My hype is dead.... (help)

I can't believe this: I'm more hyped right now about Bloodlines than I am about HL2. I guess you want most what you cannot have -- my parents will NEVER let me buy Bloodlines (ok, not quite true). It looks so good... and I love RPGs... ;(

I'm too busy to be really hyped up, midterms comming up, important school stuff assignments, etc. Probably best just to leave HL2 alone for now.
koncept said:
stay off the godamn forums you freak, don't pay attention to halflife2 anything, don't even come to this site anymore, just wait till the game is released...

Not a good way to start a sentence. Perhaps show the man a little respect next time?
"Leave the site for a few days, forget about Half Life 2, and wait for the release..."

Secondly, if you're going to swear, at least spell the word right. I mean really, 'godamn'??