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  1. PainLord

    HL2 Free Game, With VGA Card..

    This is probably because its an unfinished beta and youre video drivers weere set up incorrectly.
  2. PainLord

    What I think Valve will make after HL2, What do you think?

    I think a Deus Ex style (conspiracy theory maybe) RPG would be excellent.
  3. PainLord

    Can't play anymore..

    Delete clientregistry.blob. Steam has once again been bummed up the ass.
  4. PainLord

    Abstract Art

    Where can I get bryce and what version? Alos iis it hard to use? VEry nice btw.
  5. PainLord

    Weekly Photoshop Contest Discussion: Week 7

    Just posted my entry.
  6. PainLord

    Weekly Photoshop Contest: Week 7

    Entry #5 by PainLord:
  7. PainLord

    Steam to have big updates

    From CSNation Numerous things are coming up fast pertaining to Steam. First off, the Steam Network will be optimized and performance will be improved greatly soon. The Steam Network is guaranteed to perform at an optimum level for the Counter-Strike: Condition Zero rollout. New content...
  8. PainLord

    To hell with the internet

    Anyone see the irony here?
  9. PainLord

    if CS:CZ came out, then 1 month later, Hl2, which to buy?

    No one is gonna buy CZ anyway.
  10. PainLord

    HL1 for HL2 leaked?

    October 9. 2003 ] Half-Life 2 - Half-Life 1 & Counter-Strike Company: Valve Corporation ( ) File size: 31 x 15MB Release: Unknown | | Well, this one here is Half-Life and Counter-Strike for | Half-Life 2, so there already is something to play with...
  11. PainLord

    HL2 Pre-Release Screens

    AS a matter of fact, I have. But it doesnt change the fact that its completely useless and shit.
  12. PainLord

    Good news link Update

    Thank you. We so didnt know about this. :flame:You also misspelt "eye" in your signature
  13. PainLord

    HL2 Pre-Release Screens

  14. PainLord

    So, is it any good?

    Btw, it cant even be considered an alpha or beta, its a square room with no sounds or anything interesting. The console doesnt work either. Its just crap. And no I havnt downloaded it.
  15. PainLord

    Hackers you finally get what you deserve! Plus the delay IS official.

    Well with the current communication between them and Valve, most of their claims are porbably bullshit.
  16. PainLord

    Bad News - Yahoo Cover Story - Half Life 2 Delayed Until 2004

    They are ****ing journalists. Theyll do anything for a story. Their source isnt valve therefore its bullshit. Now stop posting every link with this delay claim and go do something else. Im fed up with the amounts of idiotic spammers on this board.
  17. PainLord

    Hackers you finally get what you deserve! Plus the delay IS official.

    VU have very little or nothing to do with the games development. They dont make the decisions. The make assumptions from the games progress in Sep 30th's case. And in this case, they are making assumptions from the code leak. Code leaks dont usually delay games that long, if at all so im...
  18. PainLord

    Hackers you finally get what you deserve! Plus the delay IS official.

    Reuters have not got that information from Valve so quite frankly, they can suck my penis.
  19. PainLord

    Hackers you finally get what you deserve! Plus the delay IS official.

    You have no evidence to back up your argument. No one cares about your opinion so just keep it shut. Plus have Valve confirmed the delay? No. Then its not official and is still on for the holidays as far as im concerned.
  20. PainLord

    Can VALVe win this?

    Lemme just ask you thi.s Have leaked beta destroyed or delayed games severly before?