small glich i found

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i found this little glich in the barricade vid anyone eles see it

the car door see it?


  • glich1.jpg
    13.6 KB · Views: 805
That's the biggest flaw I've ever seen in any video game to date.
the corner of the door is in the ground :)

lol at least this thread is a change from the other ones knocking about cheers fat gabe (nice nick :/ ) :P
the very top of the car door, which from this view is the bottom, is slightly in the ground, most likely been fixed by valve
Originally posted by bate18
the very top of the car door, which from this view is the bottom, is slightly in the ground, most likely been fixed by valve

no, your wrong...valve didnt fix it, EA games fixed it....yeah.
i see the glitch. hmm o well i wouldn't of noticed it if you didn't show it so i don't mind about that. (probally fixed anyway, cause the E3 movie was out in MAY!)
Originally posted by fat gabe
i found this little glich in the barricade vid anyone eles see it

the car door see it?

Oh well thats it... I'm not buying HL2 now.
hl2 has shown us numerous clipping problems. Its just one of those annoying and hard to completly remove flaws. At least its not that bad, just minor. no'wt like H&D people falling thru the floor and stuff
omfg are you serious? and to think I was gonna buy this crap
Originally posted by fat gabe
i found this little glich in the barricade vid anyone eles see it

the car door see it?

yeah, the door is broken u fools.. no glitch. Like gorgon said.
Originally posted by fat gabe
this is exactly why this is the gayest forum on the net

Well obviously.. You showed up.
thats not a glitch.. well very minor compared to the glitch in bugbait vid.. watch the broken doors swingin in the ground after the bigass antlion guard thingy breaks thru the wall.
FYI: the recycling bin in that same video literally disappears when it's hit by the grenade, I don't understand how that isn't a worse glitch lol.
well goddamn there goes the entire game. valve is going to go under because of this.
ROTFL! hahahahahaha

If you guys survived playing Half Life 1 then you will survive playing Half Life 2 becuase clipping was happening 5 years ago and it still won numerous Game of the Year awards.
Originally posted by fat gabe
this is exactly why this is the gayest forum on the net

Meh, you got your answer to the glitch, NOBODY CARES!
Well, i've gotten my entertainment value for the day!
Feh that's nothing - during the Antlion movie, watch the door the commander antlion knocks away - it goes halfway into the ground then just vibrates... I guess physics were still being worked on during that time.. ^_^
nw909 clearly couldent hanndle not posting in one thread as we can all see
And you, obviously, "couldent hanndle not posting" double negatives! ;)
I think Valve should do a per-poly hit detection and wait another 3 years so we have PC's fast enogh to run the game. I'd rather that than have A CAR DOOR CLIP SLIGHTLY THROUGHT THE GROUND!!!!
guys dont be such assholes he said it was a SMALL glitch ur blowing this outta proportion
inbreeding is bad also...but fat gabes dad and sister didnt seem to care.....
The worst clipping I've seen was on the TrapTown movie, where the metal dumpster falls on TOP of the grunts, but when the player jumps down, most of the grunts' body are above it.