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  1. MrD


    So, um, any takers on my question?!
  2. MrD


    Um, and the galaxy class starships?! Sorry, but Abom's got a point.
  3. MrD


    Amen to that, this place is like a schoolyard. :cheers:
  4. MrD

    The ease of piracy & hl2

    You are correct, some would. I am correct, most wouldn't. I don't disagree that it's illegal. But i figure, as a software company, you're not gonna make any money from them regardless so why try? It seems to me that they spend more money making the game less compatible with people's...
  5. MrD

    The ease of piracy & hl2

    Um, you do realise that most of the people that download games would never have bought it anyway? Right? Why do people worry so much about piracy?
  6. MrD

    All these new features are nice and spiffy, but...

    Hmm, good point lol But i guess it adds replay value. Trying to complete the game a second time, but using more unconventional means. :)
  7. MrD

    Planning on calling in sick on release day?

    Usually in the UK it's a Friday. BUT, seeing as Valve are going for a simultaneous world release it's more likely to go with the "standard" release day of our US friends. Whatever that may be. So, in short, don't count on it being a Friday!
  8. MrD

    has Half Life truly changed the gaming scene?

    You just made me think of *cough*Duke Nukem Forever*cough*. Now THAT'S a long time! lol
  9. MrD

    Question on ethics

    Single Player ;)
  10. MrD

    Question on ethics

    Not quite. It all depends on what you're trying to protect. Take videos as an example. You'll never prevent video piracy for the simple reason that people can't watch encrypted content. No matter what fancy shenanigans you employ. You'll always have to decrypt it so the user can actually...
  11. MrD

    Question on ethics

    We dump the computer in the bin and go back to Conkers!
  12. MrD

    Question on ethics

    Yeah, on seconds thoughts, i'm not sure what i was thinking! My point was more along the lines of: Why bother trying to beat piracy when you can't? All it serves is to frighten away more paying customers. But, don't answer that. I had switched in my head from online key protections to CD copy...
  13. MrD

    Question on ethics

    Nah. Let's consider there are two types of piracy. 1), "Warez": I download it, and play without paying. 2) "Casual Copying": I buy it, and give a copy to my mate, and so on. Now type (1) happens regardless of copy protection. HL2 will be available on the internet mere days...
  14. MrD

    Question on ethics

    lol :p It's just your perception that a house is "not a one person use kinda item". As it is with most people come to think of it. Similarly, i feel the same about games, at least in the home LAN sense. It just depends on how you look at things. Unforunately, at the end of the day it comes...
  15. MrD

    Question on ethics

    Shuzer, let's make an analogy here! Say you buy a new house. Now, this house cost you £125,000. It's rediculous that your other family members can all use the house at the same time as you!! OMG OMG they should sooo have to buy one each. It's only fair. Anyway, analogies aside. It's not...
  16. MrD

    Question on ethics

    No need to take the piss mate. :rolleyes: Perhaps there is more to life than money? :cheers:
  17. MrD

    Question on ethics

    Yeah, you could be right. But perhaps they've only got themselves to blame. I mean, of all the ways to entice people to buy your product, adding more restrictions seems unquestionably stupid. If people aren't buying it, then you have to make it better, not worse?! Now to me, that doesn't seem...
  18. MrD

    Question on ethics

    The narrowmindedness of some people in this thread is breathtaking! The inability to understand, or even try to understand other people's points of view, ach whatever. Once apon a time, a long long time ago, there was a game called Starcraft. They understood this family thing exactly. They...
  19. MrD


    BTW, whatever happened to the "estimated release date" thingy on the front page? Really good idea that was, would be good to have it back :)
  20. MrD doesn't remember me

    IE has some weird bug where it stops remembering cookies. The only way i've found to fix it is to delete all the cookies (Tools->Internet Options->Delete Cookies) and start afresh. Once you've re-entered all your login details for every site you ever visited, all should be fine again! A...