Things that you would LOVE to see in HL2


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
Anything that you really wish there'd be alot of in HL2 or anything you'd love to see in the game?

For my part, I'd love to see more hi-tech huge buildings, preferably alot of white concrete stuff. Not just eastern-europe buildings.
I HOPE there's parts where sum1 says go see "****" over there. Then when you want to continue the game u go to him, but if not u get to walk to city 17 streets looking at stuff doing what you like :)
-A return to a lab-like setting, in the source engine (Imagine black mesa redone w/ source!!).

-Uhh, and probably randomized NPC's (which we have had had hints at), like they are different every time you play.

-LOTS of NPC reactions (they won't say the same thing every time you go up to them), along with more NPC models then HL1 (all the scientists looked the same!)

-Everything else that's been shown i'd love to see in HL2! It all looks so cool!
Someplace outside City 17. Where things are a little more futuristic looking. That would look nice on the Source engine. Maybe another trip to Xen?
Sashswash said:
-A return to a lab-like setting, in the source engine (Imagine black mesa redone w/ source!!).

Um we're getting half life source bundled with the purchase of we dont have to just imagine black mesa redone w/ source, we'll see it.
Hectic Glenn said:

That's called Spaming.

I want to see a lot of NPC reaction also. Lots of convo, and parts where you need to walk on the street alone, not to mutch fighting.
fine then! i would like to loads of different buildings where you can just go inside and find out little bits about the game from NPC's, and just look around and see how the combine forces have had an impact on the people living in city17. Being immersed into the gameplay like that can really build up that atmosphere which is what im craving from a game. Nothing else has done it so far...*prays*
Conflict with You and g-man against breen, it would be cool to see g-man fire a weapon.
Um we're getting half life source bundled with the purchase of we dont have to just imagine black mesa redone w/ source, we'll see it.

They aren't updating the textures and models in HL:S like they did for CS:S...
Being able to take hostages, or at least use dead bodies as shields. By doing this, you will lose accuracy in the shot as you only have one hand on the gun.
Hectic Glenn said:
fine then! i would like to loads of different buildings where you can just go inside and find out little bits about the game from NPC's, and just look around and see how the combine forces have had an impact on the people living in city17. Being immersed into the gameplay like that can really build up that atmosphere which is what im craving from a game. Nothing else has done it so far...*prays*

Amen Brother.
eh.. a reverse thread.. :P
ok.. i would love to see some detail textures.. details on walls ( not just plain ).. hmm, soft/round = realistic wals edges..
Waterponds pools & lakes... water stuff..


More realistic Shadows would be greate..

hmm.. Dust ( when entering an old shed or something )...
Discussion's between people, guards & stuff like that..

edit: oh, and waterfalls.. :)
Interesting characters. Good/ok voice actors and character interaction.
Parallax mapping, unified lighting/shadowing system.

Also, destructible vehicles - if you please.
For some strange reason, I would like to see Gollum in the game. Nothing like a sidekick who can bite a Combine soldier's finger off.

Gollum: "My precious glove, so smooth, warm, soft, precious."
I want to see a real downtown firefight with skyscrapers. Imagine buildings all around you over 30 stories tall. You have the resistance running around in the buildings shooting down at a combine army below. The airplanes things fly in between the buildings strafing the windows and striders are blowing huge holes in everything that moves. Eventually one skyscraper's support is nocked out by a heavy dose of strider beams and the 40+ plus story building falls over on top of the combine.

In simple terms: fully destructive world.
I would like to see animals dogs,cats,rats,birds.

And i would like to see valve invent someway of giving you ammo and health without it just liying on the floor like in all the games
See a red-eyed gargantua go up against the big-bad strider in a fight to the death.

The rebels and the combine are in awe that they lay down their weapons and decide to bet on who will win
I want to see Alyx naked... if it isnt done in the game, someone will... plz? :D
I would love to see non-linear gameplay. I don't want to have to go one way to accomplish a task. I want to blow open the door, not crawl through a vent!

As Cooper said, A fully destructive world would be great as well.
Murray_H said:
If you have the CS:S beta

Go to

C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\counter-strike source beta\cstrike\results

and look in the text file called Results

Thanks for the tip.
dream431ca said:
Mario and samus getting captured by the combine. :eek:
That'd be sweet... even sweeter if Mario humps Samus's leg while saying his catch phrases like 'Itsa meee! Mario!'... ahem...

That, and fun fun fun scenarios to play... yep...
"Hey you got your Buggy in my Anti Aircraft Heavy Armor Semi-Amphibious Long Range Troop Deployment Recon Stealth Assault Vehicle!"
"Well, you got your Anti Aircraft Heavy Armor Semi-Amphibious Long Range Troop Deployment Recon Stealth Assault Vehicle in my Buggy!"
well i know all the characters are all going to be defferent from each other (valve said everyone will look different from each other :D)

i want to see..

1) a long game
2) A Truely Brilliant Half Life Return.
3) brilliant AI
4) NON-Linier
5) destructible things!
6) Great Out standing Phsics :D
guinny said:
Um we're getting half life source bundled with the purchase of we dont have to just imagine black mesa redone w/ source, we'll see it.

Yea...they're not re-doing it, but are just running it on the source engine. Or so i've heard. That means the same textures / models, just with the source engine, physics, etc...I was talking about imagine Black Mesa totally redone on Source. That'd be cool :D
Yeah, what would be cool is if you didn't have the key for a certain door you could blow it down at the cost of ammo. Or maybe shoot around the lock on a wooden door so that the lock falls out.

It would also be very cool is you get in a situation where you are being chased by some creature and then you can barricade a door and it starts smashing through slowly, maybe a huge metal door.

Or running through a building with one of those flying gunships outside and it strafes the building, with bullet holes and debris going flying everywhere.
Sashswash said:
Yea...they're not re-doing it, but are just running it on the source engine. Or so i've heard. That means the same textures / models, just with the source engine, physics, etc...I was talking about imagine Black Mesa totally redone on Source. That'd be cool :D

What else would their be that new apart from the physics then?

The water maybe?

I don't think many people with bother with it if all thats changed is the physics.
Well, here is my list:

1. long game
2. more female characters
3. real life fluid dynamics (omg! that would be so ql!)
4. anti-strider-desintegrator pistol aka Noisy Cricket from MIB 1 :)
5. that Gordon dies in last seconds of the game! (or not if he kill's Gman... I dont care... someone of them must die! :) )
6. and last.... Whales. I like whales... They are so cool and frendly!

/Did they made some map changes in hl:source? No new models, arcitechture and stuff?
guinny said:
Um we're getting half life source bundled with the purchase of we dont have to just imagine black mesa redone w/ source, we'll see it.

Sort of. All of the graphics will look exactly the same. Neither the textures or the models are being redone.
I know something I would like to see in HL2......ITS OWN MP!!!
Yes because god knows deathmatch with hl2 single player skins will have lasting playability.
One thing I would love to see: If you are using noclip or god mode near some Combine they would say "omg wtf hax!"
I want to see a coop mode built into the game, glitch free ! *ahem sven coop* There are numerous games I would love to coop in, but I have to search for hours for a coop mod for it, and then it either doesnt' work, or its glitch central. Please...let there be a multiplayer type of Coop!
cyberpitz said:
I want to see a coop mode built into the game, glitch free ! *ahem sven coop* There are numerous games I would love to coop in, but I have to search for hours for a coop mod for it, and then it either doesnt' work, or its glitch central. Please...let there be a multiplayer type of Coop!

Sven Coop will be out with HL2, unexpectedly called Sven Coop 2.
CrazyHarij said:
Sven Coop will be out with HL2, unexpectedly called Sven Coop 2.

They better get their act together then. With the latest patch and half-life, there were parts where you couldn't proceed into the game unless you used changelevel....cause it would be like your running into a wall. and when you changelevel, you miss some spots, and all in all beat the game in 2 hours cause of it. If it will be flawless have at it, but I would like there to be a coop mode that valve made for it...more stable I'd think