
  • Thread starter Thread starter IDIEHARDI
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I watch those two movies and they goes very slow on my computer(PIII1000mhz,WinXP,HD30g7200rpm,GF ti 4,320 SDRAM), so i try to boost it and became very SMOOTH


first you can do that, click on ctrl+alt+del in the midle of the movie or in the start as you can see the "Windows Task Manager" is come out,click on processes and find the file name(G-MAN..) then click on the file with right click and "set priority to" HIGH depend hom much ram do you have and when you came back to movie you see the diffrence.

Secondly I am shure some of you won'ted to change graphics in those movies to run it on 800x600x24,640x480x16 or 1280x1024x32 or to change sound qualty and see FRAME RATES and alot of more futures...

if you won't to do soo download BLINK TOOL http://www.radgametools.com/down/bink/radtools.exe

1.Install it
2***n it
3.chose file(G-MAN DOCKS..),dont click Play! right away because it will be the same graphics
4.In the buttom go to advanced play AND CHANGE ALOT OF FUTURES AS you wont, and then click play

note:you can do alot of good stuff with this Prog. ;-)

before those movies runs around 10fps,but after I change the graphics futures its runs 45fps COOL don't you thing(and graphics stay the same)

I hope it will help you:cheers:

I thing those demo movies is crap
the actual game(HL2) will run FASTER on your computer :-)

omg..... this has already been told, ok?

we KNOW about this, and there are even DiVX version out that play smoother than smooth.

READ the forum before POSTING in the forum, get it?
In fairness to the first poster, Those posts were swalled up Nathaniel. Afterall hes just trying to help out some people.
Northwood: yeah, sure I understand that, but do we really need more posts like this, wether it be "to flame or not to flame" or other useless threads.

right now, the forum is almost unbearably slow to me, probably because alot of people keep posting in threads that don't even have a real purpose, not to mention thoe junk-threads taking up alot of space in the end.

if everyone would just keep this sort of stuff in mind, we would have a much more smooth forum-experience.

...and the topic of this thread is just as idiotic as the poster, in my opinion :/
exactly, i have heard this countless times myself you know but its beter just to say thanks and be done or to say nothing at all. He is just trying to help. What do you gain from being hostile to a person that spends time writeing such a long post to help others. Nothing thats what.
Originally posted by Nathaniel
right now, the forum is almost unbearably slow to me, probably because alot of people keep posting in threads that don't even have a real purpose, not to mention thoe junk-threads taking up alot of space in the end.

Agreed - the forums are terribly slow for me as well especially when trying to edit your post. The bandwith here is suffering. An admin even said so when I asked for a host on the 56k files.
I kinda wrote a tutorial on how to make them play smooth awhile ago, it got buried though!
Yeah BW, the forums are getting too cluttered to post anything at all.
perhaps a moderator should step in and stick the important threads, like the buried bink-optimizing thread, instead of there being 5 different versions?

and Marksman, I'm sorry if I seem hostile, I raelly try not to be... I'm just tired of people who waste my, and everybody else's, valuable and precious time, that's all.
why don't you just let people talk a little?
who are you... like the censor or what?
Nathaniel: You have a good point there. It's awfully slow for me too. But instead of complaining in this thread which of course wont make it any better since people will still flame with threads of which the subject has already been covered.

Why don't you write a serious letter to the moderator instead m8? =)

Although, this subject has been up before, IDIEHARDI just wanted to help out though, and that's nice :)