"George Bush Doesn't care about Black People" - Kayne West


May 18, 2003
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Anybody seen this?


if that doesnt work:


Watch the video, it was on Live TV, they cut him off after he said the above quote. He seems very emotional on it. Mike Meyers is just like "whoa".

Strong words. Heres what he said in the video, if you didnt catch it all.

"I hate the way they portray us in the media. You see a black family and they say we are looting, you see a white family and they say they are looking for food. And, you know, its been five days because most of the people ARE black ... We already realize a lot of the people that could help are at war right now, fighting another way. And now they've given them permission to go down and shoot us. George Bush doesn't care about black people."

- Kanye West, speaking to a nationally televised audience on NBC
Yeah, he did seem very emotional. I don't think they should have cut him off, he was just speaking his mind.
seems like america is getting a taste of what Iraq is like....
The man has a point, Had this occured in Wallstreet or Hollywood would it really have taken nearly a week to get something done?
lol this guy is an idiot. I can't believe some of you are agreeing with him.
I think that he's somewhat right - the poor are treated horrendously. I'm not really a fan of his music - that's my personal taste, but my opinion of him has soared following that pledge, considering he's a multi-millionare. I don't think it's really all Bush, but the people he represents and stands for.
I thought that was ****ing hilarious. Mike Myers starts talking about something else and Kayne West just blurts that out. Myers is like "wtf" and then they're cut.
Its not his music, I didn't even know he was a "musician", its his retarded comments. New Orleans is practically 70% black. Bush doesn't hate black people. And does anyone notice him almost stuttering the whole way through? And the way he talks sounds like he's reading off a cue card, so robotic. He doesn't even care. He has his own mansion.
I agree with that guy, they sent troops to kill looters not to save people.
solaris152000 said:
I agree with that guy, they sent troops to kill looters not to save people.

Have you been watching the news? Do you live here? No? The National Guard is down there to save people. They've been doing it for the past week now. They're also getting shot at by people. Perhaps you didn't notice. Cops are being killed left and right.
loved the face of mike myers when he says that...i was dying of laughter
I saw that last night. I couldn't believe he actually said that... :laugh:

I hate his music, but he does have a point. :P
DeusExMachinia said:
Its not his music, I didn't even know he was a "musician", its his retarded comments. New Orleans is practically 70% black. Bush doesn't hate black people. And does anyone notice him almost stuttering the whole way through? And the way he talks sounds like he's reading off a cue card, so robotic. He doesn't even care. He has his own mansion.
the reason he talked like that was because he had to balls to not read what NBC wrote for him. He ditched the script and spoke his unscripted mind.

I find it ironic you don't agree with him saying Bush hates black people when you didn't seem to defend bush's actions here:


Yes, he said a little too much but this guy was pissed as this country should be pissed. Bush's non-actions in this disaster are unacceptable and I can't find any of you that can defend them.
The guy is an idiot.
I hate everyone who says "OMG IT'S TOO SLOW LOL!"
Idiots speaking out of ignorance, thinking they know it all. They need to STFU and let the rescuers work.
MiccyNarc said:
The guy is an idiot.
I hate everyone who says "OMG IT'S TOO SLOW LOL!"
Idiots speaking out of ignorance, thinking they know it all. They need to STFU and let the rescuers work.
Do you just talk out of your ass or do you actually have facts to refute what has been said?
i felt a bit sorry for him tbh, he was obviously very upset about it, the 'white people find, black loot' comment has credence as we all saw the yahoo pictures thread this week...

not sure about his last comment though....
No Limit said:
the reason he talked like that was because he had to balls to not read what NBC wrote for him. He ditched the script and spoke his unscripted mind.

I find it ironic you don't agree with him saying Bush hates black people when you didn't seem to defend bush's actions here:


Yes, he said a little too much but this guy was pissed as this country should be pissed. Bush's non-actions in this disaster are unacceptable and I can't find any of you that can defend them.

I don't support Bush, I think he's an idiot, I'm not a conservative, blah blah blah.

But this guy is an idiot. Bush is trying to help but its a ****ing wasteland there. The authority present there is getting shot at. Police are being killed. How can you help people when there's other people who don't want help and just want to cause trouble?
DeusExMachinia said:
I don't support Bush, I think he's an idiot, I'm not a conservative, blah blah blah.

But this guy is an idiot. Bush is trying to help but its a ****ing wasteland there. The authority present there is getting shot at. Police are being killed. How can you help people when there's other people who don't want help and just want to cause trouble?
by shooting back of course...
DeusExMachinia said:
And does anyone notice him almost stuttering the whole way through? And the way he talks sounds like he's reading off a cue card, so robotic. He doesn't even care. He has his own mansion.

You could say the same about Bush, why does it matter this time round?

Ahh, actually watching the clip, it would seem he is ignoring the telepromter, hence his awkwardness ...

Oh and check this:
No Limit said:
Do you just talk out of your ass or do you actually have facts to refute what has been said?
I'm talking out of my ass? How could you tell, since you've got your head so far shoved up yours?

Tell me what should have gone differently, and how the response was slow, and how it could have gone faster, if you know so much.
DeusExMachinia said:
How can you help people when there's other people who don't want help and just want to cause trouble?

[SARCASM]Right,So there are people in New Orleans,Without food or water who just for the heck of it want to die so they can act out a few scenes from Mad Max?[/SARCASM]

Look lads, Before today I'd never even heard the name Kayne West. But it doesnt matter to me if he stutters, or if he's not too intelligent however when he says something that makes sense I have to agree with him. As until now he's been the only one with the balls to say it.

Now, As for whether or not the responce was fast enough, TBH it wasnt. And if you lived in the affected areas you'd feel it wasnt fast enough. And MiccyNarc because I say that your Government didnt act as fast as it could have does not mean that I don't believe the rescuers are doing all they can. No one who has seen the images on TV could say that they arent doing all they can, Especially the volunteers. However its the speed of the offical responce that I can't understand. Had this happened in Texas, Would it have taken 5 days for a proper responce? I can't answer that and I hope we won't find out the hard way.
wow these insults dont make me laugh anymore...i miss the good old days when people had some hilarious insults
he was stuttering, because he was obviously scared to be saying it, you can see it in his face, but you can also tell he is very serious and emotional over it, so its not bullshit, this is what he actually feels.

You may not agree with him, but at least he had the balls to say something.
the problem is not the people, but a problem with the infrastructure to handle such an event, which is what really scares me, especially when it comes to terrorist attacks
the vid's not working, but this seems like racist propaganda to me
And if you lived in the affected areas you'd feel it wasnt fast enough.
That's how it's perceived in those areas yes. I'm sure they'd like to all be out of there the day after the disaster. But it's impossible.

It's too easy to say it the response isn't fast enough. I guess right now we're looking for a scapegoat.
Voodoo_Chile said:
[sarcasm]Right,So there are people in New Orleans,Without food or water who just for the heck of it want to die so they can act out a few scenes from Mad Max?[/sarcasm]

Look lads, Before today I'd never even heard the name Kayne West. But it doesnt matter to me if he stutters, or if he's not too intelligent however when he says something that makes sense I have to agree with him. As until now he's been the only one with the balls to say it.

Now, As for whether or not the responce was fast enough, TBH it wasnt. And if you lived in the affected areas you'd feel it wasnt fast enough. And MiccyNarc because I say that your Government didnt act as fast as it could have does not mean that I don't believe the rescuers are doing all they can. No one who has seen the images on TV could say that they arent doing all they can, Especially the volunteers. However its the speed of the offical responce that I can't understand. Had this happened in Texas, Would it have taken 5 days for a proper responce? I can't answer that and I hope we won't find out the hard way.

It would have taken longer in Texas, no one likes Texans. Bad example dude. Now if it happened in the northeast, like New York, Philly, Boston, etc.. I can guarantee you it would have been a much faster response.
i have a peanut butter cookie right here...you want that one?
MiccyNarc said:
That's how it's perceived in those areas yes. I'm sure they'd like to all be out of there the day after the disaster. But it's impossible.

It's too easy to say it the response isn't fast enough. I guess right now we're looking for a scapegoat.

I know, People there would of course want to be out immediatly, And I know thats impossible however even 3 days after it wasnt looking like many were getting out and nearly a week later it's only properly occuring. Why do I believe the responce want fast enough and that the terms of the disastor and the people it affected had some effect on the speed and level of responce?

Because if this had been a terrorist attack, Bush could not have afforded to get these people to safety. Otherwise he would have had to justify the Patriots act and Homeland Security as being useless and having had no effect on reaction to major loss of life. Furthermore it simply wasnt good enough, TO have spent a ton of your money on preparing for just such an occasion and the responce is so slow, Hundreds of people have already died and are dieing still Waiting to be air lifted out. This is not a direct attack on Bush, But as the President he'll take the brunt of the blame, And after 2001 they have had 4 years to create supplies and contingency plans for any eventuality in your Country and they either havent taken that time and used it properly or spent it all worrying about what Terrorists can do and not what nature can.
DreadLord1337 said:
It would have taken longer in Texas, no one likes Texans. Bad example dude. Now if it happened in the northeast, like New York, Philly, Boston, etc.. I can guarantee you it would have been a much faster response.

Sorry, Dont live in America so I dont know precisly which group of people FEMA, Bush and The Administration woulda bent over Backwards to save.
Watch this:

I think i heard on the BBC,

you have forces serving in Iraq, soldiers back from Iraq and on leave, and soldiers waiting to serve in iraq. So that severely limits the availibility of highly trained individuals to help sort out the mess.

In the last category 5 to hit the area in '69, the military play the predominant role ...

The Department of Defense contributed greatly to the relief process, with a total of 16,500 military personnel from numerous divisions (OEP 1969, p. 9). The Army aided in helicopter rescue operations removing people from locations cut off from all other access. Army personnel also brought much-needed food, medical supplies, and potable water for the thousands of displaced people. Battalions cleared 575 miles of roads and removed more than 37,000 tons of debris (OEP 1969, p. 10). The Army Corps of Engineers alone removed 1 ¼ million tons of debris by mid-November, culminating a $49 million (1969 US dollars) operation (OEP 1969, p. 13).

Air Force: sent 10,000 troops; assisted in evacuation of families; brought in supplies, recovery equipment; evacuated patients from damaged hospitals; sprayed against pestilence outbreaks; cumulative flights carried 4000 passengers and 3300 tons of equipment

Navy and Marine Corps: relocated stranded people during storm; cleared roads; facilitated search operations

Marshall Space Flight Center: shipped supplies including a packaged disaster hospital, employees donated funds

I like this by the department of labour:

Employment Services: brought in homeless boys to help remove debris; classified and distributed unemployment benefits

It just seems that the military had a heightened role during Camille, bearing in mind Camille was the first category 5. And going by BBC reports, folk rrecalling Camille seem to say that heavilty armed military forces et cetera, were into the area faster and order was maintained.

Also interesting to note that big issues of pest control followed, with the like's of flies and mosquitoes, they were immediately dealt with.
Our military is not exhausted. The issue is not that too much of our forces are in Iraq, the issue is that our forces inside the US aren't getting to NO in time. We have enough military to invade a few more countries if you'd like. :D
Thats my point.

I was just pointing out that there are vastly different responses.

I dunno how your military has been scaled down, but Vietnam was occuring during Camille so they are comparitive,imo.

Also, i forgot to note that the pop of the area back then was around 150, 000, so 16,500 or so personalle is around 10% of the population ... but then take into account that nearly 81,000 were evacuated before the storm hit ...

It just seems like noone had their eye on the ball ... i dont really think its about racism, because this involves soo many more people than just the president. ;)