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  1. Murray

    Community Reviewers Program

    Is it too late to send in your review? I'm done with mine.
  2. Murray

    Americans observing 9/11 by not masturbating tommorrow

    "Shame on you! It's 9/11" Heh.
  3. Murray

    Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story trailer

    I say we should ban shit and fans.
  4. Murray

    I liked the 2003 version of your avatar better.

    I liked the 2003 version of your avatar better.
  5. Murray

    Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story trailer

    So you're saying he's basically getting bashed because so many of the american population loves their guns as much as they love Jesus?
  6. Murray

    Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990 dot com

    This page is awesome. And the fact that lawyers are attacking the site is just hilarious.
  7. Murray

    New 2D Sonic game

    I'm gonna say I disagree there. I've watched quite a bit of this game and while it's better than most of the latest Sonic games I still consider it shit. WAREHOGAN QUICKTIMAN MINIGAMAN ...ugh...
  8. Murray


    Get off my internets
  9. Murray

    New 2D Sonic game

    Finally someone I agree with.
  10. Murray

    New ZP!

    Yeah, what Yahtzee said.
  11. Murray

    New 2D Sonic game

    My money is on that it's gonna suck just like all the other sonic games released after Sonic Adventure 2. EDIT: Another version:
  12. Murray

    Games you are looking forward to and games you just don't get the hype for

    Hyped: Starcraft2 Diablo3 HL: Ep3 Interested: CoD: Modern Warfare 2 STALKER: Call of Pripyat Don't care: Anything Halo-related Left4Dead 2
  13. Murray

    The 67th How old are you thread?

  14. Murray

    Aladin - The non-disney-live-action-movie

    I mean, didn't the blokes that made this spell it wrong? :p
  15. Murray

    Aladin - The non-disney-live-action-movie

    Isn't that supposed to be spelled Aladdin?
  16. Murray

    Everytime I see your avatar, I get a sudden urge to call you 'Tricky Dick'. No offense.

    Everytime I see your avatar, I get a sudden urge to call you 'Tricky Dick'. No offense.
  17. Murray

    Buy 1 Get 1 Free!!

    Appealing, but meh.
  18. Murray

    So easy a baby can do it.

    Uh huh, I tought my baby to solve all mathematic problems in my Calculus book.
  19. Murray

    Top 3 Worst Communities

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