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  1. H

    PC Gamer Counterstrike Source screenshot

    I think he edited it later cuz he felt embarassed.. or not ;)
  2. H

    how much would you pay for this Comp

    about 900 CDN for 2nd.. maybe less
  3. H

    ATI Radeon 9200

    I dont understand why people use radeon 9200 as a budget card instead of the 9000 pro.. pro is faster and its similarly priced to the 9200
  4. H

    Tapwave's Zodiac

    YE OLDE. stop advertising
  5. H

    ATI Radeon 9800 XT req

    I hear you can just flash the BIOS of radeon 9800 256mb to make it a 9800xt since they have same core
  6. H

    "Good. It's in great shape. We anticipate delivering it to Vivendi in..."

    at least its better than blizzard... oh I remember waiting for warcraft 3 and diablo 2
  7. H

    EBGames rolls release date back again.

    how about releasing a benchmark demo thingy... I could prob wait till next year wit one :P
  8. H

    HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

    think about HL1 AI.. square that and you get HL2 AI
  9. H

    Was the easter egg ever found ?

    you see the easter egg HE'S talking about is a real easter egg
  10. H

    Delay HL2 till next Christmas

    how about christmas 2005...err I mean 2006??
  11. H

    I Bet $500.00 Canadian!

    right now 1$US = 75cents CDN
  12. H

    LOL, EB says shipping date is back to 11/27/03

    christmas 2005 :) DNF style!!!!~~~
  13. H

    is it wrong to be in love with a computer game

    play nwn and cs while waiting.. like I am :)
  14. H

    no server shows up??!!

    I just figured out how to fix it.. Delete the file C:/Program Files/Steam/config/serverbrowser.vdf and masterserver.vdf it should work after that :) btw this is from the tech support forum @ steam official forums
  15. H

    no server shows up??!!

    help plz my steam dont show any server for cs.. it worked fine b4 but not working today. I checked my filter and I basically didnt filter out anything.... anyone else have this problem?
  16. H

    small glich i found

    thats not a glitch.. well very minor compared to the glitch in bugbait vid.. watch the broken doors swingin in the ground after the bigass antlion guard thingy breaks thru the wall.
  17. H

    Input Required

    I would love a demo if the game were to be released next year.. if not, then just try to release all at once.
  18. H

    FragLand Reports...

    it would be stupid if they did that.
  19. H

    Combine costume 98% complete PICS!!

    armor vest, and stripes would make it perfect :)
  20. H

    Combine costume 98% complete PICS!!

    armor vest, and stripes would make it perfect :)