Reminds me of the headshot an allied NPC in Soldier of Fortune 2 received once... he didn't die, but that bullet hole in his forehead certainly worried me a lot.
Mostly just put anything that's too big to fit inside the metal cage of the left hand teleporter onto the right hand teleporter and hit the switch. Yes, they go BOTH ways.
Oops, I was working on the post of another poster earlier... come to think of it, I don't remember exactly what colour the hunters bleed, I've never actually killed one with bullets before...
That's strange, I remember Barnacles ate humans/Combine whole in the original HL2... you just had to remember not to shoot the victim while the barnacle slowly sucked it into its maw... now, Zombies, they wouldn't eat the human bits...
Or because the Combine have the collective knowledge of the biology and technology from dozens/hundreds of worlds, they've slowly, eventually engineered all the synths towards a certain degree of homogeneity that ensures the highest level of effectiveness from all resources.
e.g - Bulletproof...
You can actually take out a sentry from around a corner with a shotgun so long as the engineer isn't around... the Sentry has a line of sight deficiency that prevents it from shooting you while you pick away at it around a corner. I've killed a few without any return fire that way.
(I also...
Pyro - Because I love torching people and it's so gratifying to do it up close.
Engineer - Nothing feels better than helping your team in so many ways...
Demoman - Like Absinthe says: Good, versatile, fun to play! (plus the bottle's a hoot)
Dispensin' Justice - Have a single Dispenser provide 2000 rounds of ammunition in a single round.
Fill 'er Up! - Have a single Dispenser heal 2000 points of health in a single round.
Hot Potatoes - Kill an enemy pyro with your flamethrower as a pyro yourself.
Torch Bearer - (Not sure if I'm...
Technically any reproducing member of a species is referred to as a female. If it can reproduce without the aid of a male (such as certain lizard species, practically all aphid species and several other animals around the world), it's called Asexual production, or 'cloning', since all its...
Hey guys, sorry if this is the wrong board for it, but I was curious... how would people respond to a Half Life themed MMO?
About a year to a year and a half ago, my friend and I came up with a crazy idea for a Half Life 2 themed MMO soon after the Episode 2 trailers were released. I actually...