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  1. Lasphere

    Valve Have '3 Big Surprises'

    I'm in love with that image. <3
  2. Lasphere

    Valve Have '3 Big Surprises'

    Maybe something to do with Telltales next game? :)
  3. Lasphere

    Valve Have '3 Big Surprises'

    It's that fairy game that they've been working on, I'm sure.
  4. Lasphere

    SDK - Soul Destroying Kit?

    That would be a Hammer - created and fine-tuned for their specific systems. (different experience) It might, of course, have made some trouble when they changed to Vista-- Wouldn't be the first time. ;)
  5. Lasphere

    Surprise! Portal 2 Coming to Playstation 3

    Baah, I think it's cool enough. People have been crying over the non-console 'policy' valve have been running for years..
  6. Lasphere

    Portal 2 Event at E3 Cancelled – Replaced by…’Surprise’

    how would I know? I think it is.
  7. Lasphere

    Portal 2 Event at E3 Cancelled – Replaced by…’Surprise’

    Portal 2 for PS3. That was the surprise.
  8. Lasphere

    Portal 2 Event at E3 Cancelled – Replaced by…’Surprise’

    OH MAN! OH god, phew! I'm so relieved! Oh man. I was so disappointed in Valve.. Now I love'em again! ;) Thanks for clarifying that.
  9. Lasphere

    Portal 2 Event at E3 Cancelled – Replaced by…’Surprise’ Valve.. completely cancelled their event at E3.
  10. Lasphere

    Team Fortress 2 for Mac Available Now with 'Training Mode'

    All PC users is gonna chase the Mac users. Its gonna be fun. Comic and the trailer was awsome!
  11. Lasphere

    Portal 2 Event at E3 Cancelled – Replaced by…’Surprise’

    uhmm.. how would you feel about a Duke Nukem Forever? Rumour has it...
  12. Lasphere

    Freeman 14th Picture Confirmed Fake by Gabe

    :( baah, I've still got hope. Theres a tiny voice in my head that tell's me that 'Gabe might lie'! Well, I've learned not to trust this voice. :P baah.
  13. Lasphere

    Portal 2 Event at E3 Cancelled – Replaced by…’Surprise’

    Oh man! Well, I hope the surprise is something fun then. ;)
  14. Lasphere

    Portal 2 Event at E3 Cancelled – Replaced by…’Surprise’

    UUUoooUo I hope its Ep3. The fact that Valve has justed released HL2 for mac COULD indicates that they are expanding the amount of people who would buy ep3. Man.. If it is HL2: Ep3 I'l buy a sandwich for everyone from these forums I meet. !
  15. Lasphere

    Half-life 2 on Mac Coming 26th: Free Yourself Promo

    This is great! I know its' a long shot, but maybe this could hint towards a possible release of episode 3 anytime soon - caus' now Valve will get even more people to play half-life 2 which equals even more people who are excited about a new episode! So, err, how long do you think it will take...
  16. Lasphere

    Portal 2 Officially Announced

    hmm..Why not wait for the GDC to announce Portal 2?
  17. Lasphere

    Zeno Clash 66% Off Sale & Competition

    Playing games sometimes, playing fun games can evolve to playing dangerous games..
  18. Lasphere

    Zombie Shooter 2 Competition

    Aaw Mellish, I almost had the same idea..! I guess kissing wouldn't fit in a zombie apocalypse.
  19. Lasphere

    Gearbox's Randy Rant Part 2

    wow, that's.. incompetent.
  20. Lasphere Site Layout Update

    Cool! Looks a bit like the steam design. - which is good.