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  1. S

    Can't get monitor to power on! D:

    whyd u buy it then....
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    Do I actually need a sound card

    if you want your audio to sound like crap then by all means use the onboard sound. Its like a night and day difference going from onboard sound to say a Creative X-fi soundcard.
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    which gun should I buy?

    You dont need a gun, simple as that.
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    2 X-men spinoff movies in the works

    of course he's in it. so is Captain Jean Luke Picard.
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    anyone seen xmen 3 yet?

    my one friend didnt even know it was him throughout the whole movie, so its not that obvious.
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    X-Fi or LCD monitor?

    soundcard works better with awesome speakers.
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    anyone seen xmen 3 yet?

    Just came back from watching it. I thought it was great, the best of the three for sure. Not gonna give any plots away or anything, but I think people will enjoy it. Also DO NOT LEAVE WHEN THE CREDITS COME UP!!!! There is a short 30 second part after the credits, that Id say is pretty...
  8. S

    Pizzly found in Canada

    People who go hunting should be shot.
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    Help a Virgin get laid!!!!

    he actually could make it. 2.7 million visitors, and only halfway done the month. At this rate he should make it.
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    What would keep you from joining the military?

    Why would anyone have a desire to join the army? Id much rather live a normal, life get married have kids. etc.
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    Episode One Trailer

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    Use New GMAIL Account with existing Hotmail/MSN Account

    Hey all, Is it possible for me to use my newly created GMAIL account to work with my old MSN Account, so I don't have to add all users again, and they do not have to add me again. For example. Everyone on my list already can see my hotmail. When I add new people I give them my gmail, they...
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    Who likes Breaking Benjamin

    yep, their garbage, Iron Maiden is the best band ever.
  14. S

    X-Men trailer released!

    I cant hear any audio in this.
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    Mr. Bean.

    I have also not watched Blackadder. How many episodes are there per season?? Apparently there making another Mr Bean Feature Film.
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    Buckethead Solo "Lessons"

    does nobody else find the part where the head is talking mildly disturbing?
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    "George Bush Doesn't care about Black People" - Kayne West

    he was stuttering, because he was obviously scared to be saying it, you can see it in his face, but you can also tell he is very serious and emotional over it, so its not bullshit, this is what he actually feels. You may not agree with him, but at least he had the balls to say something.
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    "George Bush Doesn't care about Black People" - Kayne West

    Anybody seen this? if that doesnt work: Watch the video, it was on Live TV, they cut him off after he said the above quote. He seems very emotional on it. Mike Meyers is just like "whoa". Strong words. Heres...
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    More crazyness from China.

    i think yout rcsrtrsrf vhin soend uyo you cok sucka mother ****a.