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  1. Nathaniel

    wow the hampsters back in it's wheel..

    hmm... there was another thread here before... atleast when I bookmarked it :D dammit, now I have to go find the old thread again.
  2. Nathaniel

    nihilanth half life .

    ehm... since when does this have anything at all to do with half-life2? USE THE CORRECT F**KING FORUMS!!!
  3. Nathaniel

    Strange drips?

    I actually prefer the name Buzzsaw to ManHack... Buzzsaw is more macho or something, like it's the name of a wrestler :afro:
  4. Nathaniel

    If your Bink movie runs bad, look here

    Gorgon: I'm saying what everyone else is thinking by now... CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!! These tips do help on my computer, but it still won't play absolutely smooth (prolly due to me owning a GF1) and converting video is only possible if I want a 10Gb .avi file instead, which really...
  5. Nathaniel

    whats the deal with bink? do i get the same fps as i would in the game?

    I do believe the sarcasm is due to you being completely ignorant... :/ "the Half-Life 2 VIDEOS vill be release over steam today..." "Has anyone seen the newVIDEO???" "VIDEO this and VIDEO that." is it possible to NOT get the feeling that these things are videos, not actual game-demos...
  6. Nathaniel

    Half Life 2 Game size

    ehmm... they DO reuse textures and stuff, it's not like ever level is totally unique... and 6CD's??? are you insane? not even the RPG with lots of movies are 6 frikkin' CD's
  7. Nathaniel

    Half Life 2 Game size

    well, I for one don't have a DVD-drive yet... I am planning on buying one though. It's just that with a limited budget, right now a CD-burner would probably be a better choice than a DVD... CD's are not obsolete yet!
  8. Nathaniel

    Half Life 2 Game size

    ehmm... who really cares how many CD's it's on? I mean, it's not like it matters anyway.... the cost will probably be about the same, so what's the problem? if you don't have the harddrive space, lose some other games, because you know HL2 will pwn them anyway :D
  9. Nathaniel

    HL2 Theories

    people: there's absolutely no need to apologize for your english! most of us aren't english, and we all know it. just do your best and you'll be fine :)
  10. Nathaniel

    HL2 Theories

    I bet the dead bodies were scientists trying to collect samples, and were killed for whatever reason... I'm gonna stop guessing now, and just wait till the game ships and we're all amazed by it's fantastical storyline :D
  11. Nathaniel

    HL2 Theories

    oh, and Mad_Eejit: Welcome to the forum, buddy!
  12. Nathaniel

    HL2 Theories

    Mad_Eejit: I didn't try to flame anyone in particular, although I'm not sure about PriNcE oF SpAcE... seems he should take a closer look on that image himself, judging by that handle :P that reason is so incredibly lame I'm not even going to dignify it as an answer... "Just because they jump...
  13. Nathaniel

    HL2 Theories

    I did NOT come here to debate about USA vs Iraq, ok? My post had nothing to do with that. but just to make things clear: I don't consider USA being freedomfighters at all. They do things because they want to, freedomfighter fight because they have to, there is a substancial difference. (and...
  14. Nathaniel

    HL2 Theories

    ok, first off... to the ones who can't keep from using '2' instead of 'to', 'r' instead of 'are' and 'u' instead of 'you': IT'S REALLY ****ING HARD TO READ WITHOUT GETTING A HEADACHE!!! so there... *calming down* I've read most of this thread (jumped after page 12 or so) and you guys...
  15. Nathaniel

    Hackers uNited!!

    LoneDeranger: why is that impossible to hack? wouldn't that just mean that we weren't going to get the last seconds of the movie? endtags and such can be replaced, you know... although Valve did say that it was going to be impossible(?) to "hack" the next videos, probably because they somehow...
  16. Nathaniel

    HL2 Theories

    Gordon is obviously gifted on his own, otherwise G-man and his employers would already know he's limitless, right? not sure at all about Shepherd... he's kind of a questionmark right now... wonder if he'll even be in HL2. Barney's there, so why not Adrian?
  17. Nathaniel

    HL2 Theories

    Freeman seems like the average joe to me, but I agree on Shepherd. Although OpForce wasn't made by valve, and I'm not sure they had anything to do with the storyline, so the G-man looking down on Shepherd in the bootcamp may just be a trick to make it a little more freakish.
  18. Nathaniel

    HL2 Theories

    hmmm... no, I really don't think Gordon was artificially created by anyone, I really think he is just a poor scientist who happened to get caught up in this godholy mess. Shepherd is also probably just another poor soul who landed smack in the middle and had to make his way out alive. The only...
  19. Nathaniel

    HL2 Theories

    definitely. I really think the writer(s) of HL2 glanced a little at Dark City while creating the story. in DC they merely changed the city, while in HL2 they consume it.
  20. Nathaniel

    Hackers uNited!!

    I haven't noticed anything "intrusive" about Steam. and if you feel that way, don't use it. lots of people are satisfied with the software, and that's all that matters. what is there to not understand? has to be one of the simplest programs there is.