I made it to the 12th page, then I jumped to the last one :D
just a though about the G-man: Has anyone seen the move Dark City? where "The Doctor" is the only one not affected by the aliens. I really think G-man is like that. He is human, although he works for some alien race, may it be the...
and roxXx: there are plenty of "unpossible" things, one of which is extracting a nonexistent file from another one. if the movie is not in the cache file, then all the "haxx0ring" in the world won't bring it out.
the cahe file will always be 400Mb, no matter if there is one movie or four... that's the whole point. it
s just filled with zeros (nothing) to make it 400Mb in size, so that when there is something to put in the file, the zeros are replaced with the actual content.
how are we going to ignore the stupid threads if all the important, intelligent threads are buried under a frikkin' mountain of useless, stinking, moronic crapthreads?
(not saying this is one though.... wait, yes I am...)
yeah, could you tell that to the Valve-employees I've emailed? I don't think they know of it yet :D
actually, I've only sent one mail to them (Erik J) but still, I got no response what so ever. My friend threw away an email in their general direction as well, and he, like me, never got a reply :(
dammit, I am the only one who doesn't even have a clue what you're talking about?
I haven't seen the 22min video, and I guess I missed something, huh?
btw, that picture looks like a heavily blurred skull of a man
yeah, well... the scanners hover right? ie antigravity, so it's reasonable to assume that Kleiner somehow reverse engineers the scanner he got to somehow build a gravity manipulator gun. therefor the resemblance, and the talk about massless and gravity.
I've never heard of an FPS that has the players pay to be able to use the Multiplayerfunction, and I don't think this will be the case with HL2 either
I am concerned about this Steam-business though, since my gamincomputer doesn't even have internet access. that's right, no internet.
hmm... is it just me, or doesn't the thing protruding from the scanner on the table in Kleiners lab look somewhat similar to the orange manipulator gun?
perhaps a moderator should step in and stick the important threads, like the buried bink-optimizing thread, instead of there being 5 different versions?
and Marksman, I'm sorry if I seem hostile, I raelly try not to be... I'm just tired of people who waste my, and everybody else's, valuable...
Northwood: yeah, sure I understand that, but do we really need more posts like this, wether it be "to flame or not to flame" or other useless threads.
right now, the forum is almost unbearably slow to me, probably because alot of people keep posting in threads that don't even have a real...
omg..... this has already been told, ok?
we KNOW about this, and there are even DiVX version out that play smoother than smooth.
READ the forum before POSTING in the forum, get it?
oh god... please just stop complaining about anything!
of course valve needs some constructive criticism, but "Gmans teeth SUXXX!!!1!!" is not consctructive.
and this post is just another complainer-thread... It'll never stop until someone just stops altogether... "stop whining"-topics are...
I didn't need to restore anything to after getting the Docks-video out. the next day when I started Steam, it just downloaded the (released) Docks-movie and everything was normal...
...of course then I just had to get the Keliner-lab-movie, and now there's only the first Gman-vid in the...
DAMMIT!!! If you're gonna start screaming about it, atleast make sure it's online!
I just went there to check it out, and the bot wasn't even in the channel...