Texture Packs


Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
I'm looking at the painterly pack but I don't know what combination of textures I want.

In your opinions what are the best combinations? If you have pictures of the various texture options (preferably in an in game construction so I know what they look like together) so I can compare that would be awesome.

Also, how easy is it to switch texture options?

It's really easy to switch textures out. I have a mix for my pack as well, using mostly the darker colors for grass and some of the halloween textures too.

Edit: For the half block I use the stone texture as it looks better than marble.
I don't know why everyone uses those frames on the glass, frameless ftw.
I don't use any texture packs, but I agree with vegeta. The frames on glass textures look stupid.
Man I just realized minecraft would really benefit from some anisotropic filtering. (and AA)
You're right about that. Forcing AA with your drivers improves image quality a ton. It really helps get rid of those lines in the distance. I've always had forced 16AF so I don't know what it's like without it.

I tried the frameless windows and they look weird to me.
I didn't know about painterly customizer until vegeta told me. :(
I dislike frameless windows but painterly customizer is god because you have the AWESOME option to remove clouds....
I actually just created my own painterly pack. I thought it would be just a few options. You can literally change everything. Cool beans.
Been using SMP's high def pack. It's pretty nice.
I don't really like it. Minecraft graphics are purposefully "8-bit" style, and that style works. This seems to be trying for realism but that negates the style of Vanilla Mincraft and the other texture packs, and it just looks like a game with bad graphics.

Does that make sense?
I don't really like it. Minecraft graphics are purposefully "8-bit" style, and that style works. This seems to be trying for realism but that negates the style of Vanilla Mincraft and the other texture packs, and it just looks like a game with bad graphics.

Does that make sense?

Couldn't have put it better myself.
Sense was made. At first I didn't like the low res textures, but they have this beauty to them as a whole. Painterly is leagues ahead of vanilla, but manages to keep the feel while improving the look a ton.
I really don't think larger textures are going to make much of a difference.
You should get that soft lighting mod if you're using high res textures.
It does? In what way? Looks like crap to me. The mineral blocks look like a blurry mess.
Finally. :D

Doku is honestly the only pack I've ever been able to use besides default, so I was a bit disappointed when he stopped updating for a while. Looking better than ever, good to see animated water is working too!
It's so odd that he's your brother :P the internet is a small place I guess.

Doku has always been my favorite custom texture pack besides Painterly, and I love the Zelda style to it... don't have a texture pack installed on this PC so I might give it a whirl...
That looks awesome. I might even reinstall now, just for this.
Doku's packs (and their many remixes) truly are the best.

Otherwise, for a more minecraftish feel (and by that I mean 16x16), Eldpack is one of the best:

Half-LifeCraft looks sweet. I'm totally going to try that out and see how it makes my world look.
I suggest Belea and Soartex. They're on opposite ends of the spectrum, but I've had both as my main pack for a while.