My hype is dead.... (help)


Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score
Although we have a firm release date and despite the prosmising reviews I'm just not so enthusiastic about the game anymore. It just isn't the same hype as it was a year ago. I'm just waiting because I know the game is going to rock my socks off, not because I'm actually thrilled about it. I feel like a zombied HL2 fan. Anyone else got that kind of feeling?
Sort of. I know the cure, have a nice Saturday night of watching every single piece of HL2 footage (binks and all)
My hype has been dead since winter 03 :P Its beginning to come back since the game is so close, I am really going to play this game a lot. Then go back and finish doom3 :)
I think you're HL2 hyped out! It happens to us all. Take a break - don't watch any binks or read any more reviews, just chill. By the time it's out, you'll be ready to play.
It's like an addictive drug or bad habit; best way to prevent it is to not even start it.
take a week off, play other games for aw hile, then come back to the forums, youll be refreshed
A.I. said:
Although we have a firm release date and despite the prosmising reviews I'm just not so enthusiastic about the game anymore. It just isn't the same hype as it was a year ago. I'm just waiting because I know the game is going to rock my socks off, not because I'm actually thrilled about it. I feel like a zombied HL2 fan. Anyone else got that kind of feeling?

well the hype right now certainly doesn't compare to what it was around September 30th, 2003.. and it probably won't be even when the game is released because frankly put, some pple will be relieved that the game is finally available.

its been a long year of wait really.. :sleep:

edit: oh yeah.. i'd suggest staying away from this place for a few days and do something more enjoyable.. perhaps u will then find some of that hype again.
my hype turned off a few months ago, and it hasnt returned sence even with the announce of the gold and release date
Better to not be hyped then to be hyped IMO. Makes the release come a lot faster and your expectations low.
groovy shorten your sig please.


Don't worry, I was never really that hyped, hardley watched any vids or anything. Just waiting for the game.
groovy said:
get a life.



On topic: Yeah, my hype has cooled down considerably. I'm sure it'll still be exciting to play the game but it's not like it was on 30/9/03.
ComradeBadger said:
Don't worry, I was never really that hyped, hardley watched any vids or anything. Just waiting for the game.

Meh, you don't come to your own clans forum anymore :( or if you do, hardly much. VISIT MORE! :naughty:
groovy said:
get a life.

Ahahah, I don't worry about that. :D :D It actually couldn't be better.

It's just that after the Doom3 disappointment my hype for HL2 dropped down. The only game I'm looking forward to is HL2 and nothing else. RTW? I'd like to but it takes time I don't have. D3? Boring. CoD:UO? Too short. I've given up hope in the future of games. PCGamer better be right about that "messianic" thing :)
Im getting worried this game isnt going to be as good as I think, I mean It might be my hype wearing off, But now im thinking i got hyped to much.

Ps: Im sure it will be all and more then I think.
Admin_Winnuting said:
I mean It might be my hype wearing off
Woah man, we're losing you! Stay strong, soldier!
Admin_Winnuting said:
Ps: Im sure it will be all and more then I think.
Phew, close call!

I'm a bit worried it's going to be 'pretty good' and not 'great', going by reviews.
Ha. Just read a magazine review. The one I picked up even restated his determination to give games their justified review, then went on to say that HL2 is possibly the best game ever created.

He also said that Valve has raised the bar, then took that bar and beat all other games into submission. He says thing slike that through the whole article.

I've been bitter ever since the announcement that there will def. not be a MP game hidden up their sleeves, and the whole "activation" crap. But, I've decided that being bitter is no way to live and I've certainly said enough about it, so I'm getting over it.

I'm certainly not as psyched as I once was, but I'm attributing that to coming down from the high of the hype so far. We've had another little period of hype freeze, and when the game starts to hit the masses, we'll be seeing so much "HOLY CRAP!" in the forums that we'll all be willing to walk 25 miles in a blizzard to buy the game. I hope at least.

I don't see why we ned to be hyped continually anyway, so take a break and maybe check out some of the projected mods or play some other games or whatever. Maybe check out flatout. Even if the game doesn't float your boat, the demos are worth watching.
I'd advise not to try to get the hype back at all. In fact, try to convince yourself that you're not looking forward to the game. Don't try to get excited, or watch binks before release to get pumped up and ready...

If the game is really worthy of hype, it will create that all by itself the moment you play it... and the less you're expecting it, the more impact that will have.
Always been excited about hl2. When i see some really good news thats when my hype goes up for that day. :p
I never was hyped. I don't forsee myself ever getting hyped. This is a video game afterall. It will be nice to play when it's released, but that's about as excited as I'm going to get.
I've always had a medium-hype, it has not changed even during the delays because they allowed me to buy new graph card.
I think we won't be able to be fully excited until we play the game and see the exciting stuff in it. Just talking about what we think we'll feel about the game isn't going to have the same effect.

So it's okay to not feel excited or hyped, all you have to do is wait for the game, and when it's out play it, then see what happens.
I lost any and all hype back in september 2003.

Im sure the game will rock but it wont be the same as it could have been.
When they say the actual game is available the hype comes back with a vengence.
I'm in the exact same position. I feel entirely neutral about the game now :/

I guess there've been too many ups and downs.
......I think this is kinda funny. What the hell does it matter what day it is put out? Valve could release it November 16 2005 and it would still kick ass.

Always been excited about HL2. The delay didn't phase me at all.
The lack of a HL2DM killed my enthusiasm. I was more looking forward to that than the SP.
A.I. said:
Although we have a firm release date and despite the prosmising reviews I'm just not so enthusiastic about the game anymore. It just isn't the same hype as it was a year ago. I'm just waiting because I know the game is going to rock my socks off, not because I'm actually thrilled about it. I feel like a zombied HL2 fan. Anyone else got that kind of feeling?
lol same here!! It's baffling! As soon as the game was announced gold, the moment i've been waiting for for so long my hype plummeted.

It's a good thing though! Being hyped for games ****ing sucks.
well, i feel the same way.

see, what i think is that Valve should of figured an exact release date and tell us about it like only a month before...then we would be REALLY hyped up about it. but all this waiting...well, you know the rest
Every time I feel not hyped, I think of the train ride into City 17..

God this is going to be an awesome game.

I have GTA: SA to entertain me until the day it's out.
My hype IS DEAD as a monkey whore who did her last trick then OD'd on smack. That's pretty dead. Outside and in.
Mr-Fusion said:
lol same here!! It's baffling! As soon as the game was announced gold, the moment i've been waiting for for so long my hype plummeted.

It's a good thing though! Being hyped for games ****ing sucks.
Every day, we were waiting for the game to go gold. When it did, there really isn't anything to say or do until the game comes out. There's nothing to talk about, nothing to do but sit and wait.

In that time, it's easy to sort of get bored with the HL2 scene. I'm just enjoying a number of other games right now, and that feels great. I know that when HL2 comes out it will blow my mind, but I'm able to play other games and enjoy them for what they are, go out with friends, work, live, whatever, and then when HL2 comes out, i'll play that.
A.I. said:
Although we have a firm release date and despite the prosmising reviews I'm just not so enthusiastic about the game anymore. It just isn't the same hype as it was a year ago. I'm just waiting because I know the game is going to rock my socks off, not because I'm actually thrilled about it. I feel like a zombied HL2 fan. Anyone else got that kind of feeling?

I agree, I was very excited through the summer and even into last month but getting hold of the MP (CSS) has left me with the sad realization that this is just another game that isn't going to live up to the hype. Don't get me wrong, I will play the SP and I am sure it will be impressive but seeing it work online really has me doubting that the engine is all they hyped it to be, the graphics are great but the physics, lighting, and MP is pretty lame. It will make for a great couple weeks of SP fun but I think that in the end it will just gather dust as the MP is not anywhere near interesting enough or even advanced enough to carry forward given what other soon to come games are doing.