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  1. MrD

    Interesting paradox

    I always tell the truth and I have big penis.
  2. MrD

    how will the world end? (seriously)

    Yeah, but "jesus" is probably just some evil alien, and they don't like us so they said when they return with their big gun their gonna blow us all up. And the Stupid humans made a bible out of it. That wouldn't surprise me at all.
  3. MrD


    Um, but if you saw the actual real future, and assuming there is only one, then you cannot make an alternate choice since to do so would mean you hadn't actually seen the future. A PARADOX!!!! :)
  4. MrD

    Interesting paradox

    Bugger! Yes, so it is lol, i appear to have lost track of what a paradox is. :)
  5. MrD

    Interesting paradox

    There is no paradox, sorry, it just flat out doesn't work! The problem is with that first line: "Suppose there's a man who goes around telling everybody he's a compulsive liar, even though he is not." <- no such man could exist, since in order to tell someone you are a compulsive liar when you...
  6. MrD

    Dub! Dub! Dub!

    Eh?! Someone gonna explain what that was all about ... ?
  7. MrD

    My dog doesnt conform to your rules

    LOL! :)
  8. MrD

    HELP! HELP! Call 911

    Ahh! Please excuse my stupidity! :)
  9. MrD


    Back to the future is cool, I have those on DVD :) How do we know that there is even a future? Maybe everything that has happened, and everything that will happen, have all occurred in a single instant, and it is just our view of the world that makes everthing seem like it happens in a...
  10. MrD

    HELP! HELP! Call 911

    ps. My reasons for not playing are not related to my connection speed. :)
  11. MrD

    HELP! HELP! Call 911

    The forums are not dead! Long Live The Forums! No seriously though, they just moved to off-topic :) ps. I have not played the beta.
  12. MrD

    My dog doesnt conform to your rules

    I have 1 dog and 3 cats. The dog is getting old, about 14 I think. She is going blind and is completely deaf and likes to follow random people (who she thinks is me) when I take her out for a walk. Because she is deaf she doesn't hear me whistle, so i have to go for a little jog to catch up...
  13. MrD

    Games people play ?

    Ahh! So it was you! Yes, it got boring for me too, but only in single player. Multiplayer is a lot more fun providing you can find players of similar ability to yourself. Can't wait for the full version :)
  14. MrD

    CD Rippage problem.. helpage?

    I don't get it, why is ripping a CD bad? I have ripped all my CDs so that I can put them on my iPod, how does this deny artists of their money??
  15. MrD

    Your worst fear and best torture

    I just thought of being slowly boiled alive, or cooked in a microwave or something. I thought of this while in the sauna, and what it might be like to get trapped in there!!
  16. MrD


    Comics are for kids!
  17. MrD

    Keyborading for complet idiots.

    How does spilling salt & vinegar crisps on your keyboard give you a dirty mind?
  18. MrD

    Your worst fear and best torture

    lol! some of these are scary... They say you can find your enemy's worse fear in the way they try to scare others. Being slowly crushed to death by moving walls would be pretty horrible. Or having your eyes gouged out. *shivers*
  19. MrD


    Well if I had a thread for everytime I've been bored then I'd be a rich man.
  20. MrD

    weed..whats the big deal??

    Oh! Wow! You have a life! I am so envious, I feel so completely undeserving of your presence now. If only we'd realised then we wouldn't have wasted all that time arguing with you. How silly of us to forget that people who have lives are completely excused from making any worthwhile comments in...