Freeman 14th Picture Confirmed Fake by Gabe

Hectic Glenn

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Aug 8, 2004
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[br]Well there has been more than enough evidence against the legitimacy of the "Freeman 14th" picture which found its way into the rumour mill this week. Gabe said the surprise isn't Episode 3 & the history of the document shows a lot of <a href="]tampering[/url].[br]Further confirmation from Gabe Newell to our staff writer DigiQ8 has hopefully put to bed any further doubt. However we do still do look forward to the Portal 2 related surprise!
Half-Life 3 for sure!

It's gonna be combined with Portal 2 so there'll be a co-op mode where one person plays Gordon with the guns and stuff and the other is Chell with the Portal gun and you have to work together and everything its gonna be awesome santa told me this in a dream.
Not suprised. Bring on the Portal 2 media.
"Fake"; meaning "not made by Valve".

"It's not Ep3"; Ep3 != HL3.

Portal 2 Surprise; which may very well not be Portal 2 at all.

I'm going to hold out hope until I look like an idiot.
Clearly he's lying, or it wouldn't be a surprise.
if its real (which gabe would never admit if it was), then its either hl2 - ep3 or hl3, because it shows the face of g-man.
if its real (which gabe would never admit if it was), then its either hl2 - ep3 or hl3, because it shows the face of g-man.
Oh my god, you people are going to drive me over the edge.
This is funny, although, there is no denying that there is a real Half-Life 2: Episode 3 IMDb page, with the year 2011 next to it...but I'm sure it's not the first time it's been viewed. :upstare:
Half life 2: Epsiode 2: Chapter 2?
This is funny, although, there is no denying that there is a real Half-Life 2: Episode 3 IMDb page, with the year 2011 next to it...but I'm sure it's not the first time it's been viewed. :upstare:

Man, that whole thing is one big troll. Especially with Barney being rumored.
It's a cruel joke, that's what that is. Let Barney rest in peace, people. He's earned it.

I give up. I can't rebel against the truth any more. I lie prostrate before you all. Feed off of my disappointment until I am a soulless shell of a man and throw my anemic body into the gaping snot maw of the Gabe. If there is any residue left of my existence, smear it over the breakfast of Doug Lombardi, he'll have a taste of my final suffering if it's the last thing you all do.
Well not that it means anything, since its fake and all, but there is an image of the gman that is barely visible. Adjusting the levels in photoshop will make it clearly visible.
Half-Life 3 for sure!

It's gonna be combined with Portal 2 so there'll be a co-op mode where one person plays Gordon with the guns and stuff and the other is Chell with the Portal gun and you have to work together and everything its gonna be awesome santa told me this in a dream.
This is my first time posting on this site, and I can tell I already hate you.

I give up. I can't rebel against the truth any more. I lie prostrate before you all. Feed off of my disappointment until I am a soulless shell of a man and throw my anemic body into the gaping snot maw of the Gabe. If there is any residue left of my existence, smear it over the breakfast of Doug Lombardi, he'll have a taste of my final suffering if it's the last thing you all do.
That's the spirit.
I guarantee the E3 portal 2 surprise is ep3 even though the e-mail said "portal 2 surprise" i'm just a complete moron.
This is my first time posting on this site, and I can tell I already hate you.

if it wasn't your first time posting here, you might know eejit and know that he was quite obviously being sarcastic. instead, you've just gone and made a silly statement about a regular longtime poster.

great first post.
if it wasn't your first time posting here, you might know eejit and know that he was quite obviously being sarcastic. instead, you've just gone and made a silly statement about a regular longtime poster.

great first post.

Are you saying we can't hate eejit?
I often try to put myself in the position of Valve when they consistently dish up no news of Episode Three. Though legitimate reasons may prevent them from revealing/announcing anything, I wonder just what goes through their minds. Do they feel guilt for crushing the hopes of fans time and time again, or does Valve relish in the disappointment as they build up for the final reveal, much like a parent teases its child with terrible presents before unveiling the one thing they wished for Christmas an infinite amount of times?

But perhaps there is a more plausible explanation: Gabe is obviously a demon spirit who feeds off the sadness and frustration of gamers, widening his girth and increasing his dark powers that will ultimately fulfill his apocalyptic ascendancy.

I, for one, welcome our new(ell) Dark Overlord.
Are you saying we can't hate eejit?

you can if you want, you've been around a bit longer than a first post and in some way know how the guy posts, enough to tell sarcasm apart anyway.
I often try to put myself in the position of Valve when they consistently dish up no news of Episode Three. Though legitimate reasons may prevent them from revealing/announcing anything, I wonder just what goes through their minds. Do they feel guilt for crushing the hopes of fans time and time again, or does Valve relish in the disappointment as they build up for the final reveal, much like a parent teases its child with terrible presents before unveiling the one thing they wished for Christmas an infinite amount of times?

But perhaps there is a more plausible explanation: Gabe is obviously a demon spirit who feeds off the sadness and frustration of gamers, widening his girth and increasing his dark powers that will ultimately fulfill his apocalyptic ascendancy.

I, for one, welcome our new(ell) Dark Overlord.

yeah, I wonder if valve even know how much they piss us fans off.
Gee, I can't imagine they do. They probably don't get loads of angry mail, and I don't think they browse the internet very often.
"However we do still do look forward to the Portal 2 related surprise!"

you moron, it's not going to be portal 2. and it isn't going to be episode 3. why the hell would they cancle portal 2 at e3 for a portal 2 surprise? THINK!
it's half-life 3. it's obvious.... come on.
"However we do still do look forward to the Portal 2 related surprise!"

you moron, it's not going to be portal 2. and it isn't going to be episode 3. why the hell would they cancle portal 2 at e3 for a portal 2 surprise? THINK!
it's half-life 3. it's obvious.... come on.

the email states it's going to be a ''portal 2'' surprise, and that's the actual words.

whether or not this is as straight forward as something simply related to portal 2 or something bigger - maybe smaller - is still to be unseen. i'm in niether camp as i would prefer to just wait and be surprised, as it says, but nevertheless... it's being called a ''portal 2 surprise''
you moron, it's not going to be portal 2. and it isn't going to be episode 3. why the hell would they cancle portal 2 at e3 for a portal 2 surprise? THINK! it's half-life 3. it's obvious.... come on.
I can't see it myself. After waiting so long for EP3 would Valve just now bypass it all together for something else? I think they should get EP3 out of the way, with the best episode yet ......... then just put the whole episodic debacle to rest & get on with their next project, which may or may not be HL3.
Oh good, more meat for the grinder.

Just a reminder for the uninitiated - anyone fervently believing that the surprise is Episode 3/HL3 and then posts anything other than "Well shucks, guess I was wrong." when they turn out to be ENORMOUSLY WRONG is going to get banned.
Just a reminder for the uninitiated - anyone fervently believing that the surprise is Episode 3/HL3 and then posts anything other than "Well shucks, guess I was wrong." when they turn out to be ENORMOUSLY WRONG is going to get banned.

The surprise for me is that everyone is so surprised when Valve spring any kind of surprise on us! The slightest hint of something new on the horizon usually results in fevered speculation almost exclusively pointing to EP3 or even HL3. Even Portal 2's announcement resulted in EP3 speculation with the possibility of a new 'Orange Box'. Now the Portal event has been cancelled eveyone seems to think/hope it again points to EP3/HL3. If anything, you can definitely say about Valve that they have developed a talent for building people up with any kind of marketing campaign that they do ...... and then knocking them back down again as we AGAIN learn that the 'surprise' is that its not EP3 ..... AGAIN!! :angry:
The surprise is Valve getting taken over by EA, and Portal 2 becoming a free game where you have to buy ****ing everything as DLC.
people fall so easily on anything

or maybe they are just trolling

also my proofs that this was all fake:

there is no full logo,the one whit the circle and the 2

the name "freeman" was never used before,they didnt even used gordon or pointed any indication of him except for a portrait or something like that
baah, I've still got hope. Theres a tiny voice in my head that tell's me that 'Gabe might lie'!
Well, I've learned not to trust this voice. :P