my mom or brother


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
since im going to be in school when half life2 is released, im making them get it for me.........immediatly.........!!! how bout u
im going to call Electronics Boutique 3 days before and ask them, then im going to demand they hide one under the counter for me
Hehehehehe I'll probably have it on 29th September!
(I work in a shop that sells multimedia)
shit man im so worried im not going to get a copy, i can wait till sept 30th the official release date, but ill cry if i get it any later then that
I'm driving to EB or Bestbuy early in the morning before I go to school...if I go to school at all.:cheers:
what time does EB open? and what your parents think about you skipping school for a ggame, mine would personally call me an idiot or someting
thats happend to me before, i pre-orderd MOHAA and it came a day before it came out!!! I LOVE AMAZON.CO.UK


Hold on.... and chill:cheers: :afro:
my problem is my mom works, and i dont drive, so i have to wait all day for her to come home before i can go get it.
lol that sucks Tek hmm - i think ill just buy the regular version......
my friend is going to break his computer so his dad has to buy another one
I hope it gets released, when i wake up before school, to get it @ max speeds (like 1mb/s)
its going to come right through the mail box right on the moringing of te 30th (me hopes)
lol, just 10 mbit full duplex, nothing more :-)
i work in that internet company for a technic... so i can afford myself even 30 mbit (router is standing under my table ;-)
Maybe its just Steam but I actually have gotten things that fast from it. I belive that the measurments are off though.
Has anyone thought that, perhaps if it's not pre-delivered over Steam, it might be quicker to wait for the retail version than to download it over a severly swamped distribution network?
Didnt they say their would be a COOP released WITH The game.......i swear i read that somewhere....forsure
oh well, NHL2004 is out, this is something to play for one week , while waiting hl2
The game store is only 10 min WALKING from my home. So hehe Iam lucky too.
Didnt they say their would be a COOP released WITH The game.......i swear i read that somewhere....forsure

No, they never said that. But there is the Sven Coop mod being made for HL2 also (that's what I've heard)
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
No, they never said that. But there is the Sven Coop mod being made for HL2 also (that's what I've heard)

funny i saw a quote somewhere saying they are adding a 2 person coop which would be auesome, i dont like sven coop theirs like no teamwork its just people running all over the god damn place, hopefully sven coop half life2 will be better
Originally posted by PoiSoNSpiDeR
i dont like sven coop theirs like no teamwork its just people running all over the god damn place, hopefully sven coop half life2 will be better

Thant's not SC's fault, it's the fault of the people who play it - like CS. They've tried to put in loads of stuff to force/reward teamplay etc. and when you're playing with people you know (LAN) it's a lot more fun.

I see your point though, and i hope they do a lot more to incorperate/force teamplay with SC2
my pc will deliver it via steam directly on my hdd :)
And after that the collectors editions will come via mail to me.
I just hooked up ethernet connector straight to my mailbox in my fromt yard. I will have HL2 first!!!!! feer.
funny i saw a quote somewhere saying they are adding a 2 person coop which would be auesome, i dont like sven coop theirs like no teamwork its just people running all over the god damn place, hopefully sven coop half life2 will be better

it's not sven coop's fault you play with idiots
Originally posted by PoiSoNSpiDeR
holy shit head? WTF:eek:

I am going to wait and preorder it 3-4 days before it hits shelves. Any one know a good place to pre order it from?