imagine yourself in an almost pitch black, silent room and the flying headcrab thingy zooms right past you and as you turn around, another one hits you on the back. You now go crazy as you spray your smg all over the room until its totally silent again.
TF2 was supposed to use slightly modified HL1 engine but then valve kept quiet about it and now it seems that now they are using the source engine to make TF2. Oh and btw, this is old news...
impossible... this is an fps, not a third person shooter (I havent even seen third person shooters that allows you to do this) game. Also, even if you could turn it around to yourself, you have no support, therefore cannot lift yourself up. But you could lift of other humans since your feet will...
half life 3 will prob have realistic water and real life physics and the aliens will crawl out of the monitor and you will be holding a real crowbar instead of that puny little mouse whenever you play HL3.
its not dling anything at all.. no flashy monitor action (you know, the lil icon at bottom of the screen).. it just says updating and does nothing at all
damnit.. I put the hl2_techdemo.bsp file in d:\halflife\valve\maps\
and the damn steam cant detect it.. btw where are all the maps stored for steam?? when I look in the d:\halflife\valve\maps\ folder, I only see like 3 other maps other than the techdemo map I put in..