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  1. PainLord

    What weapon do you miss the most

    Hornet gun would have been great. The handheld gauss from the beta didnt make it in either. I would have liked to have seen some more alien style weapons though.
  2. PainLord

    Video Card Advice Needed!

    IF you dont get a 9800 Pro, get a 6800GT basically. It will outperform the XTPE is some areas and is better than the X800 Pro
  3. PainLord

    Stuck in entanglement

    Basically I have to set up 3 turrets and the combine troops have 4 ways to come into the area. I have a HEV charger and medkit charger on the wall where the turret cupboard thigns are. The combine always storm in and manage to knock over the turrets and kill me. Theres jsut too many to take and...
  4. PainLord

    Quick bink question

    Which bink has the G-man saying "Wake up and smell the ashes" in it? I need to watch it one last time before i play :bounce:
  5. PainLord

    How will you be running HL2?

    17" TFT with headphones
  6. PainLord

    What score will HL2 receive from Gamespot?

    Yeah, when will the review be out?
  7. PainLord

    A shock!

  8. PainLord

    Are you all prepared for Half-Life 2?

    Arrived 2 weeks ago: A64 3500+ 1024Mb PC3200 200GB SATA Leadktek 6800GT Audigy 2 ZS All set :thumbs:
  9. PainLord

    IF I get a chance to kill Alyx...

    I'm gonna stare at her ass. Yes . :bounce:
  10. PainLord

    retailed HL2

    The retail must be unlocked via steam also.
  11. PainLord

    Guys look here!

    Might be me, but it looks like new content servers have been added too.
  12. PainLord

    Steam Graph

    Is it more or have valve added more content servers?
  13. PainLord

    For the love of God, VALVe! Release it!

    I was planning on shooting myself in the face. What about you? :cheers:
  14. PainLord

    Favourite single screen shot?
  15. PainLord

    Gold Package just arrived, yay!

    This thread is worthless without pics. :naughty:
  16. PainLord

    My hype is dead.... (help)

    Losing hype = good. You'' enjoy the game more for it.
  17. PainLord

    Preload stuck at 82%

    I'll just restart.
  18. PainLord

    Preload stuck at 82%

    Well i restarted steam, and i double clicked HL2. It was on 82% and the button below said pause. Steam monitor is idle, nothing downloading. I pressed pause, I then pressed continue but nothing happened. The button still says continue when pressed. Steam monitor still idle.
  19. PainLord

    Yeah Right

    Can you preorder it on any UK sites yet?
  20. PainLord

    Preload stuck at 82%

    I know a few people had problems with it being stuck at 88% but this is slightly different. I was preloading. It got to 86%, then suddenly dropped 4% and is now stuck on 82%. There is no activity on steam monitor. Is it possible that the files are complete but steam is reporting incorrectly?