Wannabe chav
You are 0 % chav
You clearly know you are not, nor will you ever be anything even closely resembling a bonafide chav but that doesn't stop you from jumping on the bling bandwagon every now and then. There's nothing wrong with a bit of pretending though you'll never be able to...
Their punishment should be confessing their crimes in front of the squad whom those two soldiers were a part of. Then they'll all of a sudden have a better sense of respect. If they live through it, which I hope they don't.
What happens if a nice happily married couple gets hot in the bedroom and the wife forgets to remove her "auto-castrater"?
Maybe its because I am male but I don't like this invention.
Look, unless you know the inner workings of the Bible don't comment on it. Your just showing how ignorant you are.
I disapprove of the homosexual lifestyle. But I am not going to go out and kill them, for that matter I have a friend who is gay, I live in California after all. ;) I don't look...
Meh, I didn't want a girlfriend but some one decided I needed one anyway. Now, I am pretty sure I am in love with this woman. Figures.
I can't really remember life before I met her. Oh, wait I can. It was computer games. But when you get older your priorities change. Some things become less...
So do you have the address of this guy? You could really scare the crud out of him if you just sent him a letter telling him your coming. He would be paranoid for weeks.
Dump her. Because if you don't the next time you leave town your going to be wondering what she is doing while your gone. To be honest, if a woman cheats on you TWICE she is going to do it again. And sex is not "just sex" it is something special, for her to lose her virginity to some random guy...
Armed and Dangerous
Congratulations! You scored 87%!
You made it out, alive and well supplied. You probably even kept most of your party alive too. You know what to look for, what to take, and when to just run. You even feel a strange inkling to go back. If you did, you'd probably do just fine.
I know I am not helping anything but why did they have only one cable for the entire country? Is it because of money or something else? Honestly, if someone wanted to completely destroy Pakistan's internet all they have to do is cut one cable.
There are a bunch of threads over here:
with guys trying to get the older GF cards to work. Maybe those of you who know a thing or two about technical support could help them out.
Military Propagandist, no seriously. You sound extremely qualified for it. 3 languages, great speaker, love travelling...etc.
I think the Army calls it "Psychological Operations Specialist." Anyway, give it a look.
Look at it this way. If you don't do something then your just going to regret it. Take action, if it doesn't work out then at least your not kicking yourself in the butt all the time thinking, "what if."
Ok, so your attracted to her in some way. Thats good. Now, your not going to get anywhere...
It depends if you mean stand-up comedian or movie comedian. I suppose you could make another category for talks shows too. I think I'll mention Will Ferrel since no one else has.
How many on this forum can honestly say they would have gone to the polls inspite of terrorist threats?
The Iraqi people have proved today that they are ready for freedom. I believe they will get it.
First, I'd put a stake in the heart of the vampire that bit me. The stinking thing bit me afterall.
Then I would go into hiding, growing stronger as the years go by. After a while I would find the best of the best humans, soldiers, scientists, etc. Seduce them into joining me as a vampire...
Well, I currently live in California (U.S.) but when my house was broken into it was in the state of Washington. The guy just busted the front door down and stole whatever he could, he was attempting to round up money to buy drugs. The police caught him a couple hours later though in another...
I've had my house broken into once, but I wasn't home when it happened.
Just out of curiosity, what are the gun laws where you live in South Africa? I find no joy in killing a man but I am a hunter and I do keep firearms in the house, should someone break in I wouldn't hesitate. It's either...