Let the little things go. If someone crowds into line don't start a fight over it. If the ref makes a bad call don't spend the rest of your day cussing at him. Some things just are not worth it.
Don't be a man of words. Be a man of action.
I want to see a real downtown firefight with skyscrapers. Imagine buildings all around you over 30 stories tall. You have the resistance running around in the buildings shooting down at a combine army below. The airplanes things fly in between the buildings strafing the windows and striders are...
Thats why we don't have female infantry.;)
The Army will pay for most of your medical stuff which usually means reattaching limbs and getting bullets out of you. Cosmetic surgery such as breast implants is probably a loop hole in the system. Hopefully they fix that.
Hell yes. Its called national pride. Learn it some time. When a American wins a gold medal in any sport it shows that he is the best over everyone else in the world who competed. It raises moral for the winning country and the team bands together as Americans and not because of some stupid...
How about this definition:
Human - only species capable of fighting its own instincts. (ex. peeing in the house, we feel the need to pee but we don't just unload right there.)
However, the problem with that definition is that one could argue that you were trained to fight those instinicts...
I don't drink, smoke, or do any drugs besides Tums (is that a drug?) advil, and the occasional cold medicine.
I don't drink becuase so far all of the stuff has this small scent to it that reminds me of pee and most of it just plain tastes bad. Smoking, meh, smells bad as well plus its hard...
I don't quite get it myself. The Middle East has this deep hatred it seems for each other (maybe religious thinking) yet America and England are now on fairly good terms even though we have fought against each other more then once.
I have heard that there is some prejudice against Americans...
I am hopeing to get one of these: http://www4.army.mil/ocpa/uploads/large/CROW102004-02-06.jpg
What? It isn't a truck or a hummer. ;)
I hate cars myself, reason being I am to tall to fit in most of them.
I hope the second Halo doesn't make me feel like I am playing the same level over and over again like the first one did.
I own a Xbox and a fairly decent PC and to be frank, the only reason I have a Xbox is because me friends are too cheap to play on the PC. So the only way I can hubmle them...
I'm going to say Knight just for the hell of it. On a open field with both forces charging I think the Knights would win because there lances would have a longer reach and porbably spit the Samurai before they reach the knight. The Samurai don't have sheilds to deflect the lances so I would...
I'm no doctor but it doesn't sound too serious to me. You should probably just take it easy for few days gets some sleep and be sure to eat a little more and I think you'll be fine. If you still feel pretty crummy in after two days or so then maybe go and see the doctor. Probably should have...