Who would you be if you had the chance?

Who would you be if you had the chance?

  • Gordon

    Votes: 15 22.1%
  • Alyx

    Votes: 7 10.3%
  • G-Man

    Votes: 14 20.6%
  • Barney

    Votes: 9 13.2%
  • Scientist

    Votes: 4 5.9%
  • Combine Soldier

    Votes: 7 10.3%
  • Headcrab

    Votes: 5 7.4%
  • Ant Lion

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Other, not listed

    Votes: 5 7.4%

  • Total voters


Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
If you could be anyone/thing in hl2 what would you choose? And why?

My choice is obvious. :E The G-Man just has mystery written all over him, he looks like one of those guys who secretly saves the world everyday and nobody evers knows it. He reminds me of the smoky man from the x-files, lol. :cheers:
Combine soldier, I dig those masks big time!
The G-Man, duh. I'd love to be able to walk into bullet fire and just stand there, blinking.
Either G-man, or Gordon. I chose Gordon because he gets all the action.. and the guns.
G-man... then can I finally know what's in that suitcase of him.
Originally posted by sharp
G-man... then can I finally know what's in that suitcase of him.

Look on my website for all your G-Man suitcase spoliers. ;)
I chose Barney... he's a cool character.:cool:

A very close second for me would be the Strider - "run! puny Earthlings!".:cool:
Gordon, all the way!

I'd pick the G-man up with the gravity gun and fling him into a wall!
Combine Soldier, Their Maks look wa cool. I like Masks. Plus they sound cool too. Woudlent mind being on a team for a Combine - Soldier mod - would be fun to make.

Graaah, Man down! Man down!
Id choose to be the necklace/medallion that alyx wears, It has a great view the whole game :cheers: :cheese: :afro:
i would be that thing that fly's..........the big one with the machine guns....................................................................or..............maybe a strider...................i dunno those little bots that fly with saw blade things are cool too
Why don't you just be Alyx herself, then you can have hands-on experience.

I'd be Barney. He's a womanizer, and he has a cool suit.
Id be Barney, Barney is the coolest of everyone. Either that or someone doing industrial espionage on Valve to find out all the secrets of HL2 as well as steal the game in its various Beta stages.
Antlion: you get to hunt people in a pack with your fellow aliens, fun!
OTIS, OTIS OTIS, wears my dounut... mmmmmmmm...... cream filling........
Originally posted by SnowBall
Either G-man, or Gordon. I chose Gordon because he gets all the action.. and the guns.

And the girls, it seems. :E

I chose 'Scientist' by the way. All the knowledge, and you get a chance to hide until the end of the disaster and stay alive without having to lift a finger. :D
Alyx. She is hot. I would be her so I could take advantage of myself.... Ohh ME!! OHH ME!!!!!! OH MEEEEEEEEE!
I'd like to be an automated defence turret... Whenever a poor scientist runs by, I wind up my barrels and tear him to little meatballs... mmm....
Alyx. I would get nude and just look at myself in the mirror all day. lol.
Originally posted by Kamakiri
Alyx. I would get nude and just look at myself in the mirror all day. lol.
use your imagination
Some of these people are starting to scare me... :/
You get used to it after a while, as you realise they have nothing better to do all day but make sexual comments towards Polygons :) :P