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  1. MRG

    Your recent gaming purchases

  2. MRG

    All Time Favorite Street Fighter Characters

    **Thread Hijack Initiated** Give me TJ Combo from Killer Instinct & I'll fight all of you. Either one at a time or all together. It makes no difference to me. You will all fail. Period. -MRG
  3. MRG

    Memory/Motherboard Matchup Question

    What motherboard do you have? It means the motherboard chipset and or memory controller is not approved to run at some speeds, but the motherboard manufacturer has designed the board to do it by overclocking. -MRG
  4. MRG

    W7 - wireless adapter

    When you first installed the wireless adapter ( Antenna ) did you use a WEP Key? Did you change it after you installed the updated driver? For whatever reason, your connection speed can be different at any given time for several different reasons. For example, my Wireless router is about 15 feet...
  5. MRG


    Gasp! :O How true! Little kiddies around the globe would prob say exactly that. Dang young newbies! Calling themselves gamers.. Ha! I musta played through Duke Nukem 3D a dozen times if I played it once. ( Though I strangely don't remember much about the game, only that I really liked...
  6. MRG

    Dragon Age: Origins

    While I'm not convinced that Dragon Age:Origins is quite as good as the hype led us to believe, it is without a doubt a fun, long & well made game. Well worth the investment. The more so with a few of the many mods available installed to help flesh things out a bit & add a few features that...
  7. MRG

    Left 4 Dead 1 - Worth Getting?

    Not worth it? Tell those that tell you that to STFU. L4D, while not quite as good as L4D2 is, it's still VERY fun. -MRG
  8. MRG

    Left 4 Dead 1 - Worth Getting?

    I have Killing Floor. It is indeed a great zombie Killing game as well. After I maxed my Healer out to level 5 & got the free map & weapon DLC, I stopped playing, since fun as it was, it got a little too repetitive. Still, it's been a few months since I last played it, so perhaps once I'm done...
  9. MRG

    Left 4 Dead 1 - Worth Getting?

    I must say, I rather like L4D. With it's moody & dark atmosphere, the world seems more alive than L4D2's. As in more game world clutter. Such as when you make it to the Hospital for example. It seems like everyone left in a hurry, except for the zombies. While the graphics aren't quite as...
  10. MRG

    Left 4 Dead 1 - Worth Getting?

    Thanks for the input all. I bought the game for $22 on Steam and it's downloading now. It should be done downloading in about 30 mins. IMO, you just can't go wrong when it comes to slaughtering zombies. -MRG
  11. MRG

    Left 4 Dead 1 - Worth Getting?

    Greetings all, Is the original Left 4 Dead fun & worth getting? Since I really enjoy L4D2, I thought I might try the original L4D. As of right now, I have about 47hrs of playtime invested in L4D2. I have managed to unlock the first 28 of 50 achievements & have killed a total of 14,775 zombies...
  12. MRG "What did you get for christmas?" thread

    Very Well Said. Merry Christmas All! I receved: 1) Small bag of organic dried Veggie chips. 2) Big jar of pickled hot okra. 3) Ostrich Jerky. 4) Warm leather slippers. 5) New Tent for camping. 6) 3 new Sleeping bags. 7) A very old two burner Colman Stove my step-dad gave me that...
  13. MRG

    Torchlight on Steam for $9.99

    I second this. -MRG
  14. MRG

    Age of Conan, free unlimited trial up to level 20

    Done! Thanks for the heads up on this Krynn! :thumbs: As I am a huge fan of Conan & have been since the tender age of 7, I wanted to try this game out as soon as I heard of it. However, I refuse to "Pay-to-Play" any game & so.... Account created for later use. I have several SP games to get...
  15. MRG

    Zeno Clash on XBLA

    Zeno Clash is an... interesting game. Well worth a try, though I advise you to keep an open mind if you give it a try, as it is... different. -MRG
  16. MRG

    Dragon Age Mods

    There is also a rather... extensive listing of such themed mods on the Nexus. You need to log in ( Free account ) to view &/or download them. Quite high quality as well, not that I took all THAT close a look of course... -MRG
  17. MRG

    Dragon Age Mods

    To avoid having to read through the pages of other Dragon Age posts, looking for tidbits about possible modifications to this amazing game, I am starting a new post that is dedicated to Mods, your thoughts about them & nothing else. Dragon Age Nexus - The same folks that brought you the...
  18. MRG

    UPS Goofed Delivery

    LOL! Why? Because I'm honest & didn't want the elderly man to be contacted by Newegg/UPS after it was found out that it was delivered to his house instead of mine? No. I'm not like that. -MRG
  19. MRG

    UPS Goofed Delivery

    After getting the run-around, UPS advised me to call Newegg & tell them that the package I ordered did not arrive. UPS pretty much told me that it was out of their hands, even though they had delivered it to the wrong house . So while on a 10 min break at work, I called Newegg & within 5 mins...
  20. MRG

    UPS Goofed Delivery

    I know.. Go ahead & say it... I'm a Cheap. Ass. The thing is, my wife does not really care for fancy electronics, so if I tried to hook up a nice surround sound system, I would get "The Look" & then she would still end up never actually turning it on. I really only got the speakers for when we...