Bill O'Reilly on the Daily Show


Sep 13, 2003
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I don't know if anyone else caught it. It was pretty interesting. Bill got a bit angry, of course. Anyone else catch it?
Shut Up.

Just Shut Up. You Decide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111

Edit - This post is useless without caps.

Some will argue it is useless anyway.
HA!!! That guy turns into a bigger butthole than he usually is when he gets upset. He reminds me of a kid that has temper tantrums and anger management problems.

Anyone catch The Colbert Report? I have been "working" on an essay.
I watched both, I found the first episode of the colbert report needed work that this second episode delivered, but it's known that Jon Stuart and Bill O'Rielly hate each other openly, which made for good tv.

Tomorrow, the director of the fbi.
I want to see more conversations between O'Reilly and Michael Moore. :)
You can get a copy at:

I haven't had time to watch it yet, once I do I'll comment. However, I really wish Stewert would stop it with these idiots, they are not worth it.
lol, im just glad that i have the intelligence to appreciate jon stewart, and count my blessings that im not enough of a conservative douchebag to listen to a single word out of bill oreilly's mouth.

Yep I saw that...stupid guy...can't go anywhere without talking about the french or left wingers...someone give him some estrogen.
Saw it, and it was funny as hell. As always Stewart finds a way to be both incredibly classy but also make a point. I thought O'Rielly went along well with him. (He raised his voice at one point, but I wouldn't call it out of the ordinary for an interview like that).
That was the first Daily Show I've ever watched. Are they all so amusing?

Colbert was cool, too.
Raeven0 said:
That was the first Daily Show I've ever watched. Are they all so amusing?

Colbert was cool, too.

Ya. some episodes are really funny. Canada has one called Royal Canadian Air Farce which is awesome! (mostly because I live in Canada). So the Daily show must be awesome to Americans because I live in Canada and I find it really funny.
Raeven0 said:
That was the first Daily Show I've ever watched. Are they all so amusing?

Colbert was cool, too.

The Daily Show is the best show ever. And, sadly enough, is my only source of news.
Mattigus said:
The Daily Show is the best show ever. And, sadly enough, is my only source of news.
If this is true please change this fact before you do anything politically active.
RakuraiTenjin said:
If this is true please change this fact before you do anything politically active.
Daily Show viewers are more informed about what is going on than your average Fox News viewer. Maybe you should turn it on and watch it once in a while?
No Limit said:
Daily Show viewers are more informed about what is going on than your average Fox News viewer. Maybe you should turn it on and watch it once in a while?
I watch the Daily Show all the time
RakuraiTenjin said:
I watch the Daily Show all the time
Congratulations, you are more informed than the average Fox News Viewer. I still don't know about that link in your sig though ;).
No Limit said:
Congratulations, you are more informed than the average Fox News Viewer. I still don't know about that link in your sig though ;).
Corporatist Party is mainly an economic party now. From before it had some harsh social structuring in the platform, you'll notice they're not in there anymore. Amery Flat Tax FTW!
they started showing the daily show in the UK now, but its a day behind America

I saw the O' Reilly episode, it was funny
No Limit said:
Daily Show viewers are more informed about what is going on than your average Fox News viewer.

No Limit, anything to back up your claim? I almost want to take it as insulting because on occasion I watch Fox News along with every other news network out there like any person who considers themselves 'informed' would do. Because as we all know an intelligent person would watch ALL of the news networks to get a more unbiased diverse opinion to make their OWN conclusions about something. Or is that just me?

Honestly, some of you guys hold more contempt for people who don't see the world the same way you do then anybody I know in real life. I can literaly feel hate seething out of the politics forum.
Actually, there was some sort of poll or study a while back that found the Daily Show's viewers are much more knowledgeable of current events than the average.
Mechagodzilla said:
Actually, there was some sort of poll or study a while back that found the Daily Show's viewers are much more knowledgeable of current events than the average.
Yeah... and it came out not too long after Bill O'Reilly claimed that the Daily Show audience was solely comprised of "stoned slackers." :laugh:
I like watching Bill and John duke it out.

"We add insult to injury. But you add injury." :D
RakuraiTenjin said:
Corporatist Party is mainly an economic party now. From before it had some harsh social structuring in the platform, you'll notice they're not in there anymore. Amery Flat Tax FTW!

They tried to do that in England, and we pwned Margret thatcher.
dream431ca said:
Yep I saw that...stupid guy...can't go anywhere without talking about the french or left wingers...someone give him some estrogen.

Yeah, I don't know what's wrong with him always complaining about what extreme left wing people are doing. Left wing people and democrats never complain about what right wing people and republicans are doing. They are always very respectful of other people's opinion's and only talk about about ideas. They would never say, make fun all of religious people, constantly say that President Bush is stupid an a complete moron, base their entire platform on why they hate Bush and come up with no ideas whatsoever, think that everyone that doesn't agree with their liberal ideas is an idiot or racist or some other name, etc.
Wow, Eddie. I have no idea what that has to do with anything.
Absinthe said:
Wow, Eddie. I have no idea what that has to do with anything.

I just thought it was funny someone would say that he couldn't stand O'reilly cause he's constantly complaining about something left wingers, when left wing people do the same thing. I've only watched a few episodes of the Daily Show, are most viewers and people that work on the show liberal or do they have any token conservatives to laugh at?
Anybody that constantly rags on only one end of the political spectrum is worthy of annoyance. And since the topic is on Bill O Reilly... You do the math.

The Daily Show does have liberal overtones, but they poke fun at everything. And I believe John Stewart said that its focus is on absurdity in politics.
Absinthe said:
Anybody that constantly rags on only one end of the political spectrum is worthy of annoyance. And since the topic is on Bill O Reilly... You do the math.

The Daily Show does have liberal overtones, but they poke fun at everything. And I believe John Stewart said that its focus is on absurdity in politics.

That's the thing, he goes after the right as well as the left. I'd say about 99% of pundits are more 1 sided than him. He's not like a Limbaugh or Hannity that gererally only go after liberals.

I can't belive anybody would use a comedy show as his only news source. The writers are trying to make people laugh using current events, and will are not exactly the most objective.
Absinthe said:
Anybody that constantly rags on only one end of the political spectrum is worthy of annoyance. And since the topic is on Bill O Reilly... You do the math.

The Daily Show does have liberal overtones, but they poke fun at everything. And I believe John Stewart said that its focus is on absurdity in politics.

It will be interesting to see his show if a Dem gets elected in '08. If he focuses mainly on Republican leaders and ignores the Prez, you know there is a problem because all he ever does is make fun of Bush on his show.
I have faith that the Daily Show will mock anyone and everyone nomatter which party they come from. If for some reason a dem was elected in 08 though, and the focus was on ranting republicans, well then my original fears will have been realized. I really hope thats not the case, its a funny show nomatter what end of the political spetrum you are on.
shadow6899 said:
^ not true at all seinfeld... /sigh and who the **** is this eddy guy? Ed buddy, i dont think hardly anyone watches the daily show to get their news, most people watch it for a good laugh, which it does deliver in.

There was an article is the WSJ saying that a lot of young people are getting their news from comedy shows, which is really sad.
Daily Show and these damned political forums are more up to date than the local news at least...might not be "factual", but at least its a heads up

besides I would rather they (young people) got there news from the Daily Show than from MTV or Seventeen magazine

oh yeah and South Park makes for some great social commentary...:p
T.H.C.138 said:
Daily Show and these damned political forums are more up to date than the local news at least...might not be "factual", but at least its a heads up

besides I would rather they (young people) got there news from the Daily Show than from MTV or Seventeen magazine

oh yeah and South Park makes for some great social commentary...:p
My local news doesn't even really touch on national politics at all. Sometimes it does but not too often. It does really great on local stuff though, politics, news, etc. But that's what it's for. hehe
its funny sometimes the headlines are a week or 2 old thanks to these forums/Jon Stewart..

I could tell people the "future".. "I know how this will turn out,I'll bet you $___.."
I miss my international news. The most I get down here is the BREAKING STORY ABOUT HOW TWO DRUNK FRAT GUYS KILLED EACH OTHER IN RALEIGH.
I get CNN, Fox News, CSPAN, MSNBC, etc etc.

Channel 200-250ish. :cool:

Local news all comes on in the evening on the sub 100 channels

Dish Network!