Can anyone confirm this?


Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Ok here we go: I was watching the bug bait video and at the part where gordon runs down the hall and dodges into another room to avoid the sentry turrets then comes up beside them and knocks them over... when he shoots over the second sentry and it falls to the floor it keeps firing and riddles the door next to it with bullets now right as gordon walks over and into the next door on my video i get a glimpse of something that appears that where one of the bullets hit the door it left a clear hole all the way through the door meaning i can briefly see through the hole now maybe this is just an artifact or a light trick messing with my eyes but can anyone try to confirm this? Sorry for no screenshots i have no idea how to take them from video (video being the 56k version in divx format by northwood83))
I really doubt this.

not only have I not seen this on any other bullethole in any other movie, but it's also unlikely that this would even be captured in the low-res divx version. I have all the binks in xvid, so I know there's a substantial difference in detail.

I also don't think that the geometry can be deformed like that. yes, it can have it's collision hull altered and all that, but holes right through a brush? naah, I don't think so. Maybe in HL3 :D
maybe that door is destructable :P nah i guess i was just seeing things... mods can delete this thread if need be :)
don't delete the thread, there is still a one-in-a-million chance that some n00bie wondering the same thing might see this thread and not post a brand new one, asking the exact same question :D
nope. your question hadn't been brought up before, so it was fully legitimate.

the n00bs are the ones posting a new thread for every damn question when they can scroll down like two lines and read a thread based on the exact same question.
but holes right through a brush
I wouldn't expect the doors in HL2 to be brushes. That sounds like a perfect job for a model.
Looks like they are having a little trouble with decals overlaying onto other brushes. Look at the glass breaking decal... it overlays the door too. Im sure they will fix it though.
Originally posted by Dagobert
I wouldn't expect the doors in HL2 to be brushes. That sounds like a perfect job for a model.

have you ever mapped a Half-Life map? there's no reason what so ever to use a model instead of brushes to make up a door. not to mention, these doors aren't interactive in any way, which makes them even more probable to be just brushes.

moving doors in HL1 were brushes aswell, only they were entity brushes.
I just watched the hi-res one, and it doesn't seem to happen anywhere.
yeah, at first when I saw the low res (Gamespy) one I thought it was holes. But now that I saw the Steam feeds.... it is just bullet decals going on both sides of the door.
Originally posted by SnowBall
Looks like they are having a little trouble with decals overlaying onto other brushes. Look at the glass breaking decal... it overlays the door too. Im sure they will fix it though.

They should really fix it
I noticed something else aswell, at the exact same location. When Gordon strafes past the doors, he gets hit like 2 or 3 times, but as he moves along, you can clearly see the sprites staying put, floating in mid-air. not pretty, not pretty at all. to me, that's a lot more detracting from gameplay than decals overlapping. seeing your own blood splashing in the air without gravity :D

...but seeing as the videos ARE old (not matter how old), they've probably managed to write quite a big fixed-list.