'Exclusive' Half-Life 2 Footage to Appear on Condition Zero CD


May 21, 2003
Reaction score
Source CVG

We've just got hold of a shot of the final packaging for Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, and there's something a little interesting to take note of. Splatted up in the top right-hand corner are the following words: "Exclusive Half-Life 2 footage inside!"

Regular readers will be aware that we don't normally cover the release of pack shots, but when there's an association with what promises to be the best first-person shooter of all time, we think for once it's worth it.

As for precisely what the exclusive Half-Life 2 footage coming with Condition Zero will show, we can't tell you. But, rather worryingly, we have heard whispers suggesting that the exclusive HL 2 footage may in fact be the demo movie shown at this year's E3. <- :x

Valve Software is, of course, currently cutting the E3 demo movie into parts and releasing it to the public. So we certainly hope these whispers don't become fact.

Assuming for the time being then that the Half-Life 2 footage will be utterly exclusive, you can be rest assured that: a) it will look absolutely mint; and b) it will find its way onto the Internet within hours of the release of the single-player Counter-Strike game. <- :E

Still, we get the funny feeling that the powers that be reckon that offering such Half-Life 2-related delights will ship an extra few copies of CS: Condition Zero.

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero has suffered numerous delays, but reliable sources have informed us that the game will be out August/September. If it's the latter month, then it should pre-empt the release of Half-Life 2, expected September 30.

Otherwise the exclusive HL 2 footage would obviously be pointless. Unless it turns out to be the E3 demo movie after all. Perish the thought.

Yeah, exclusive until somebody rips it off the CD and posts it on the internet.
Yeah, and? I don't think there will be any new footage on that Cd-Rom.. You prolly have to pay for that cd, and that would be unfair because steam releases other footage for free. Anyway, yes, we will get that footage on that cd-rom within the hour.
If they release it, Ill re-encode into divx and post it here for you guys.
no bigie. Just means that if there is nethin new we will get it a few mins l8er :) (Me hopes)

Its a good way to sell the game though isnt it. I mean not many people think much of CZ tbh do they. Weird when no-one knows much really
you know thats "illegal" northwood, but i wont tell any one.
The only way they would catch me is if a mod send Valve my personal details and I dont think that would happen. The people here seem too nice for that.

Besides the worst they could do is get a court order for me to take the file down which I would when threatened with legal action. Its happened to me before when I staff'ed at a Resident Evil site.
I wonder how much video they could fit on the rest of the CD? It couldn't be the full e3 video, 'cause that would most likely be far to big. Who knows.
Agreed, Its past its time. With CS2 supposedly coming out with HL2 at launch (SPECULATION ONLY!) who would want to play CZ?
That's actually a pretty good marketing plan, though I doubt ill be buying it.
The sad thing is, there are a lot of idiot consumers who will fall for that gimmick hook, line, and sinker.
Thats gud point and unfortunatly makes me believe that they wont release CS2 with HL2 on release. BUT they might cos not everybodys computers will run CS2.

who knows. Valve does, why doesent someone email them again :P

We will find out soon enough
I don't really know why they are going with the release and not moving CSCZ to the new source engine. Either they're making a good show then telling us at the end that CSCZ was changed to CS2 and moved on to the new source engine, or they will just make a big, big mistake.

Honsestly, who will ever buy CSCZ when you have HL2 coming out in half a month or so?

I would personaly use the money to get some more RAM or save for a good video card.
yeah, seriously, they should postpone release for a few months so it can use the new source engine. THEN, and only then, would I buy it.

I wonder how accurate this is? the release date for HL2 is september and the Release date for CS:Cz is November.
I'm gonna buy it... even if it is on HL1 engine... I bet it'll be cool.

Originally posted by Northwood83
Agreed, Its past its time. With CS2 supposedly coming out with HL2 at launch (SPECULATION ONLY!) who would want to play CZ?
Erm, am I the only person vaguely interested in playing CZ? And does that make me a bad person?
Alright yeah they could (and possibly should) port it to Source, but I still think it could be worth playing. And the argument "why bother buying it when HL2's coming out so soon after" is a bit weak... I mean, I'd rather be playing something fresh in the follow-up than still playing Vice City (as I have a feeling I will be)
i want to play it, i used to be a big CS fanboy, but now im a DOD fanboy =) GO DOD!!!
Erm, am I the only person vaguely interested in playing CZ? And does that make me a bad person?
Alright yeah they could (and possibly should) port it to Source, but I still think it could be worth playing. And the argument "why bother buying it when HL2's coming out so soon after" is a bit weak... I mean, I'd rather be playing something fresh in the follow-up than still playing Vice City (as I have a feeling I will be)

If you have played Counter-strike(big typo) as much as me, which a lot of people have. The general feeling is we're sick of it in so many ways but we just can't give it up.

I play CS for the multiplayer and I'm not too interested in the CZ single player. I barely even play cs on public servers anymore. CZ is going to be integrated with cs 1.6-1.7 so while you have a somewhat nicer looking game I can still play the exact same multiplayer match with my regular CS. I'm expecting big things from CS2 and am willing to wait for it... but I even have my doubts abou that, CS is so different from what it used to be. Ever since it went commercial they have made it alot easier for Noobies to pick up the game and play well from the get go... I even question if there is some kind of randomizer that chooses whether your bullet hits or not whether your aim is dead on or not.

I'm hoping for new challenges in CS2 with more difficult tasks to complete and requiring alot more of a team effort. Not this Deathmatch game with objectives if you feel like it now and then. League play is a lot different of course but still, a much more difficult, more competitive spin would have to be made to reclaim my interest.

I kinda see this as my gateway to finally give this game up, because I really doubt that will happen.
I'll by CZ if it's cheap enough.

Consider it a separate game from HL2 - because it is. I own far more then 1 game and don't see any reason to suddenly start limiting myself.
guys one thing to think about is that all the retailers example. ebx toys r us ect. dont say anything about extras and the price would be over 50 dollars if something was included like cz. But who knows mabey they will release something cool for us. oh buy the way i think the hl2 game guid is going to be released before hl2 and cz so theres your info.