Nice to have a Half Life MMO?


Sep 21, 2003
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Hey guys, sorry if this is the wrong board for it, but I was curious... how would people respond to a Half Life themed MMO?

About a year to a year and a half ago, my friend and I came up with a crazy idea for a Half Life 2 themed MMO soon after the Episode 2 trailers were released. I actually helped put together a full game bible for the thing just for fun, and we've decided since we weren't actually going to ever make anything of it, I'm sharing it with everyone and getting some ideas... maybe with enough fan-feedback, Valve might consider it!

Here's the file...

Anyone knows of a more long-term, user friendly file sharing site, please let me know! (or upload it there! spread the love!)

Most MMO's are fail, so no.

I think an MMO about kids who fail at making games would be good, though.
Gotta break a few eggs, my friend... or in this case, a lotta eggs.
That would = Fail because the second Law of Phail clearly states that any attempt to bring Half life into a MMO would cause mass hysteria, and lead to the deaths of thousands by means of fatness.

The only loop hole to this Law of Phail is to make a MMO that is actually good, and not some "Chicken-Shit" copy off with crap graphics and the likes. Sadly, this Law of Phail loop hole has yet to be entered.

Ask about the 1st Law of Phail and you shall enter into the 3rd Law of Phail.
What I would find personally interesting is some official Valve stories about the Seven-hour war or the resistance. Without feeling hokey, I mean.
What I would find personally interesting is some official Valve stories about the Seven-hour war or the resistance. Without feeling hokey, I mean.

Reading != Hokey.
Agreed. I, for one, would LOVE some Valve-approved short films (even if they're just animated shorts using the Source engine) or novellas, filling in the gaps in the story - because they're obviously not going to answer certain questions in-game.
It would be a shame if a half life game had to compete against the WoW monster.
If they could somehow make a quality MMO out of it, I'd be totally open to it. Shit, I'd probably buy it. I just don't know how well it would translate into the genre. They'd need to approach it quite differently from the norm.
From a consumer pov I'd stop taking Valve seriously.
Agreed. I, for one, would LOVE some Valve-approved short films (even if they're just animated shorts using the Source engine) or novellas, filling in the gaps in the story - because they're obviously not going to answer certain questions in-game.

No!! Stop it with this! For the sake of the fans who have been here for 10 years patiently waiting for each part in the story, accepting the game as it was played, taking the little bits of information as they came... we do NOT want short films to "fill in the gaps"!!

The gaps are there for a reason!! PERIOD!

Edit: And just no... to the MMO
I don`t thing how they could do this because the things in hl saga are changing very much and what map would they put in?
From a consumer pov I'd stop taking Valve seriously.

I imagine this would stem more from an irrational prejudice towards the MMO genre rather than any serious fault with Valve.
Nice to hear my little post's sparked off such a debate. =P
MMOs are generally a bad idea for games that have mostly relied on single player gameplay rather than online. Plus i can't really see it working in any way.
I have an unmatched hatred for MMOs and so, although the idea may have merit, my general crappiness at MMOs makes me more likely to place a random object into a random orifice of my body than buy an HL MMO. I know many love them as a genre... I just simply can't play them without beating my computer to death with a cudgel and getting annoyed ay the addiction that it can cause. :p
Random resistance member! We have been having troubles with the headcrab population in southern canals. Go out there and bring me 20 headcrab scalps.
Accept Decline
Yeah, I think it could work actually, the rebel/combines factions to choose from, different vehicles, pvp would be great.

A Half-Life MMO?

How would you fit that into canon?

I figure the best you could do is to set it before the Seven Hour War, make it like public Stalker, and have you play as a hunter who clears out headcrab infestations etcetera.
Or during the Seven Hour War...

Because that'd work...