What I think Valve will make after HL2, What do you think?


Sep 18, 2003
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Ok, valve somewhere said that theyll take a break after they finish HL2 and do smaller projects before they decide to start HL3. I was thinking that since they have the source engine, they would choose to show off various game genres they could make with it, this would probably attract more developers if HL2 hadn't already.
So, what I'd like to ask you people is:
What types of game genre do you think Valve would make if they did this?
and What game genres useing source besides a First Person Shooter(HL2) would you like to play the most?
i hope they dont start HL3... after the second sequel games get kinda weird...
BloodyCreep said:
i hope they dont start HL3... after the second sequel games get kinda weird...
they already announced HL3... it's a trilogy game... :|
thehunter1320 said:
they already announced HL3... it's a trilogy game... :|

If you go through some threads from months back and or interviews, it is planned, but they probably won't work on HL3 for another year or 2 after HL2, they said the hl2 project was big, and they don't want to really have another big one soon. Maybe CS2 or TF2.
DiSTuRbEd said:
If you go through some threads from months back and or interviews, it is planned, but they probably won't work on HL3 for another year or 2 after HL2, they said the hl2 project was big, and they don't want to really have another big one soon. Maybe CS2 or TF2.
i know, but the guy i quoted said he hopes they don't make a HL3 cause games are wierd after the second one
geh.. yes, there will be a HL3.. now can we get back on topic?
Really, they could just make it on the Source engine, which, in theory, would cut out a lot of development time.

In theory.
Id like to see BF1942 Gameplay wise in the source engine.

with fully destructable buildins and vehicles etc.

but that will have to wait a while untill we have like 4 gig machines with radeon 12000's.

itll come though, itll come.
Man.. that sux... I hate trilogies... just cause you have to wait!
I'd like to see them make RPG kinda game, like System Shock 2 or Deus Ex 2, that would be a wonderful change for Valve, interesting too
hl almost felt like an rpg........ and im sure HL2 will be even more immersive....
yeah a nice fun RPG on source might be kinda cool.. but the ragdoll physics wouldn't really be put to a WHOLE lot of use, knowing bodys generally don't fly limply around a lot in RPGs (or atleast the one's i've played)
I'd love to see an RPG.

They definately won't make HL3 next, but that may be their next big project. They'll probably just be working with mods etc. for a while. I'd like to see them do something different before HL3. Starting HL3 too soon would be a mistake. They need a break from the HL universe.
BloodyCreep said:
Man.. that sux... I hate trilogies... just cause you have to wait!

To make it even worse for ya: HL2 will end with a cliffhanger like HL1 :laugh:
PvtRyan said:
To make it even worse for ya: HL2 will end with a cliffhanger like HL1 :laugh:

I love cliffhanger endings... So much more realistic than fairytale 'all live happilt ever after' endings. In my opinion the HL ending was one of the best ever. Blue shift was quite a good ending, I liked the last-minute 'teleporting everywhere' bit. Opposing Force tried to copy HL's style of ending, but it wasn't as good. Still fun though.

*Deep Breath* Back to topic! :cheese:

I think that valve will do some more with the source engine before they move on to HL3. Nobody spends years developing an engine only to make one game on it. I still can't wait to see HL3 though. If HL2 is this good, what's next?
I'd hope for HL1, Op4, and blueshift being rebuilt from scratch in source. It might take a while, but it'll probably be worth it...
well if they do hl3 on source it will most likly come out faster, becuz the engine will already have been written...most likly a few tweaks in it though. Although valve did annouce they were in the planning stages for Hl3 and wernt going any further till hl2 was released?. I think they did.... I aint positive.
I think they need to make a new engine for HL3. 2006-7 games will have graphics and Codes that allow Movie FX to come to games. So basicly, Valve Must write a new engine and SDK for HL3. ;)
If they make HL3, I hope they say nothing about it :\

And I mean NOTHING.

A week before the OFFICAL 100% SURE RELEASE DATE, tell everyone.

And I say this for the sanity of everyone.
"i hope they dont start HL3... after the second sequel games get kinda weird... "

Not all the time. Just look at Jedi Outcast, which was the 3rd dark forces game, it turned out awesome
Loved outcast .. played it for well over a year and became an executive officer in TMBJ (They Might Be Jedi (before that, LsR - Lick Server Regulars)). Been with those same bunch of guys since pretty much the conception of the 'clan'. It still amazes me when I found out how many people know about us - I guess its hard for me to believe a 'clan' based on the sole purpose of friendship would have so many interested people. Not to mention that we have one of the best mappers to appear in the Outcast community and one of my very best friends; Shroomduck.


er, anyway .. lol .. didn't mean to get all lost in another game - but the point I was trying to make is, Ed is correct - sometimes trilogy games come out really well. Never in my life have I ever met a better group of people then my friends at TMBJ and I know I would have never met any of them if it werent for that damn game .. :P
what I really want is not a ops forces 2 expansion pack, but a blue shift 2, it tells what happend to barney after he ecaped, how he ended up in city 17, and what he dose while in half life 2 you dont see him

ops force 2?...........what can have happend to them? lol, they will not be showned in half life 2,
the cobined are taking there place.
I think a Deus Ex style (conspiracy theory maybe) RPG would be excellent.
tfotdead said:
ops force 2?...........what can have happend to them? lol, they will not be showned in half life 2,
the cobined are taking there place.

Yes, well, that doesnt nessisarily mean that they wont make an appearance in one way or another.
Although it's obvious they'll milk the cash cow and do some kind of hl2 expansion, I mean it'll be a game they can put 1/4 of the work into but charge 1/2 the price of hl2.
I'm almost positive that Adrian will make a return.. It would be a waste of potential to let him float around in space...

What I'm not so sure about is the return of the marines... It would be cool though, if they came flying in, in their Ospreys and gave those combines a good kick in the nuts...
I'd like them to make TF2 if it wasn't terribly inconvenient for them. 5 years later and still waiting...
I would like to see an expansion that happens after HL1 but before HL2 occurs. Maybe playing as one of the residents from City 1, i mean if there is a City 17 then it had to start somewhere. Would also be nice to play as one of the scientists like Eli who escaped and learn about that timeperiod we currently know nothing about.
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines won't be made by valve, but it will ba an RPG using the source engine. So when that comes out you'll have an idea of what can be done with the source engine.

I think it'd be nice to have a Natural Selection type game using the source engine. Or maybe an adventure game that's really interactive (and of course looks good with the Source engine) and has a lot of action incorporated into it, while still maintaining good adventure game puzzles/story.
IIRC VALVe saying they were planning to make HL³, what will they do after they release the third half life? release HL4?
as they said "small projects" I thought it might be nice to see that astro lander bonus game from timesplitters 2 with more levels, then again they may take another game and further vapor ware-ise it : Duke Nukem Forever - "For the Eternity of Duke"
cs2 is already under development, just like tf2
should be released a short number of months after hl2, if it isnt included with the game that is...
(which i highly doubt because valve wouldnt spoil that chance to rip us off of loads of money for a mod).

i get the feeling someone might buy the source off them to make yet MORE war games, just like MOHAA and RTCW did with Q3.... war games seem to have some sort of 'attraction' even though i dont see what it is and find them extremely ass.