone else making games does it? I'm sure the people that buy the game derive fun from it.