Zero Punctuation

finally,he expresed the whole issues whit the "stilization" perfectly,that proves this game was like darksiders that was just a messy mix of more popular games,atleast in art style
That one was a bit odd - there's loads of obvious problems with Brink and he misses out on virtually all of them while labouring on some petty points. Once again Yahtzee hardly touches a game before the 'review'? Say it aint so!
Well I think not being able to tell who the hell anyone is in class based shooter is a pretty big problem. That said I know nothing about Brink :P
He could have made some good criticisms, but didn't. The only thing I agreed with him on was the bit about how it should not be charged as a 50 dollar game. Definitely a 20-30 dollar Multiplayer game.

Well I think not being able to tell who the hell anyone is in class based shooter is a pretty big problem. That said I know nothing about Brink :P

It's not a problem at all, anyone who thinks so hasn't played Brink for more than a few minutes. The nature of the game makes it so knowing who is playing what class, unimportant. I actually believe this is one of the strongest aspects of the game. The classes are not brought down by arbitrary shit like weapon loadouts and appearance. Instead everyone can have their own build, their own weapons, and their own appearance without causing any sort of disadvantage to the team. The only difference is that you have a specific ability (depending on which class you chose) to help the team. It makes the aspect of class playing and team support very, very, smooth, because everyone helps out instinctively instead of "WHERE THE **** IS THE MY UBERCHARGE". Unfortunately Yatz makes a ton of comparisons to Team Fortress 2, while the two games are not even remotely similar, except for the vaguely similar art style.

Speaking of the art style, I don't know why everyone hates the face models, I think they are amazing.
Well I think not being able to tell who the hell anyone is in class based shooter is a pretty big problem. That said I know nothing about Brink :P

I can tell ;)

It's not hard to spot a class - there's a big ugly icon telling you what they are. There's big ugly icons everywhere - it's all very console looking and chunky. A 'pro' pc mod would Brink a world of good.

New Extra Credits on Anonymous

Interesting take. I'd be more inclined to support this if Anonymous wasn't responsible for a host of terrible internet harassment. However, that could just be another example of ass-holes using the Anonymous name to cover their ass... of it could just be /b... dicks... (/b =/= Anonymous right?)
Is it just me or does the Extra Credits guy always sound like a pretentious prick and it always feels like he'd have a good point if he didn't act like he was teaching third graders.

That time he even used puppets.

But that might just be the Escapist in general.
wow i really dont wanna play the witcher 2 now :laugh:

you kinda have to love how yahtzee can poke fun at everything though when people always thougth he was an advocate fo the pc gamer master race thing :P
wonder how he feels about witcher 2 coming to consoles
Watched the one for LA Noir. Same thing happened to him as me with the broken glasses. I was like "Oh this is odd I should ask about this inconsistency" and Phelps was like "YOU DID IT DIDN'T YOU YOU ****ING BITCH WE HAVE PROOF YOU WERE THERE".
Is it just me or does the Extra Credits guy always sound like a pretentious prick and it always feels like he'd have a good point if he didn't act like he was teaching third graders.

That time he even used puppets.

But that might just be the Escapist in general.

No, its just you and your insecurities. Extra credits is really informative, and really helped to to understand the potential of videogames as art. In their episodes I'e seen references to greek tragedy, psychological theory, philosophy, world history, literature and film. You have to know quite a bit to really understand what they are saying.
I think the extra credits people made good points about videogames in general no just to understand the potential as art or whatever
Can't wait for him to do Duke Nukem Forever.

I came directly to this thread to see if he did yet. Can't wait.

EDIT: I guess the first 30 seconds of his newest video explains why he hasn't yet. Damn my impatience.
Dunno how I missed the LAN review. Was very funny. Agreed with his points about the ending and the clue finding - the random spatula, iron, cig packet, empty bottle just seemed lazy but balancing it must have been hard. Like he said, OCD gamers would just go mashing 'X' on everything.

Really enjoyed the game despite it having many annoyances. Looking forward for the the DLC. Might write a review later if I CBA.
Also, Jim Sterling seems to be working for The Escapist now. Totally missed that. This week's video is about game companies and brand loyalty. He makes a good point, in a Jim Sterling way though.

I didn't know who Jim Sterling was, so I watched that video you linked to. Well, I watched 45 seconds of that video you linked to. I could tell almost immediately that he was going to annoy the shit out of me. So instead of me risking a fist sized hole through my monitor, can you just tell me what his point about the subject was?
I can't stand Jim Sterling. Even when I agree with him, he's so obnoxious about it that he makes me wish I didn't. He's pretty much a forum troll that gets paid for it.
Thoughts were: oh great. Another British gamer who thinks he's Charlie Brooker. Swears like a ten year-old.
i'm not a jim sterling fan i admit but i do like his jimquisition stuff on the escapist :)

Holly Cow, I think he may have liked this one (besides his one major gripe). I was fully expecting a full on, no holds barred, rip the game a new asshole, review but I guess I was wrong.
aw shucks i was kinda hoping for a good thrashing :P

i've not played infamous 2 but i dont feel like i need to; the first one was utter balls >:(
Lambda, I agree completely! I bought the first one after hearing so many people talk good about it and was severely disappointed. I didn't even manage to find it in me to finish it.

4chan isn't really relevant in any discussion.

You underestimate the societal impact and communication channels 4chan has opened and deals with. Even world class anthropologists study the damn thing.
Thoughts were: oh great. Another British gamer who thinks he's Charlie Brooker. Swears like a ten year-old.

Yeah don't waste your time on him. Sterling is an embarrassment to games Journalism tbh. He's neither as funny, articulate or insightful as he likes to believe, and most importantly downright terrible at playing games (read enough of his reviews and you realize that he's control clueless tbh). Some people seem to enjoy the 'cult of Jim' at Destructoid, with his 'wacky' scores (1/10 for K&L2 for example...even though it's a perfectly serviceable title) but to be honest he's the Armord White of games reviewers. You don't read his reviews to gain insight into a game (you use other journalists for that), you read them to see what garbage he's written. If it weren't for the fact that Destructoid counts towards metacritic I think he'd of slid into obscurity a long time ago. Also the guy has a long history of generally obnoxious, misogynistic and largely inexcusable behavior to women: -
"mad returns had me laughing hard. Also I like his new voice better