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  1. Warbie

    Alien: The Game - Creative Assembly

    Spartan: Total Warrior and Viking: Battle for Asgard. The console team has been slowly growing over the years and is now a decent size - they have their own floor rather than being hidden away :) I really enjoyed Viking btw - it would have been even better if not hurried out the door.
  2. Warbie

    Starhawk (PS3)

    Not a Warhawk fan then I take it? :laugh:
  3. Warbie

    Starhawk (PS3)

    A bigger more expanded Warhawk :) Transforming into mechs, base building and spawning via drop pods that can smash stuff - sounding good. 32 players apparently...
  4. Warbie

    Rumour: Nintendo Feel

    More snippets of info. A slightly more powerful PS3/360?
  5. Warbie

    Some more Ocarina of Time 3DS info

    Can't wait :) You tried Shadow Wars, Ennui? Tis well worth a play if you like turn based stuff. I'm 20hrs in and about 1/3 of the way through the campaign. Haven't started the challenges yet.
  6. Warbie

    Any recommedations for platformers??

    It better be! I'd pay the price just for reliable upscaling ala the Dolphin emulator (minus the reliable bit). Seriously though, Banzo Kazooie - ****ing great platform game.
  7. Warbie

    Alien: The Game - Creative Assembly

    Yeah, he did the troops and animals in Rome.
  8. Warbie

    Any recommedations for platformers??

    How about the 360 Banjo Kazooie remake? That's an awesome platformer. Don't forget SMG 2, New Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong, Kirby and Lost Winds 1 & 2. The Wii's untouched when it comes to platform games.
  9. Warbie

    Alien: The Game - Creative Assembly

    :/ gl with that m8. They've been taking on a bunch of people from different companies recently.
  10. Warbie

    Alien: The Game - Creative Assembly

    Shameless plug for my brother's new game - he's lead character artist: It's looking like a console only release and there should be more to come soon.
  11. Warbie

    Brink Previews

    Yeah. It seems the US review sites - including 1UP and Giant Bomb, who slated the game the most - reviewed unfinished code that required a sizable patch. European sites got the current version.
  12. Warbie

    Brink Previews

    hhmm, some worrying impressions here. For someone who doesn't intend to spend any time playing against bots, or care in the slightest about the story, how does Brink fair? //edit PC gameplay:
  13. Warbie

    Rumour: Nintendo Feel

    Yeah, cause that was great ;)
  14. Warbie

    Games: Rate and Discuss

    Shadow Wars (3DS) 8/10 - Surprisingly good turn based shooter. If you like games like Jagged Alliance, Advance Wars, Valkyria Chronicles etc the chances are you'll like this. The best 3DS launch game and my favourite use of 3D on the system. Monkey Ball (3DS) 5/10 - Way too short and way too...
  15. Warbie


    I'll bite. What are these great single player shooters i've been missing out on recently. Bah :p I've ranked up far more hours on PC games over the years. From the few gameplay clips i've seen I like the pace of some of the enemies, how they jump and flip about. There's one vid with a...
  16. Warbie


    What is? The bar's been pretty low for single player fps action for years now. To me this looks better than most, with the added bonus of co-op and a setting I like.
  17. Warbie


    Seems fine to me. The gameplay looks streets ahead of Borderlands, not that that's hard, and more interesting than CoD, and I like the look and setting. If co-op works well i'll be picking this up.
  18. Warbie

    Texture Packs

    I know this may get slammed for not being 'true' to Minecraft, but here's the latest version of Doku's Texture pack. He's my brother so i'm plugging it (don't even own Minecraft!) This is worth a watch just for the excellent Mana music:
  19. Warbie

    Franchises you'd like to see successfully rebooted.

    Syndicate - less of the neon anime bollocks and back to brown trench coats and shotguns. RTCW - a new engine and a couple of the maps from ET. Job done - multiplayer fps of the decade. Ecstatica - everytime I play Fable I wish it was Ecstatica. Outcast - more exploring weird alien planets...
  20. Warbie

    New Nintendo Console @ E3

    If it lets us upscale Wii and GC games similar to the Dolphin emulator i'll be there day one. Actually, i'll be there day one regardless, but it would be lovely to play non glitchy Galaxy in HD.