"George Bush Doesn't care about Black People" - Kayne West

DeusExMachinia said:
I don't support Bush, I think he's an idiot, I'm not a conservative, blah blah blah.

But this guy is an idiot. Bush is trying to help but its a ****ing wasteland there. The authority present there is getting shot at. Police are being killed. How can you help people when there's other people who don't want help and just want to cause trouble?
Again, you guys repeat this without facts to back it up. Bush virtually did nothing for 5 days. On sunday night he should have been back in the white house with advisors to find out what could be done before the storm hit. On Monday when the storm hit he ate cake with McCain and on Tuesday he played guitar. On Friday, 5 days after the storm hit, aid finally arrived. but instead of Bush being at the white house making decisions he was out there on a publicity photo op. How this is "doing all he can" I failt to see.
solaris152000 said:
I agree with that guy, they sent troops to kill looters not to save people.

yeah Ive seen it kinda like Opossing Force....kill all witnesses :dozey:

dude how could you even imagine things like that?
thanks for indicating was a part of the ku klux klan stern, thats hilarious. go suck on some whale blubber you dumb eskimo.

Bush's non-actions in this disaster are unacceptable and I can't find any of you that can defend them.
BUSH'S non-actions. It is BUSH who isnt acting. So ****ing predictible. Here no limit, i'll defend him.

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin doesnt make evacuations mandatory (required) up until 36 hours before landfall. By that time the majority of people who were to go, would have already left. What needed to be done (the warnings that this hurricane was going to be disasterous were there, issued by NOAA) was a forced evacuation from peoples home's by the national guard. Where were the national guard? they werent mobilized by louisiana's governor Kathleen Blanco until AFTER the storm had hit. they werent even started to mobilize until after the damage had already been done. had a credible leader been in charge, the guard would have been in there hours after the storm had occured.

"August 27, 2005, evening: Governor Blanco interrupts Mayor Nagin at dinner: after President Bush appeals for a mandatory evacuation of the city, telling him to call the National Hurricane Center. He subsequently orders a mandatory evacuation for Sunday, 24 hours before landfall. "

A city the size of new orleans needs MUCH longer to evacuate. ray nagin simply took too long. bush had been begging them to make an evacuation mandatory. OOPS, NAGIN ****ING BLEW IT.

mayor nagin and governor blanco made other disasterous blunders which would cost thousands of new orleans residents their lives. by giving those stranded permission to loot, they set in motion a chain of events that would make rescuing the remaining tens of thousands impossible.

"Criticizing Nagin and Blanco for their failure to recognize the uniqueness of the threat could be seen as hindsight, what came next is unforgivable – dismissing the lawlessness sweeping the city as secondary. As we have since discovered – in a near-perfect validation the "broken windows" theory – first you had the "victimless" looting of plasma TVs and jewelry. And next you have rape and murder and snipers picking off evacuees. And the best the Governor can do is pout. "

fema's reaction has been slow but as fast as physically possible given the horrendous situation set up for them by local officials. go ahead and blame bush you delusional prat, whatever helps you get to sleep at night.

No Limit said:
Again, you guys repeat this without facts to back it up. Bush virtually did nothing for 5 days. On sunday night he should have been back in the white house with advisors to find out what could be done before the storm hit. On Monday when the storm hit he ate cake with McCain and on Tuesday he played guitar. On Friday, 5 days after the storm hit, aid finally arrived. but instead of Bush being at the white house making decisions he was out there on a publicity photo op. How this is "doing all he can" I failt to see.
What the **** do you want him to do? go down there and start kissing people the FIRST day of the hurricane? what difference would it make? HE'S DOING WHAT HE CAN. he signed into law 10.5 billion dollars of aid asap, he's been through the damaged areas, he's ordered fema and federal troops to respond HE CANT DO ANYTHING MORE SHORT OF PICKING UPA SHOVEL AND HELP MOVE DEBRIS.

as for kanye west, he's just a douchebag. he has no knowledge of politics any more than those other douchebag celebrities who sing their hearts out on tv to raise money. he's a talking head, another celebrity to spur the youth of america against the government when no resistence is necessary. "george bush doesnt care about black people". what a dumb ****ing stupid thing to say. he wouldnt say it if fargo north dakota were under 20 feet of water. "george bush doesnt care about white people". can you imagine that? what a hypocritical asshole. i hope he chokes on his donation and dies.
gh0st said:
thanks for indicating was a part of the ku klux klan stern, thats hilarious. go suck on some whale blubber you dumb eskimo.

BUSH'S non-actions. It is BUSH who isnt acting. So ****ing predictible. Here no limit, i'll defend him.

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin doesnt make evacuations mandatory (required) up until 36 hours before landfall. By that time the majority of people who were to go, would have already left. What needed to be done (the warnings that this hurricane was going to be disasterous were there, issued by NOAA) was a forced evacuation from peoples home's by the national guard. Where were the national guard? they werent mobilized by louisiana's governor Kathleen Blanco until AFTER the storm had hit. they werent even started to mobilize until after the damage had already been done. had a credible leader been in charge, the guard would have been in there hours after the storm had occured.

"August 27, 2005, evening: Governor Blanco interrupts Mayor Nagin at dinner: after President Bush appeals for a mandatory evacuation of the city, telling him to call the National Hurricane Center. He subsequently orders a mandatory evacuation for Sunday, 24 hours before landfall. "

A city the size of new orleans needs MUCH longer to evacuate. ray nagin simply took too long. bush had been begging them to make an evacuation mandatory. OOPS, NAGIN ****ING BLEW IT.

mayor nagin and governor blanco made other disasterous blunders which would cost thousands of new orleans residents their lives. by giving those stranded permission to loot, they set in motion a chain of events that would make rescuing the remaining tens of thousands impossible.

"Criticizing Nagin and Blanco for their failure to recognize the uniqueness of the threat could be seen as hindsight, what came next is unforgivable – dismissing the lawlessness sweeping the city as secondary. As we have since discovered – in a near-perfect validation the "broken windows" theory – first you had the "victimless" looting of plasma TVs and jewelry. And next you have rape and murder and snipers picking off evacuees. And the best the Governor can do is pout. "

fema's reaction has been slow but as fast as physically possible given the horrendous situation set up for them by local officials. go ahead and blame bush you delusional prat, whatever helps you get to sleep at night.

What the **** do you want him to do? go down there and start kissing people the FIRST day of the hurricane? what difference would it make? HE'S DOING WHAT HE CAN. he signed into law 10.5 billion dollars of aid asap, he's been through the damaged areas, he's ordered fema and federal troops to respond HE CANT DO ANYTHING MORE SHORT OF PICKING UPA SHOVEL AND HELP MOVE DEBRIS.

as for kanye west, he's just a douchebag. he has no knowledge of politics any more than those other douchebag celebrities who sing their hearts out on tv to raise money. he's a talking head, another celebrity to spur the youth of america against the government when no resistence is necessary. "george bush doesnt care about black people". what a dumb ****ing stupid thing to say. he wouldnt say it if fargo north dakota were under 20 feet of water. "george bush doesnt care about white people". can you imagine that? what a hypocritical asshole. i hope he chokes on his donation and dies.
Good post.


Louisiana disaster plan, pg 13, para 5 , dated 01/00

'The primary means of hurricane evacuation will be personal vehicles. School and municipal buses, government-owned vehicles and vehicles provided by volunteer agencies may be used to provide transportation for individuals who lack transportation and require assistance in evacuating'...

Why weren't the buses deployed during the mandatory evacuation, mayor?

But as always, hindsight is 20/20. More of the 'blame' lies at the local level but good God, I'm not going to 'blame' or rip into them either. Could you foresee or imagine devastation and chaos on this level? No one could, no one could presume the absolute breakdown in infrastructure that would occur on a local government/services level either.
Hahaaha, that's the first time I've seen that. Oh my God, roll. on. floor. laughing.

He comes out of no where "George Bush doesn't care about black people."

Randomness is comepletely hilarious so... yea.
Yea...I still found it funny.

Stern: 1
Gh0st: 1
I don't know what's more sad -- Kayne saying that on TV, or this "OMFGIOWNTJ00!" counter. Hm.
CptStern said:
ummm simple geography: I live further south than you do ... not even your jokes are factually accurate :laugh:

stern: 2
gh0st: 0
yes and its a fact that i formed the seattle metropolitan area chapter of the KKK ... give me a ****ing break. why dont you go throw some spears at some whales you ice mongrel.

ps. you are old and i bet your peepee doesnt work.
gh0st said:
yes and its a fact that i formed the seattle metropolitan area chapter of the KKK ... give me a ****ing break. why dont you go throw some spears at some whales you ice mongrel.

ps. you are old and i bet your peepee doesnt work.

Stern gets one point for the hell of it.
You lose... oh so many for that last post.

Stern: 3
gh0st: -12

... Wait ...

Q_onfused said:
I don't know what's more sad -- Kayne saying that on TV, or this "OMFGIOWNTJ00!" counter. Hm.

Shit, I ownt myself.

The only major critisism was that there were numerous ways that people could have been evacuated. I mean, come on, New Orleans is like next to the sea? Couldn't the US Navy sent a load of ships over.

I mean hell, a super-carrier could hold a load of people, get rid of the planes and land them somewhere and you have a couple of huge hangers and a flight deck you could put people on. And I'm sure there must be one near, or if not theres blatenly a carrier or other ships nearby or at least close enough to get there in about 2/3 days. Surely that would've been a good idea....
The only major critisism was that there were numerous ways that people could have been evacuated. I mean, come on, New Orleans is like next to the sea? Couldn't the US Navy sent a load of ships over.

I mean hell, a super-carrier could hold a load of people, get rid of the planes and land them somewhere and you have a couple of huge hangers and a flight deck you could put people on. And I'm sure there must be one near, or if not theres blatenly a carrier or other ships nearby or at least close enough to get there in about 2/3 days. Surely that would've been a good idea....
#1: they didn't know the hurricane was going to be that strong until 24 hours before the storm hit.
#2: It's a Navy. They would not have been able to get out of the way before the storm hit. Then you would have had a fleet of ships loaded with people at the bottom of the ocean.
#3: If you mean post-storm, the city is still surrounded by levees. The ships would have been useless as anything other than "Oooh look pretty boats!"
yes but dint u notice that all the black people were murdering, raping babies, children and threating people with their lives for thier food & drink. Also why are the (blacks if thats wat u wanna call it) shooting on the rescue helicopters? Why were they making new gangs?
gh0st said:
yes and its a fact that i formed the seattle metropolitan area chapter of the KKK ... give me a ****ing break. why dont you go throw some spears at some whales you ice mongrel.

ps. you are old and i bet your peepee doesnt work.

the city I live in is landlocked ..you live near the whale migratory paths not me ...never even seen a whale. Again try to get your facts straight ..it's funnier that way
CptStern said:
the city I live in is landlocked ..you live near the whale migratory paths not me ...never even seen a whale. Again try to get your facts straight ..it's funnier that way
Yours wasn't based on any facts either?
/me grabs popcorn

Carry on.

Anyways, in my opinion the whole rescue operation was a foul-up, because beaurocratic morons (who have been mentioned) thought they knew best, and so made decisions without consulting anybody with any idea of what was going on.

gh0st said:
Then he should. Yes, i'm serious.
Sen. Bill Frist has volunteered/gone to do medical aid. He said the conditions there were atrocious (nurses not even knowing each others names to get a hold of each other, not knowing when or if the next shift is coming, etc)
Wasn't Bush a pilot? Surely there's something helpful he can do.

Take King Charles during the great fire of London. He went out to help the firefighters, and ended up black with soot and soaked with water, but won huge public approval becuase he actually helped.
jabberwock95 said:
Take King Charles during the great fire of London. He went out to help the firefighters, and ended up black with soot and soaked with water, but won huge public approval becuase he actually helped.
That's badass I never heard of that before.

It's probably boost Bush a lot to go there but I'm not expecting/demanding it. If he did though man.
Venmoch said:
The only major critisism was that there were numerous ways that people could have been evacuated. I mean, come on, New Orleans is like next to the sea? Couldn't the US Navy sent a load of ships over.

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"may or may not be true"

50% chance ...wouldnt have written it otherwise. I certainly wouldnt have because it's not true ..0% chance in fact
zomg...are those actual words from his mouth?
Llama said:
zomg...are those actual words from his mouth?
Of course. It's normal for humans to change pitch and tone sharply to match a musical beat with sporadic applause for fractions of a second.
you had to post that didnt you zeus...laughin my ass off since the first time i saw it though
lol @ its time for someone to lead all of americas niggas.