hmm... useless info? probably...
but thanks anyway for telling us something we already know...
I know, I know, someone probably didn't get that in the movie the first time, and that one is gonna flame my ass. well, step right up. this is still a thread that we could have been without...
I noticed something else aswell, at the exact same location. When Gordon strafes past the doors, he gets hit like 2 or 3 times, but as he moves along, you can clearly see the sprites staying put, floating in mid-air. not pretty, not pretty at all. to me, that's a lot more detracting from...
have you ever mapped a Half-Life map? there's no reason what so ever to use a model instead of brushes to make up a door. not to mention, these doors aren't interactive in any way, which makes them even more probable to be just brushes.
moving doors in HL1 were brushes aswell, only they were...
nope. your question hadn't been brought up before, so it was fully legitimate.
the n00bs are the ones posting a new thread for every damn question when they can scroll down like two lines and read a thread based on the exact same question.
don't delete the thread, there is still a one-in-a-million chance that some n00bie wondering the same thing might see this thread and not post a brand new one, asking the exact same question :D
Didn't anyone here notice the excellent AI of the soldiers fighting alongside Gordon in City17? They took cover behind walls, before rushing in, they yelled "Cover me!" and actually did run to another spot while Gordon was firing. I was amazed by how cool and lifelike they moved (except for them...
if it's me you're referring to, I never pretended to know anything about bumpmapping or specular mapping. I simply commented on what I had seen in the video.
although after the information I've received I must say that my feelings towards bumpmapping have changed. Bumpmap all you want Valve...
I really doubt this.
not only have I not seen this on any other bullethole in any other movie, but it's also unlikely that this would even be captured in the low-res divx version. I have all the binks in xvid, so I know there's a substantial difference in detail.
I also don't think that...
Since HL1 was basically a one-man-run, I don't think the fright-factor will be at all the same. We'll have to make more use out of our friendly NPCs throughout the game, or they wouldn't have bothered to make the AI so good. I still think there'll be lots and lots of scary scenes. remember the...
ritcH: that sounds sweet, but only if we are what your nickname says... myself, I got an old Compaq screen which goes up to 1152 @ 75Hz, which is the absolute rock bottom minimum for me. unfortunately, I think it's beginning do die on me, so I guess I'll have to save up for a new screen soon...
I thought you said you played "all" your games in 2048, except ut2k3? :P
want to set your story straight?
I think we can abort this discussion now, we all agree games can be played in high-res. let's go back to the AA-issue at hand.
Does anyonew feel they would want to e-mail Gabe or...
hmm... I watched the trailer, and I really don't agree with you, DeXtRoMeThOrFaN. It's not even close to as detailed as HL2 and the animations seemed rather quirky. The settings looked pretty cool though, and I bet the feel of the game is nice and scary.
That's quite impressive, although I would think it's pretty hard to find the HUD... :P
I'm getting myself a radeon 9600 Pro pretty soon, and I'll be sure to crank it up to maximum res and test it out :)
* Nathaniel points towards Mr.Magnetichead
"Hey wannabe! Wanna play?"
I don't like this sort of crap you know... I have several goth friends who wouldn't play this game for the world, and several others that probably would. what you said is grade-school talk, mature people don't judge. keep...
Mr.Magnetichead: Chill out! He never said you didn't run your desktop in 2024 (2048 anyone?) although it's not very common for games to even support resolutions that high. seemed a tad incredible, that's all.
as for HL2 specifically, I think they'll support fairly large screen resolutions...
well, I haven't seen much of VM, except for some concept art, but I don't think one can compare VM and HL2, because it's all about gameplay! even if you have a fully photo realistic game, no one would play it if it was boring as hell. Graphics are nothing without the game itself. If VM is a good...
based on what exactly? I don't think there was such a big difference in resolution, if there ever was any at all. Perhaps 800x540, or higher (is possible). I really don't see a reason why they would to it that way, but I guess it's possible...
yep, that's what I hope for. Unless they go for the subtle, stylish look they're gonna end up with Doom3 (which is nothing but one big game of 'wet' levels :D) and it ain't gonna be pretty. I trust Valve though, I really think they'll make a kickass game.
I had my doubts when the first LoTR...
Still discussing the AA-issue
Well, it doesn't look like there's AA in there, but from my experience, 2x AA isn't always that visible. and there are some edges that don't look like they're all that jagged, while there are some that are.
My opinion os that there isn't any AA though. Someone...