Aladin - The non-disney-live-action-movie

In Development:

1. Aladin 2 (details only on IMDbPro)

i feel sad for Bachchan
In Development:

1. Aladin 2 (details only on IMDbPro)

i feel sad for Bachchan

I actually think I'm going to be sick...
Uncultured swine wouldn't know a bollywood film if it shot you in the ass with a dance number.
This Bollywood take on Aladin looks pretty cool actually. After seeing Slumdog Millionaire, I'd really like to see more films from India. Despite Slumdog being hella depressing for a large duration, I had a huge smile on by the end of the film.
I agree. This looks quite fun.

edit: I feel pretty ambivalent about the animated Aladdin anyway. It always felt far too short and is basically the origin of every shitty celebrity voiced 'funny sidekick for adults' animated film that the industry has been churning out since.
This Bollywood take on Aladin looks pretty cool actually. After seeing Slumdog Millionaire, I'd really like to see more films from India. Despite Slumdog being hella depressing for a large duration, I had a huge smile on by the end of the film.

I agree. This looks quite fun.

You both make me sick.
yeah wtf did you just watch the same shit i watched?? i want to know before i have an aneurysm
Wow you McWhitesons need to take a chill pill. Looks like a fantastic Indian take on the tale.
I rofl'd at the Amitabh genie.
Wow, I always aladdin was overrated to be fair but that was ****ing bad O_o
I like Bollywood films. That being said, it looked a little Dragon Ball Evolution, if you get my meaning. But maybe it'll turn out fun.

I always aladdin was overrated
I hope you die. Actually, I hope someone wishes for you to die, which won't work because genies can't kill. But you'd be surprised what you can live through.
Expect the American remake within 2 years.
I hope you die. Actually, I hope someone wishes for you to die, which won't work because genies can't kill. But you'd be surprised what you can live through.

Wait till you see what I say about lion king :p

Okay I exaggerated a little to try and annoy darkside :p But still I thought it was merely a good film not the cinematic opus so many seem to believe it to be. If you want me to elaborate further then I won't considering I haven't seen it in years.
You won't have to face me unless you say something bad about Lion King 2. You have to face Samon if you want to say something bad about Lion King 1.

ZombieTurtle said:
You are such a ****ing troll.
Problem, ZT?

You won't have to face me unless you say something bad about Lion King 2. You have to face Samon if you want to say something bad about Lion King 1.

Don't worry I think lion king 2 is the superior movie.
.... theres a lion king 2? Was this one of those straight to dvd things?
Yes, although I do confess I did enjoy The Return of Jafar & Aladdin and the King of Thieves, althought that was when I was 7 to 10 mind you.
I liked return of jafar alot actually, King of Thieves not so much
Every time I hear the subtitle, I think of homosexual lions. From there the nightmares continue to twist in on themselves until Timone is rather forcefully exerting himself on Pumba down San Fransisco's main street in front of a bright neon raver colored stampede of LGBT african wildlife. It's the circle of life, with significantly more black leather.
There's also a third: Lion King 1 1/2. It's Lion King 1 told from Timon and Pumbaa's perspective.

Hmm I did not know that :| Any good?
The guy playing Aladin looked like an Indian version of the funny-looking Japanese guy from Heroes.

I hate Bollywood. This film kills my inner child.