Dub! Dub! Dub!


Someone gonna explain what that was all about ... ?
****ing hell! i havn't had this much fun in ages!
this deos far more than owns.

my throat hurts cos i was screaming by the end. omfg.

simmo this is great :D:D:D:D
worked full and fine for me with full screen and other windows loading, but then i have broadband, *blows rasberry*
If you have it full screen you cant see it bouncing o the beat :D
I'm not going to open it. After a few jokes like this, I try to remember the link so next time someone sends it to me I'll know that I shouldn't go there.
Originally posted by Loshadka
I'm not going to open it. After a few jokes like this, I try to remember the link so next time someone sends it to me I'll know that I shouldn't go there.

Its nothing scary...all it is is music playin and the browser window bounces to the beat :D
Ah! Thats awesome!
Didnt work at first because I wasn't using IE...but when I copied and pasted I could stop laughing.
LOL! Funny sh*t! It's so weird how it just tweaks out like that. I'm writing this post while the window in the background is goin' nuts.
eh? maria who? i was dubbing too load to hear anyhting but the beat, this will be great with a few friends.
Originally posted by king John I
eh? maria who? i was dubbing too load to hear anyhting but the beat, this will be great with a few friends.
Selling tickets?
cool, but its too late hear and my younger bro is in bed in the nest room, cant crank it. I have good speakers though, Ill do it tomorrow FOR ALL OF YOU.
aww this is awesome
i love techno
f*ckin shit this is good.. finally some good internet code, lol
I can't turn my volume all the way up any more.

It would bring my house down.

I have it on 2% tops on all games/music with bass on full. Because I love bass.

And that sometimes shakes pens off my desk


I suggest you lot invest in a large sound system too!
Just so i can have my very own hearing aids when im 30?

Bass is fun but it really does damage your hearing if its really loud.
which is why i have it on 2%!!!


Seriously. If I turn the bass OFF then I can just about turn the volume up to about 8 - 15% just!

Without damaging sumthing.

It is good though. + its 5.1 surround. So I can hear where those damned tanks are on desert combat and blow the crap outa them with my explosives :D :D :D
LOL! My sound system is the same :)

Gotta have good sound ...
If I have my volume up past 2 with no bass you can still hear it all through the house. As you can imagine, it doesn't go down with my parents well. :( No bass for me. Damn crappy walls
yup i did

bass on full, volume on 2%

They are different settings!

Sorry if i confuzled you :P
And the thread morphed from a discussion about a website to a "my sound system is better than yours" deal.

My speakers came with the computer. I don't give a shit.
lol. I aint saying my speakers are beter than yours!

I am happy though.

And I allways thought the same thing. Why bother with sound!
But I swear. Its the best purchase I have made :)
Originally posted by not28
And the thread morphed from a discussion about a website to a "my sound system is better than yours" deal.

My speakers came with the computer. I don't give a shit.

Same, my ugly boston speakers still pwn though.