I don't really care about the case, but i do have one right now. I am now thinking that i should just slap together my the mobo into my old comp with the AMD 2500+ Barton with my old ram(a singloe 512mb stick) with my GF 4 MX, using my existing Power supply and that stuff. :cheers:
Yea i have been looking on NCIX I still amk thinking the whole video card thing. I currentally have a GF4 MX 440 and just about anything would be better. I am looking at the ATI Radeon 9600 Pro but i might wait for the XT to drop the 9800 down. Also I am woundering if the NFORCE2 is a good board...
yea but i am on a very limited budjet, right now i might just get the MOBO and Processor, slap them in my old comp with that ram and go for a bit, I am also looking for a cheap case hopefully under 80$ canadian
Yea i live in Canada, my computer is a piece of shit. AMD Athlon XP 1800+ 1.04GHZ, 1024mb DDR Ram, GF 4 MX 440, a SIS mainboard motherboard with SIS 7012 intragated sound card, a sweet 19" Viewsonic monitor, and i think that is it other than my two WD 120GB harddrives.
I did search the website and i cannot find which cards are DX 9, I think the 9600, 9700, and 9800 are(including the Pro's ofcourse) but i am not sure. If you wouldn;t mind help me clear this up.:cheers:
I have a Wacom Graphire 2, but the Graphire 3's are out now, you could probably find a Graphire 2 for about 50-60$ US. I bought mine about a year ago for 80$ Canadian. I love it, it is really great with photoshop and it comes with Painter(another Photoshop like program) I would definitally...
thanks guys, for um.... um... the descusion?! Well anywase I am almost done it all but only have a couple things to do. I will post when i am done or near done next time
dawdler, thanks for the crit but i did say and i quote "work in progress" so ofcourse it doesn't look like it yet IT ISN'T FINISHED! Oh and the front it was just slapped together in like 30s:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Hey guys, back with another model work in progress, this is a "M1 Garand" I am hopefully going to put together a ww2 mod but i am currentally only by myself;( Crits and Comments are very welcome (Good and Bad please)
Sorry for being nieve or something, but i am curious to where i can obtain the rest of the BINK videos? I have: Docks, Barricade, Traptown, and HDR02. Please and thanks,
Mods move if it is in the wrong forum. (Sorry)
I will be willing to do some rendering and post effects, just drop me a pm or the files! I do have a comercial version of Brazil, and Vray. (yea i bought them!!!)
Oh man, why does everyone have to post these pointless threads about stuff that has already been discussed!
Simple answer, if Valve makes it "Pay to Play" we boycott them till they change it! :dork:
see problem solved!
Best would have to be when i got a cheque in the mail for 12,000 god knows what. Actually know that i think about it i never really found out why?
Worst was when i got clothing that was WAY too big, man i was embarrassed, got it from my friend! arghhh...
oh and by the...