Stalker Beta impressions?


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
I've just been accepted into the stalker beta, anyone else playing? what should I expect it DM or do they also have CTF and artifact hunt? what's performance like? are their plenty of servers to play on?

to get a beta key without subscribing to Fileplanet: go to THQ website and sign up for beta contest a few days you should get a beta key
Stalker looks like a great game....if it was 2002....the graphics look like shize in my opinion but I havent seen any videos so I cant make an educated opinion....maybe someone can prove me wrong
there's a IGN preview that mentions that the graphics are actually very realistic ..but graphics dont make gameplay
very true, id rather have a game with great physics and gameplay rather than graphics....perhaps something along the lines of shooting someone in the foot and having them limp...the hours of fun you could have with that :)
hmmm, i like the fact that its not just a run and gun...I saw the trailer and I'm still undecided if its something i would like
I've been following it for at least a few years now ..I guess what most attracts me is the open world ..even if this current version bears little resemblence to what was originally promised

I too am undecided, hopefully the mp beta will give me a better picture as to requirements/performance

I don't see any beta contest on that link. D:

that's because you have to register/sign in to the THQ site and then go to the page I linked to should have a link for "competitions" ..then just enter it'll have to answer why you want to enter the beta ...I just said "because I've been waiting since 2003" ..I was accepted
Post your opinion after you play the demo
it's the multiplayer beta ..but as soon as I get a chance to play I'll post my impressions
I have a key and the install file on my computer. Might install it later, just cant be arsed. :P
Actually, got a day off tomorrow, I'll install and play tomorrow.
I have the beta but when i create a game and jump in all i see is the hud,skybox,crosshair, and i hear sounds for example i can shoot my weapon but i dont see anything no textures no trees no buildings nothing.

Bleh, I've registered and I still don't see any mention of Stalker in that competitions page. All I see is " Your chance to win a copy of Avatar: The Legend of Aang?". Bleh, maybe I'm already too late. ;(
Bleh, I've registered and I still don't see any mention of Stalker in that competitions page. All I see is " Your chance to win a copy of Avatar: The Legend of Aang?". Bleh, maybe I'm already too late. ;(

Same here. I guess I'm screwed.
that's because you have to register/sign in to the THQ site and then go to the page I linked to should have a link for "competitions" ..then just enter it'll have to answer why you want to enter the beta ...I just said "because I've been waiting since 2003" ..I was accepted

I did register and log in and the only competition I got to pick from was to win some stupid game.
Signed up on FP for notification of Beta'ness
Bleh, I've registered and I still don't see any mention of Stalker in that competitions page. All I see is " Your chance to win a copy of Avatar: The Legend of Aang?". Bleh, maybe I'm already too late. ;(

log in to the THQ site first then visit this page

click "Enter" it'll take you to a page with

"Your chance to win a copy of Avatar: The Legend of Aang?"

right below that should be stalker ..hit Go button
Artifact hunt the objective oriented mp mode is pretty fun, except usually me and one other guy are the only ones doing the objective. Plays a bit like counter strike. Weapons can be extremely unresponsive. Graphics are decent especially when its storming, but some of the things from the screenshots seem to be missing. Dynamic day/night in mp is kind of neat. If you were going to get this game for the multiplayer I would pass on it, the single player looks intresting though.
Artifact hunt the objective oriented mp mode is pretty fun, except usually me and one other guy are the only ones doing the objective. Plays a bit like counter strike. Weapons can be extremely unresponsive. Graphics are decent especially when its storming, but some of the things from the screenshots seem to be missing. Dynamic day/night in mp is kind of neat. If you were going to get this game for the multiplayer I would pass on it, the single player looks intresting though.

The latest beta build is only dx8. You can probably start the dx9 renderer trough the console and tweak the user.ltx file manualy. In the previous beta you had the oportunity to start the dx9 renderer in the start menu. dx9 + maximum settings is very very nice!

Mulitplayer feels like CS with a nice twist yes, though the environments are huge and with such an amount of detail I have never seen in a game before.

I don`t have any problems with unresponsive weapons except a couple of very weak pistols(when shooting at a distance).

If this is illegal beta talk, please delete my post :)
yay just checked my email and found beta mail
downloading now
the thq sign up works through fileplanet; that's where you get your key/download your game

to those who cant find the beta key link on thq: try searching through the stalker section for a link
the thq sign up works through fileplanet; that's where you get your key/download your game

to those who cant find the beta key link on thq: try searching through the stalker section for a link

Gah, I followed a beta key link through the stalker section, and it still only has a competition for Avatar...
ya I had that too but go through the stalker section there should be a link to the competition ..unless they no longer have that competition running ...I signed up for it early last week
ya I had that too but go through the stalker section there should be a link to the competition ..unless they no longer have that competition running ...I signed up for it early last week

...Well, Stern.

That just might be why. >.o
well then to be you now doesnt it? ;)

sign up for the beta notification on fileplanet maybe you'll sneak in that way
Mulitplayer feels like CS with a nice twist yes, though the environments are huge and with such an amount of detail I have never seen in a game before.

I don`t have any problems with unresponsive weapons except a couple of very weak pistols(when shooting at a distance).

If this is illegal beta talk, please delete my post :)

That was something I forgot to mention. The levels don't seem that much larger, at least the artifact hunt one, than an average cs level. However, the enviroment is great. Almost all the buildings can be entered, through holes in the walls or windows. There are tons of objects and debris laying around to use for cover. Though some of it is radio active so you need to be a little careful about which trucks you hide behind. The level design is the best part of the game for me.

The unresponsive weapons is probably due to lag or something. I didn't mean recoil itself, just when I try to fire the weapon it doesn't fire or has a long pause before it fires. Usually its not enough to be bothered by, but when you are trying to shoot somone who is running it taking a split second longer for your weapon to fire can be annoying.

I didn't mean to sound extremely nagative about the game. For the most part it is very goood, I just don't think there is anything terribly original about the multiplayer. I am hoping the single player is different in that aspect.

I didn't even think about the NDA. I just assumed there wasn't one after seeing all the posts on the official forums.
Yeah, it's fun :) Although the lag sometimes kills it for me. Nice movement positions (standing/semi/crouched), they make for some very tactical firefighting.
They still have weapon jamming don't they? Is this what could be happening to you or are you sure it's lag? I'm not in the beta, just curious is all.
I didnt play long enough to find out but previews have mentioned gun jamming
Also, when signups WERE avalible, you had to register as a UK member.

and the keys opened on jan 22... quite a while ago