All these new features are nice and spiffy, but...


Oct 2, 2003
Reaction score
Will you actually use them?

I mean, when you're retreating, will you think to block off doorways with furniture, or will you just keep running without thinking? Are you likely to use a sheet of metal as a shield, really?

I'd like to think I will, but sometimes I'll be too busy shooting to notice.
Kangy said:
Will you actually use them?

I mean, when you're retreating, will you think to block off doorways with furniture, or will you just keep running without thinking? Are you likely to use a sheet of metal as a shield, really?

I'd like to think I will, but sometimes I'll be too busy shooting to notice.

The fact that you have a choice to use many of the features is the whole appeal of the game in the first place.
I would tend to think that ppl are going to use what ever options they have to get the task completed, obviously this will depend on the situation you find yourself in and the resources available to you at that point in the game.

I agree, having choices is very appealing.
They've extensively playtested over and over again, if it doesn't help gameplay they don't persue it, ala cloth.

Yes. We will actually use everything they put in, I can almost garentee that.
Kangy said:
Will you actually use them?

I mean, when you're retreating, will you think to block off doorways with furniture, or will you just keep running without thinking? Are you likely to use a sheet of metal as a shield, really?

I'd like to think I will, but sometimes I'll be too busy shooting to notice.

Hmm, good point lol

But i guess it adds replay value. Trying to complete the game a second time, but using more unconventional means.

ACLeroK212 said:
The fact that you have a choice to use many of the features is the whole appeal of the game in the first place.

I never said I didn't want or like the choice.
Kangy said:
Will you actually use them?

I mean, when you're retreating, will you think to block off doorways with furniture, or will you just keep running without thinking? Are you likely to use a sheet of metal as a shield, really?

I'd like to think I will, but sometimes I'll be too busy shooting to notice.
It's certainly going to be interesting to see if gamers can adjust to a new way of thinking with Half-Life 2. It'll be the first time gamers will be able to creatively use the environment as a weapon so I imagine there will be a period of adjustment for all of us.
Like Gabe said in some interview, non-hardcore gamers are not that set into the ways a FPS is supposed to be played so they block hallways and use physics alot more while hardcore gamers play them like they always do.
Kangy said:
Will you actually use them?

I mean, when you're retreating, will you think to block off doorways with furniture, or will you just keep running without thinking? Are you likely to use a sheet of metal as a shield, really?

I'd like to think I will, but sometimes I'll be too busy shooting to notice.

Ah, but now isn't that interesting? We've been taught that running will always solve the problem, but now it won't because no matter where you go they'll be after you.

So now, here we have choices. Options. Something we've never had before. :D
put it on the hardest difficulty and id be u'd become creative and think of anything that could possibly help.
I get the feeling that there may be situations in which it would behoove you to trap or "physics" enemies to death rather than waste ammo, it may become scarce....
CrazyHarij said:
Like Gabe said in some interview, non-hardcore gamers are not that set into the ways a FPS is supposed to be played so they block hallways and use physics alot more while hardcore gamers play them like they always do.
Yeah, veterans of the genre will be more inclined to do what you said, but newer gamers, and ones try and keep there minds open and are interested in the new features Im sure will use them more.
It will indeed be hard to get outta the run 'n' gun mood, but if you've played Deus Ex or something like that recently, it's a start. It's not like you won't be able to save after a level and just play it again differently when your done--and it's not like we all won't play SP 100 times over anyway. By the time this game grows old (if it ever does), we'll have probably done most that can be done with it.
Intamin said:
It will indeed be hard to get outta the run 'n' gun mood, but if you've played Deus Ex or something like that recently, it's a start. It's not like you won't be able to save after a level and just play it again differently when your done--and it's not like we all won't play SP 100 times over anyway. By the time this game grows old (if it ever does), we'll have probably done most that can be done with it.

Exactly. It's kind of the same thing we had to do with the original HL. Before HL we were all used to Quake and Doom type games where we just ran around, blasted enemies and found keys. Then with HL, we had to start thinking and adjusting to smarter enemies and more complex situations. Now all valve is doing is throwing choices and the ability to interact with more of the level into the equation.
I am definately not the "run-n-gun" type gamer, I'll have a blast throwing boxes at combine. I'll probably stack a bunch of stuff up, then lead a combine over to the pile and bury him in junk. I guess I just like running around goofing off. So yah, the physics will be cool. Doom 3 has physics, but they're more just to look at. ooo shoot the soda can... oooo... the box fell....
Well, I think the first few hours in the game I will play it like I play all other FPS, run take cover shoot :)
But when I play it the second time I will use couches and other stuff to think my way trough not shoot.
I hope that there isn't too much ammo laying around,so you will be forced to use the environment.:P
I'm the type of guy that likes to have fun in game....

Theif 3..bloody fun AVOIDING the enemies. but that first real mission I killed everyone in there, one at a time. caught only once. :)

Or like in FarCry, I like to wait for the guy to near a gas can and shoot that. Or circle around back. :D
Yes, these are the types of things I have always thought of doing in a game but not been able to. Now I can :)
I don't plan on using any of these features.
As soon as HL2 is installed I will edit the config file to turn off jumping, crouching, physics, and AI while I am at it.
Then I will replace all the enemies with 2d sprites and it will be Doom 1 all over again.
The first time I will play it rather conventionally if I can. Later I will try to set up traps and stuff. Of course, this all depends on how much the manipulator is involved.
I think the thing that's going to be the hardest is simply being able to recognize some of the things you can interact with. We're used to older games where the interactive objects usually stand out and are much more noticable than the standard background clutter (ie glowing switches and keys and whatnot). With the newer games though, the non-interactive objects have just as much detail and blend in just as well as the interactive objects do and it's going to take a keen eye to be able to pick out some of the more creative ways to deal with things.

For example, the Traptown video. I would have never imagined being able to drop the dumpsters on the combine soldiers as we're shown in the video. It just looks like another standard structure in the map.
ACLeroK212 said:
I think the thing that's going to be the hardest is simply being able to recognize some of the things you can interact with. We're used to older games where the interactive objects usually stand out and are much more noticable than the standard background clutter (ie glowing switches and keys and whatnot). With the newer games though, the non-interactive objects have just as much detail and blend in just as well as the interactive objects do and it's going to take a keen eye to be able to pick out some of the more creative ways to deal with things.

For example, the Traptown video. I would have never imagined being able to drop the dumpsters on the combine soldiers as we're shown in the video. It just looks like another standard structure in the map.

Nicely said :). Just as in Doom3, where the shinyness of the entire environment (which i'm not praising, mind you; and the darkness, for that matter) really challenges you to look around for objects that you can truly interact with.

In Doom3, I go up to terminals and stuff that are extremelly detailed thinking they do something, just to find out that they're for show. But this is a great problem! It means games are gettin' way more realistic--which is obvious.

Everything can be interacted with in our world; everything looks like it can be interacted with, in HL2 and Doom3, and probably every next-gen game that looks half-way decent, as well.
I think the idea is for everything that isn't bolted-down to be interactive. Just think like you would in real life; you're not gonna try to push a wall in front of a door, but a chair would work fine (I wonder if you could really barricade a door with the back of a chair under the knob?). Still, getting out of the regular FPS mentality might be hard for some, but as long as you keep thinking, it'll be fine. Play HL1 over and over and you'll notice tons of little tricks you can use. I got by the assassins (fourth time I played - Hard) without taking any damage, by just using satchels and backing myself into a corner.
Wiseman said:
I got by the assassins (fourth time I played - Hard) without taking any damage, by just using satchels and backing myself into a corner.

damn campers .... ;)
Wiseman said:
I got by the assassins (fourth time I played - Hard) without taking any damage, by just using satchels and backing myself into a corner.
I used the laser mines.
I'm more of a thinker, I'll use the environment to my advantage, but of coarse there will be parts where run and gun is the only option.
I think in some circumstances u might have to use pyshics because your low on ammo(or u have none at all) so u just might be forced to shove that table against the door.
I used barrels to kill people in FarCry, and that games physics manipulation is NOTHING like HL2s...
You could also use crates to your advantage, by hiding behind them and then pushing them forward. I can't wait to see all the nifity things you can do in HL2.

I wonder if you could grab the hanging corpse in Ravenholm with the gravy gun (that's what I call it) and shoot it at zombies. That would kick ass.
I doubt you could pick up the swinging body, but I guess you could run round, and use the "blast" fire mode on the manipulator and use that to thwack the body into the zombie like a pendulum...
I think it will be great fun to use the gravity weapon to make defenses and to throw things at enemies....and the multiplayer will be a riot
miles said:
I think it will be great fun to use the gravity weapon to make defenses and to throw things at enemies....and the multiplayer will be a riot

One of my favorite things to do in current multiplayer games is to pick up someone's weapon and kill them with their own gun when they respawn.

Just think how much better this would be if you could actually beat someone down with they're own dead teammate using the manipulator. :thumbs: Definitely a new brand of humility.
Heh or beat them with their own dead carcass!!! yea babay yea TAKE IT!! :D
Yes i will. If the ai are this smart why not have some fun =D
hell yeah!

i'm gonna strtch the game to its tech limits! i may not shoot once in the whole game if possible so i can hit people with soda cans etc and block doors and use shields and stuff
I'm sure i will use these features, thats my kind of gameplay , althought i do like shooting things to smitherines.

Anyway you never know , when u run outa ammo, have no weapons at all, or low health, blocking the door or using metal as a sheild could be your only chance to survive