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  1. Peks

    Next Movie - hl2-kleiners_lab.exe !! #g-xdcc /msg G-XDCC-045 xdcc send #1 first type /dccallow +G-XDCC-045
  2. Peks

    Next Movie - hl2-kleiners_lab.exe !!

    irc bot = win
  3. Peks

    Next Movie - hl2-kleiners_lab.exe !!

    someone put up a http link
  4. Peks

    Alyx: A Sign of Cliche to Come?

    lemme edit my post: at least alyx isnt a blonde haired blue eyed nazi slut with big tits, tight ass, and no personality? uh oh here come the flames.
  5. Peks

    Alyx: A Sign of Cliche to Come?

    at least alyx isnt a blonde haired blue eyed white girl bimbo slut
  6. Peks

    For those of you who care (New Stalker vids)

    yea way to narrow it down there
  7. Peks

    Chinese Dialog

    if he says something like: "Pay attention Mr. Freeman, I'm only going to say this once, or it looks like we can't work together anymore." That supports the theory that Freeman was on a mission and put into a coma blah blah...
  8. Peks

    For those of you who care (New Stalker vids)

    the only badass part was when he shot the guy down from the pole and he landed on top of the car. and the rats.
  9. Peks

    For those of you who care (New Stalker vids)

    why did they use a pre-alpha build..or did i get the wrong movie?
  10. Peks

    For those of you who care (New Stalker vids)

    anyone have a non ghetto an actual download?
  11. Peks

    Who would you be if you had the chance?

    i like that :D
  12. Peks

    Steam is downloading Halflife2 movie now

    cache file
  13. Peks

    Steam is downloading Halflife2 movie now

    i cant confirm this..but i think thats the worst quality pic ever anywhere on the internet.
  14. Peks

    Steam is downloading Halflife2 movie now

    its prolly the 400 meg cache file
  15. Peks

    Steam is downloading Halflife2 movie now

    stop bullshitting loser
  16. Peks

    A neat real-time Physics Demo (Non-Havok)...

    yea i uninstalled ver2 and installed ver1 and that works..dunno why 2 wont work though
  17. Peks

    When will next movie be released?

    yes it was supposed to be released at 7 PM EASTERN but it was "accidently" released early.
  18. Peks

    Top 3 features of Half-Life?

    freedom fighters? you never saw all those pics of the citizens being rounded up by combine forces?
  19. Peks

    Top 3 features of Half-Life?

    "And to think that all models will have THAT amount of realism and depth... you can practically see the emotion in their eyes." thats a negative...only main "actors" will have that depth and realism. everyday citizens will be detailed but not to the degree of the main chars.
  20. Peks

    A neat real-time Physics Demo (Non-Havok)...

    does a vanilla geforce 3 support texture compression and 8-Bit Stencil?