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  1. cadaver

    Worst Boss fights

  2. cadaver

    Worst Boss fights

    the big "spider"(don`t remember it`s name) in gears of war. lol.
  3. cadaver

    Stalker reviewed in PCG UK

    "yes its an fps - but its an fps for people whose favorite is deus ex, not half life 2". "it is stalker. a singularity in the landscape of PC games, it deserves carefull exploration". PC Gamer The wait is almost over!
  4. cadaver

    Stalker reviewed in PCG UK

    Quote: t:The stalker review is by KG. It's 6 pages and a good balance between text and screenshots. Imo it's the best review i've read in a while; taking time to analyse the game rather than just recounting cool stuff that happened in it or a creative writing essay with a few references to...
  5. cadaver

    Plan to buy STALKER?

    OMG yes! Been waiting for an eternity.
  6. cadaver

    Bioshock Gameplay Video #2

    he really shouldn`t kill that little girls friend...poor little adam-sucker. this is gonna be good!
  7. cadaver

    STALKER gold

    WOOT! This is great news! 4 years of waiting! I was expecting another delay.
  8. cadaver

    Stalker Beta impressions?

    Gamestar? They don`t even have the finished product yet...
  9. cadaver

    Stalker Beta impressions? hands on with benchmark, screens and videoes of the MP Beta. I have expreienced one crash to desktop, and that was solved by turning off the avg virus scanner.
  10. cadaver

    Stalker Beta impressions?

    The latest beta build is only dx8. You can probably start the dx9 renderer trough the console and tweak the user.ltx file manualy. In the previous beta you had the oportunity to start the dx9 renderer in the start menu. dx9 + maximum settings is very very nice! Mulitplayer feels like CS with...
  11. cadaver

    stalker video + beta this month

    It seems that fileplanet have released a old beta and the right(new) one will be released in a short time. THQ aparently blame misunderstandings. I have seen so many good "sun pictures". Maybe it is because of the wrong bug filled beta? the mood is unbeatable. day/night/weather cycle is so...
  12. cadaver

    stalker video + beta this month

    Anybody have the MP beta + key? I hear much goodiness about it :bounce:
  13. cadaver

    stalker video + beta this month

    long video "review" with a lot of gameplay. its french but subtitled in english. it looks awesome. it starts a coupe of minutes in there. high five!
  14. cadaver

    stalker video + beta this month

    that wid is old. looking forward to the beta!
  15. cadaver

    STALKER - Hands on

  16. cadaver

    What console have you bought?

    bought a 360 to play gears of war, then sold it for the same prise as I bought it for :D
  17. cadaver

    STALKER - Hands on

    This initial taste of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is enticing, mainly because it appears that GSC Game World has delivered on many of the ambitious features that were promised years ago. There's almost a palpable sense that you're not quite playing a game, but rather exploring an incredibly dynamic and...
  18. cadaver

    STALKER - Hands on

    this sounds very very very good! high five
  19. cadaver

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R: New Q&A from beta testers

    New official website: Effect of drinking vodka in Stalker: Communication:
  20. cadaver

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R: New Q&A from beta testers

    and they ricochete(spelling?).