I'm still trying to figure out why we are talking about white phosphorus. It has been used since WWII and is no different then thousands of little shrapnel hitting your body from a normal grenade, bullets, bayonets, getting run over by a tank. You think any are less painful?
This is war, the...
Oh, and you werent? Posting pictures about 9/11 where thousands died. Why don't you look at your own ego for a change.
I see no problem with WP. How is this any different then napalm or flamethrowers? The military has been using phosphorus for a long time, why the big toodoo all of a sudden?
Well, figure out what her interests are then talk about them. Honestly, if you really are interested in her and what to get to know her better there should be tons of questions in your head to ask her. What are her favorite things? You should know that one since the holidays are coming. Whats...
I am not going to condone torture, however, I would be interested in hearing other people's opinions on how we should treat captured terrorists.
I honestly try to have sympathy for them but after seeing how they treat our soldiers I don't have that much pity. So I am going to refrain from...
Come on, I have seen plenty of posts in their very thread celebrating the riots and anarchy. There is an entire group of people out their who would like nothing more then to stick it to the man and now their celebrating whats happening in France like Jesus has come back. Excuse me, but I don't...
Honestly, you people need to grow up. Riots are not 'cool' and **** anyone who thinks they are. It's like you people don't give a flying shit about whats going on as long as it pushes your agenda.
I guess its still yay for riots now huh...
I believe in God.
I also think most of you know so little about any certain religion that you see the general descrepancies involved and conclude from their. Kinda like the average American citizen voting for whatever party they belong to or voting a certain way because someone else told...
Just out of curiousity where are you located Axyon? I was told that the game wouldn't be released here (California) until Nov. 3, according to EB Games anyway.
It is just like the first one with new maps, a little bit better graphics, and some slight control changes. If you liked the first one you will like the second one. I don't know, I find that it is somewhat old now. No new weapons (that I can think of) and the maps seem relatively short. I am...
You think your the only person to ever have to deal with bullies? I would say almost all of us have met someone who tries to dominate them in some way. Stop being a coward and stand up for yourself. I've done it and so have millions of people throughout history. Stand up for yourself or be...
Its called respect. Being in VMI I figured you would understand that. Do they not say that any soldier who falls in combat deserves a final salute? She may not have been on a foreign battlefield but she played her part.
I'm not trying to put Rosa Parks on any giant pedestal but when somebody...
A lot of people join the military without really knowing what they are getting into. The military isn't hollywood and a lot of people go in without bothering to research as much as they can. The military isn't for everyone and for all the people who hated there are just as many who love it...
No Limit, anything to back up your claim? I almost want to take it as insulting because on occasion I watch Fox News along with every other news network out there like any person who considers themselves 'informed' would do. Because as we all know an intelligent person would watch ALL of the...
People who jump all over you when you confess to have a faith. Its not like I randomly came up to them in conversation. They have some sort of radar and if anyone says god within 10m they automatically yell out insults and denials about god and then they call themselves open minded and me a...
Well, I would assume he chose to get in this car and chase another car with the intent of violence. So as far as getting what he deserved...I can't say I am glad he died but at the same time, it was his decision.
I am curious as to why you are asking Stern, is there some sort of lawsuit...
Some people just get off on bashing others until they have no shread of dignity left. I think the man is terribly missguided, but I have no reason to hate him, while others on this board seem to think its their mission in life. I can think of better people to target and waste my time on.