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  1. Warbie

    Frozen Synapse

    I think I'll give this a go.
  2. Warbie

    Zero Punctuation

    I can tell ;) It's not hard to spot a class - there's a big ugly icon telling you what they are. There's big ugly icons everywhere - it's all very console looking and chunky. A 'pro' pc mod would Brink a world of good.
  3. Warbie

    Zero Punctuation

    That one was a bit odd - there's loads of obvious problems with Brink and he misses out on virtually all of them while labouring on some petty points. Once again Yahtzee hardly touches a game before the 'review'? Say it aint so!
  4. Warbie

    What CPU should I get?

    Seconded. With benchmarks coming in a no. of weeks it makes sense to wait. I'll either be getting a 2500k or a bulldozer.
  5. Warbie

    Dead Island gameplay video

    Looks decent to me. For a long time i've wanted a large scale zombie game - travel around, do your own thing, make your own story etc. This doesn't look like the ultimate zombie surivial horror many of us want, but it's alot closer to that than L4D and Dead Rising (both of which I love for...
  6. Warbie

    Brink Previews

    A few patches later and Brink is a different beast. I'm now getting between 40-80 fps rather than 20-40 which obviously makes quite a difference to gameplay. There are still things that need looking at, but already it's shaping up to be my favourite current online shooter. Teamplay wise nothing...
  7. Warbie

    Your Best Video Game Music

    Secret of Mana. The best game soundtrack there has been. Orchestra worthy, infact...
  8. Warbie

    Shadows of the Damned

    Ooh, let's pinpoint something obvious to complain about in a sea of ****ed up weirdness. never lets me down ;)
  9. Warbie

    Shadows of the Damned

    A new Grasshoper game :) Taste my boner ..
  10. Warbie

    The Witcher 2: Assassin's of Kings

    I think i'll hold off for a PC upgrade before trying this beast!
  11. Warbie

    Rumour: Nintendo Feel

    IGN are now claiming the Wii2 will come with an R700 GPU roughly on par with a 4850 - if true this would make it noticeably more powerful than a PS3/360. Taken with a big pinch of salt:
  12. Warbie

    Brink Previews

    I think that's more placebo than anything. Much depends on the map, the server, and how many people are playing etc. I haven't noticed much difference between 11.2, 115.a rc1 & 2. For all these negatives it's worth mentioning what Brink does well, which is objective and teambased play. It...
  13. Warbie

    It's that time of year again... Modern Warfare 3 teaser released

    Nearly every fps these days emulates CoD in single and/or multiplayer to some degree. The bastardised Wolfenstein sequel. Bad Company. Brink. And why blame developers for cashing in on what's so obviously a succesful model? It's not only arena shooters that are gone either - we get hardly...
  14. Warbie

    It's that time of year again... Modern Warfare 3 teaser released

    Both have similarities in the way they play - slightly arcady iron sight driven combat. BC has larger maps and vehicles and CoD is a bit more twitchy (although it pains me to say this as CoD has almost single handedly killed the pc 'twitch' fps). If you're more into large scale encounters with...
  15. Warbie

    It's that time of year again... Modern Warfare 3 teaser released

    I depise CoD and what it's done to multiplayer fps, but you're probably not alone in being excited. I suspect there's a few million people in the same boat!
  16. Warbie

    Brink Previews

    Agreed. I have a 5850 clocked higher than a 5870 and am getting terrible performance with everything at low. It isn't an ATI friendly game at the moment.
  17. Warbie

    Brink Previews

    Mostly ironsights. I know firing from the hip up close is effective with certain weapons, but ironsights have slowed the game right down. Gone is the speedy, fluid in your face gameplay of rtcw and in its place is something rather cagey and standoffy at the bottlenecks.
  18. Warbie

    Brink Previews

    It's hard to say. There's elements I like - the few things left over from rtcw - and those I don't - namely the CoD influence. Brink's a hybrid of the two. My main problem is performance. My PC can handle BC2 maxed and rarely drop below 60 fps. In Brink i'm lucky to maintain 30 fps in a...
  19. Warbie

    Fable 3 anyone?

    Bear in mind this is Halflife2shitonanygamethatisn'
  20. Warbie

    Fable 3 anyone?

    The same as Fable 2 pretty much - so not as good as promised, but a fun enough hack n slash adventure.