wow the hampsters back in it's wheel..


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
..this site is faster then ever :)
Hopefully it will stay this way once there are like 70 people online at any one time again. If it does, then hooray!
I just hope a lot of the old posters come back, so we can have some massive discussion! And laugh and spam about it....:cool:
Aye I'm a bit worried people think we're completly dead now and wont come back ;(
Let's hope so :)

Hey, I'm back did you miss me? =O! I was so sad hl2 went away, I cried myself to sleep every night since. YAY
Bwuhahaha... hahaha... haha... ha... h... a

Haha i didnt know what happened to the old site, my friend linked me here. anyway, good to see its up.
I got emailed by munro personally :)

* Badger swells his chest in pride

thanks munro :)
Originally posted by mrBadger
I got emailed by munro personally :)

* Badger swells his chest in pride

thanks munro :)

But....But.....B..., ahhh forget it :laugh:
hmm... there was another thread here before... atleast when I bookmarked it :D

dammit, now I have to go find the old thread again.