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  1. djkanuk

    Sky Lightning was video artifact

    I was just refering to Pr()ZaC's comment about STALKER's dynamic sky having day/night cycles. Yes, I understand the difference. I still don't know whether it will move (shifting clouds, etc), but it should at least appear to have proper depth and perspective, rather than a backdrop from a Ed...
  2. djkanuk

    Sky Lightning was video artifact

    Yes, the sky will be 3D, but it will not be dynamic (in terms of day/night time shifting). This isn't likely a limitation of the Source engine, but a gameplay decision. As Doug Lombardi mentions in the Gamespy interview, some scenes take place at night. Valve want to tailor the mood of the...
  3. djkanuk

    Sequence of video releases

    Well, it's not been carved in stone by Moses, or whatever kind of confirmation you want, but it's been annonuced by a Steam forum moderator, and (as mentioned) also confirmed by Erik J on IRC. Of course I don't really think we'll...
  4. djkanuk

    Gabe Newell talked to me!!! Easter egg hint!!!!!!!

    The only other vid with a character's eyes close enough to see Glint is Alyx, and no dice (or easter eggs) there either. Maybe they're unpainted easter eggs- hence white spots glinting in the eyes. :)
  5. djkanuk

    Gabe Newell talked to me!!! Easter egg hint!!!!!!!

    Or else Gabe's just messing with us to get revenge for all our silly emails. :)
  6. djkanuk

    Sequence of video releases

    Oops, forgot about the other buzz-saw (Man Hacks?) Hydra sequence that wasn't in the Gamespy video. And they will probably give us the closing G-Man bit as well, so the math geeks can figure out the formulas and the other weird hints.
  7. djkanuk

    Sequence of video releases

    Some more speculation on the order of the HL2 media releases... Going by the order the vids are presented in the E3 demonstration, the tech demo/overview of Source engine capabilities (probably 2 vids) should have come after the G-Man. Instead we got Docks and Kleiner's Lab, the next two...
  8. djkanuk

    Zoom in / out

    I believe this is how it works- but I'm still not sure whether they'll implement it in-game, or just for the demo. It would make sense for moments when character/speech interaction is more important than anything going on in the environment. To do this well, it would have to 'unzoom' when...
  9. djkanuk

    'Exclusive' Half-Life 2 Footage to Appear on Condition Zero CD

    Might be the only way to make this game sell.
  10. djkanuk

    G-man's teeth?

    Here's the reference zibo is referring to, from Gaming Next's Q&A with Gabe Newell:
  11. djkanuk

    Steam is downloading Halflife2 movie now

    Yeah, I check mine, it was DLing HL2 media and TFC updates. No new media, so not sure why the update.
  12. djkanuk

    HL2 Boxes at my EB store.

    Spooky, I just ordered my "Jens of Sweden" MP3 player from EnterData (or was it InterData?). Even though all my Finnish friends hate the name, it's a great mp3 player. Majestic, could you go down there and tell Martin to get a move on with the accessories pack for me, jeez. ;) Maybe I'll...
  13. djkanuk

    HL2 from Store or Steam???

    My initial intention was to try Steam, but after hearing how it works (and this is probably bad news to Valve), there are still a few too many 'what-ifs' for me to risk it. I mean, what if I get a s***-hot laptop and want to play some HL2 (or a mod) on the road sometime? Not possible without a...
  14. djkanuk

    This Doesn't Bode Well...

    Sorry to make this a CZ discussion, but it does speak to the whole topic of Valve's current release strategy. The way I see it, CZ is clearly being positioned as a 'B' title. I read from somewhere (I think a CZ preview on Boomtown, that CZ will cost much less than the average game. Valve know...
  15. djkanuk

    This Doesn't Bode Well...

    I think this has basically been said, but the videos are not important to Valve. Their interest in distributing them is to give Steam a few run throughs with peak download demand before they release CZ and HL2 on the platform. Gawd, I really hope they release CZ first (start of Sept?), so the...
  16. djkanuk

    Why was guinny banned?

    Guinny was way outta control when he first came on- he racked up 300 posts in his first 3 days, and incurred the wrath of a number of the old-timers (measured in weeks) and admin/mods, for good reason. He calmed down a bit since, but was still overly-spammy and immature. Sure, he's a...
  17. djkanuk

    really the only thing after the source engine is...

    I believe the time it will take to develop these kinds of games will get longer and longer as the technology increases, and the expectations of gamers goes with it. The 5-year cycle for Source and Half-Life 2 will likely be the norm, which probably means only the big game companies will be able...
  18. djkanuk

    Please discuss NEW HL2 Media HERE (when time come)

    We're all desperate for something new... even if it's, well, old. It will no doubt be a bit of a let-down when we get the video and it's not all that much better than the original Fileplanet version. The anticipation has been built up WAY too much. spitzfiya- gotta love Vancouver. My home...
  19. djkanuk

    maybe video not video tomorow

    They also say: This leads me to believe that Game Storm are probably one of what will be many commercial sites that Valve has made an agreement with to act as Steam servers. The site will get a cut of what we pay for Half-Life 2, just like a traditional retailer takes their profit on top of the...
  20. djkanuk

    Holy Crap!..

    You can get a dead decent LCD projector for about $1000, and just project it onto a curved panorama screen. (I know, not the same). I agree, those bars in the middle of the screens would bug the crap out of me (but not nearly as much as crying about the $20,000 I spent).